67 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *麝*
หรือค้นหา: , -麝-

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, shè, ㄕㄜˋ] musk deer
Radical: 鹿, Decomposition:   鹿 [, ㄌㄨˋ]  射 [shè, ㄕㄜˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] deer
Rank: 4053

[] Meaning: musk deer
On-yomi: ジャ, シャ, ja, sha
Radical: 鹿, Decomposition:   鹿  

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[shè, ㄕㄜˋ, ] musk deer (Moschus moschiferus); also called 香獐子 #59,893 [Add to Longdo]
[shè xiāng, ㄕㄜˋ ㄒㄧㄤ,  ] musk #37,037 [Add to Longdo]
[shè niú, ㄕㄜˋ ㄋㄧㄡˊ,  ] musk ox #226,617 [Add to Longdo]
香石竹[shè xiāng shí zhú, ㄕㄜˋ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄕˊ ㄓㄨˊ,    ] carnation [Add to Longdo]
香草[shè xiāng cǎo, ㄕㄜˋ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄘㄠˇ,   ] thyme [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
香草[たちじゃこうそう;タチジャコウソウ, tachijakousou ; tachijakousou] (n) (uk) (See タイム・2) thyme [Add to Longdo]
[じゃこう, jakou] (n, adj-no) musk [Add to Longdo]
香牛[じゃこううし;ジャコウウシ, jakouushi ; jakouushi] (n) (uk) muskox (Ovibos moschatus) [Add to Longdo]
香鹿[じゃこうじか, jakoujika] (n) musk deer [Add to Longdo]
香水[じゃこうすい, jakousui] (n) musk water; musk scent [Add to Longdo]
香腺[じゃこうせん, jakousen] (n) musk gland [Add to Longdo]
香鼠[じゃこうねずみ;ジャコウネズミ, jakounezumi ; jakounezumi] (n) (uk) Asian house shrew (Suncus murinus) [Add to Longdo]
香猫[じゃこうねこ;ジャコウネコ, jakouneko ; jakouneko] (n) (uk) civet cat [Add to Longdo]
香揚羽;香鳳蝶[じゃこうあげは;ジャコウアゲハ, jakouageha ; jakouageha] (n) (uk) Chinese windmill (species of red-bodied swallowtail butterfly, Atrophaneura alcinous) [Add to Longdo]
香豌豆[じゃこうえんどう, jakouendou] (n) sweet peas [Add to Longdo]

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For the musk oxen, it's all for one and one for all. [CN] 牛们是我为人人,人人为我 Summer (2011)
this entire valley is a hotbed of geysers and steaming vents. [CN] 别被这对尖牙骗了 公鹿不长角 而以尖牙为装饰品 Kamtschatka (2009)
"He's working so hard, I should, too." We don't have anyone like that. [CN] 工作也只剩下惠比寿香葡萄 Kiss and Tell (2016)
And then a block further is this rare bookstore that smells kind of musky and it has the most incredible books, and there's this window seating and we can pick out some books and read together. [CN] 然后再到前面的古董书店 那里飘着香的味道, 还有很多很赞的书 我们可以挑几本书坐在窗台边 Columbus Circle (2012)
- I'm a musk. [CN] - 我是香。 Call in the Light (2014)
There's a musk. [CN] 一股香味儿 How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town (2015)
"I smell a robust, slightly acidic mixture of minerals, salts, perspiration, and musk... large amounts of musk... [CN] 我闻到健壮魁梧带点酸味的矿物 盐, 汗水和香混合味道 大量的 Without Men (2011)
- 'Cause I'm a musk. [CN] - "因为我是一个香。 Call in the Light (2014)
Hmp. [CN] 香保心丸。 Dick Figures: The Movie (2013)
but, unlike yellowstone, the only ways to reach the valley of the geysers are by helicopter or a three-day trek across the wilderness. [CN] 但公鹿的后半身更引人注意 公鹿的香腺会发出让母鹿沉迷的气味 Kamtschatka (2009)
Also, the incense stick inserted into the genitals was a kind called 'Ecstacy', musk variety imported from America [CN] 另外 插入他陰部的香 應該是美國進口的"Ecstasy" 屬千香類 Snakes and Earrings (2008)
Good girl. [CN] 毒角兽的香 它会为之疯狂 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
First row are your musks. [CN] 第一排是香味的 The Vegas Renormalization (2009)
-They're pretty bright. [CN] (惠比寿香葡萄 第二张单曲发行会) Hamburg × Hamburg (2016)
I put it out there, but he did not pick it up. [CN] 我扑灭这里的香鹿,但他没有捡起它 Identity Thief (2013)
Not intentionally. I just... Put out a musk. [CN] 我不是有意地 我只是 扑灭了一只香鹿 Identity Thief (2013)
- He brought everything! It's the musk from silver deer [CN] 利用香做出来的 Portrait of a Beauty (2008)
A heavy skull and a helmet of horn four inches thick provide some protection for the musk ox's brain. [CN] 厚厚的颅骨加上 十厘米牛角形成的头盔 在一定程度上保护了牛的大脑 Autumn (2011)
More survivors from the ice age - the musk oxen. [CN] 从冰河时期幸存下来的,更多的是香牛 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
Muskrat, muskrat candlelight [CN] 鼠,鼠烛光。 Planes: Fire & Rescue (2014)
Mix sulfur, gemmifera roots, cornus fruit, and cnidium, grind and sift them, then insert it. [CN] 香 小葱根茎 山萸肉 大枣 要称准重量 用簸箕筛选好 The Treacherous (2015)
there is nothing else like it on earth. [CN] 鹿悄悄穿越森林寻找地衣 Kamtschatka (2009)
in this valley, spring comes early as the geysers heat the surrounding air. [CN] 鹿会在进食之后开始反刍 Kamtschatka (2009)
I hate musk [CN] 我不太喜歡香味 Snakes and Earrings (2008)
I worry about you. [CN] (葵司 惠比寿香葡萄成员) Byrnes Sandwich (2016)
I hope. [CN] 历史上第一剂解酸剂 是龙涎香和香的混合物 The Salt in the Wounds (2009)
The whole herd encircles the calf with a protective wall of horns. [CN] 整群牛将小牛围在中间 犄角向外进行抵御 Summer (2011)
Like a blend of musk and roadkill. [CN] 像是香和路边动物尸体的混合味 The Mystery of the Dead Date (2014)
I found some cudweed, And also some thyme. [CN] 我也找到了一些鼠曲草, 还有一些香草 Silent Souls (2010)
deep below the surface, flowing lava heats water to temperatures of more than 200 degrees fahrenheit until increasing pressure forces it through the earth's crust. [CN] 但人类买卖香腺的生意 导致鹿大幅减少 Kamtschatka (2009)
Welcome back. [CN] -香葡萄! -香葡萄! Hamburg × Hamburg (2016)
A deer with vampire's teeth, the musk deer. [CN] 香鹿长着一副吸血鬼般的牙齿 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
By now, most animals have migrated south, but the musk oxen with their thick coats will stay and face the approaching winter. [CN] 现在多数动物已经迁徙到南方去了 不过有着厚毛的牛 将会留下来面对寒冷的冬季 Autumn (2011)
Cafeine, nicotine and extract of bull testicles [CN] 咖啡因,尼古丁和 Inju: The Beast in the Shadow (2008)
One day I hope some musky macho stud will fuck the shit out of me too. [CN] 有一天,我希望有香男子气概 螺栓会他妈的狗屎 我也。 White Bird in a Blizzard (2014)
Musk oxen are immensely powerful and their sharp horns can kill. [CN] 牛强壮有力 锋利的牛角是致命武器 Summer (2011)
I like musk. [CN] 我喜欢香。 Call in the Light (2014)
Hey. I found traces of castoreum, ambergris, musk... which is perfume. [CN] 我发现了海狸香 龙涎香和香的痕迹 就是香水 The Carrot in the Kudzu (2014)
Holy musk ox,  [CN] 我爱加拿大 妈呀 牛! The Rehearsal Dinner (2013)
The night my father died, I could smell the wolf. It was like a deep musk. [CN] 我父亲死的那天,我嗅到了狼的味道,很浓的 Red Riding Hood (2011)
Amy, come back. [CN] { \fn宋体\fs22\shad2\4aH50\3cHFF8000\4cHFF8000 }一天结束之后 我总是会放上一点爵士 After a long day I always turn on smooth jazz { \fn宋体\fs22\shad2\4aH50\3cHFF8000\4cHFF8000 }再在大腿内侧喷点香 and spray deer musk on my inner thighs. The Brain Bowl Incubation (2016)
Unlike the musk ox, caribou do head south for the winter, but it's a long and difficult journey. [CN] 驯鹿与牛不同,要回南方越冬 不过旅途漫长而艰难 Autumn (2011)
Your cheap cologne is obscuring the animal musk! [CN] 便宜的古龙水模糊的动物香! Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
It's just my natural musk. Now, where are the car keys? [CN] 只不过是我的天然香 车钥匙呢? Megamind (2010)
Actually, musk oxen are placid animals, and pretty lazy. [CN] 实际上,香牛是温和的动物, 并且相当的优哉游哉。 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
We got squirrel, muskrat, and those little ones there, them's rattlesnake. [CN] 我们得到了松鼠,鼠, 和那些小的, 他们的响尾蛇。 A Little Bit Zombie (2012)
"The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine [CN] 这缀满了露酒的香蔷薇 Bright Star (2009)
Musk oxen are on the move. [CN] 牛在前进 Summer (2011)
A bull musk ox marks his territory with scent from the glands on his face. [CN] 一头雄牛用脸上 腺体的分泌物来标示领地 Autumn (2011)
Musk, cloves, sandalwood and camphor wrapped together. [CN] -丁香 香 檀香 还加了些冰片 Brotherhood of Blades (2014)

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