173 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *関係*
หรือค้นหา: 関係, -関係-

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
関係会社[かんけいがいしゃ, kankeigaisha] กิจการที่เกี่ยวข้อง
関係[かんけいしゃ, kankeisha] (n) ผู้เกี่ยวข้อง

Saikam JP-TH-EN Dictionary
関係[かんけい, kankei] TH: ความเกี่ยวเนื่อง  EN: connection
関係[かんけい, kankei] TH: ความสัมพันธ์  EN: relation

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
関係[かんけい, kankei] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) relation; relationship; connection; (2) participation; involvement; concern; (3) influence; effect; (n, vs) (4) sexual relations; sexual relationship; (n-suf) (5) related to ...; connected to ...; (P) #259 [Add to Longdo]
関係[むかんけい, mukankei] (adj-na, n, adj-no) unrelated; (P) #5,322 [Add to Longdo]
パートナー関係[パートナーかんけい, pa-tona-kankei] (n) { comp } partner relation [Add to Longdo]
愛人関係[あいじんかんけい, aijinkankei] (n) being lovers [Add to Longdo]
依存関係[いぞんかんけい, izonkankei] (n) dependence (relationship); dependency (relationship) [Add to Longdo]
意味の関係理論[いみのかんけいりろん, iminokankeiriron] (n) { ling } relational theory of meaning [Add to Longdo]
意味関係[いみかんけい, imikankei] (n) { comp } semantic relation [Add to Longdo]
異性関係[いせいかんけい, iseikankei] (n) relationships with the opposite sex [Add to Longdo]
医療関係[いりょうかんけいしゃ, iryoukankeisha] (n) medical personnel [Add to Longdo]
因果関係[いんがかんけい, ingakankei] (n, adj-no) consequence; causal relationship; nexus [Add to Longdo]
姻戚関係[いんせきかんけい, insekikankei] (n) relation by marriage [Add to Longdo]
階層関係[かいそうかんけい, kaisoukankei] (n) { comp } hierarchical relation [Add to Longdo]
外交関係[がいこうかんけい, gaikoukankei] (n) diplomatic relations [Add to Longdo]
関係が無い;関係がない[かんけいがない, kankeiganai] (exp) (col) (See 関係無い) have nothing to do with (something); have no connection with (something); "that's not it" [Add to Longdo]
関係つける[かんけいつける, kankeitsukeru] (v1) to relate [Add to Longdo]
関係ない;関係無い[かんけいない, kankeinai] (exp) (1) (col) (See 関係が無い) have nothing to do with (something); have no connection with (something); "that's not it"; (2) I don't care about; I am not concerned about [Add to Longdo]
関係を持つ[かんけいをもつ, kankeiwomotsu] (exp, v5t) to have a relationship; to have relations [Add to Longdo]
関係演算子[かんけいえんざんし, kankeienzanshi] (n) { comp } relational operator [Add to Longdo]
関係会社[かんけいがいしゃ, kankeigaisha] (n) affiliated company [Add to Longdo]
関係改善[かんけいかいぜん, kankeikaizen] (n) improvement of relations; rapprochement [Add to Longdo]
関係各位[かんけいかくい, kankeikakui] (exp) to whom it may concern [Add to Longdo]
関係各位殿[かんけいかくいどの, kankeikakuidono] (exp) (not good Japanese, as it is 二重敬語) to whom it may concern [Add to Longdo]
関係官庁[かんけいかんちょう, kankeikanchou] (n) government agencies concerned with ... [Add to Longdo]
関係管理[かんけいかんり, kankeikanri] (n) { comp } relational management [Add to Longdo]
関係強化[かんけいきょうか, kankeikyouka] (n, vs) strengthening of relations [Add to Longdo]
関係指示記号[かんけいしじきごう, kankeishijikigou] (n) { comp } relation indicator [Add to Longdo]
関係[かんけいし, kankeishi] (n) { ling } relative [Add to Longdo]
関係[かんけいしゃ, kankeisha] (n) authorized people; authorised people; person(s) concerned; officials; staff; (P) [Add to Longdo]
関係者以外立入禁止[かんけいしゃいがいたちいりきんし, kankeishaigaitachiirikinshi] (exp) (on a sign) No Unauthorized Persons; No Unauthorized Entry; Authorized Personnel Only [Add to Longdo]
関係者各位[かんけいしゃかくい, kankeishakakui] (exp) (hon) to whom it may concern; to the involved parties; to all persons concerned [Add to Longdo]
関係書類[かんけいしょるい, kankeishorui] (n) relevant documents; (all) the documents related (to the matter) [Add to Longdo]
関係省庁[かんけいしょうちょう, kankeishouchou] (n) the concerned government agencies; the ministries and agencies that are relevant to the matter at hand; the relevant authorities [Add to Longdo]
関係代名詞[かんけいだいめいし, kankeidaimeishi] (n) { ling } relative pronoun [Add to Longdo]
関係団体[かんけいだんたい, kankeidantai] (n) (1) affiliate (company, organization); (2) concerned bodies; interested organizations [Add to Longdo]
関係調[かんけいちょう, kankeichou] (n) relative key (music) [Add to Longdo]
関係当局[かんけいとうきょく, kankeitoukyoku] (n) the authorities concerned; the competent authorities [Add to Longdo]
関係当事者[かんけいとうじしゃ, kankeitoujisha] (exp) affected party; party concerned [Add to Longdo]
関係当事者殿[かんけいとうじしゃどの, kankeitoujishadono] (exp) to whom it may concern [Add to Longdo]
関係付ける[かんけいづける, kankeidukeru] (v1, vt) to relate to; to connect with [Add to Longdo]
関係副詞[かんけいふくし, kankeifukushi] (n) { ling } relative adverb [Add to Longdo]
関係法規[かんけいほうき, kankeihouki] (n) related laws and regulations [Add to Longdo]
競合関係[きょうごうかんけい, kyougoukankei] (n) competitive relationship; rivalry [Add to Longdo]
競争関係[きょうそうかんけい, kyousoukankei] (n) competitive relationship [Add to Longdo]
共犯関係[きょうはんかんけい, kyouhankankei] (n) complicity (in a crime); collusion [Add to Longdo]
協調関係[きょうちょうかんけい, kyouchoukankei] (n) cooperative relationship; partnership [Add to Longdo]
協力関係[きょうりょくかんけい, kyouryokukankei] (n) cooperative relation; cooperative relationship; collaborative relationships; cooperative structure; cooperative ties; cooperative alliance; partnership; close ties; hookup [Add to Longdo]
緊張関係[きんちょうかんけい, kinchoukankei] (n) tense relationship; tense relations; strained relations; strained ties; tension [Add to Longdo]
金融関係[きんゆうかんけい, kinyuukankei] (n, adj-no) finance-related; financial [Add to Longdo]
形式関係[けいしきかんけい, keishikikankei] (n) { comp } formal relation [Add to Longdo]
系列関係[けいれつかんけい, keiretsukankei] (n) { ling } (See 統合関係) paradigmatic relation [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
"What's wrong with you?" "Leave me alone for a while. It's none of your business."「どうしたの」「少しほうっておいて。あなたには関係ないことなの。」 [ F ]
What are you referring to by "relationship"?関係」という言葉で何を言っているのですか。
During my early teens, I was not always on the best of terms with my parents.10代の初めの頃、私は両親と必ずしも最善の関係にあったわけではなかった。
CO2 has a lot to do with the so-called greenhouse effect.CO2はいわゆる温室効果と大いに関係があります。
The EC countries have a huge stake in the talks.EC諸国はこの会談に非常に大きな利害関係をもっています。
I've done with him for the future.あいつとは今後関係がない。
That has nothing to do with you.あなたには関係ない。
What you say does not bear on our problem.あなたのいう事は私たちの問題とは関係がない。
One of the greatest dangers in your human relations is self centeredness.あなたの人間関係における最も大きな危険の一つは自己中心的になることです。
Your suggestion seems irrelevant to our discussion here.あなたの提案はここの議論とは無関係のように思われます。
What does your remark have to do with the subject we are talking about?あなたの発言は我々が話し合っている話題とどんな関係があるのか。
Do you have something to do with that company?あなたはあの会社に何か関係があるのか。
Do you have something to do with this group?あなたはこのグループと何か関係があるんですか。
What do you have to do with this matter?あなたはこの事とどんな関係があるのですか。
What do you have to do with the matter?あなたはその事とどんな関係があるのですか。
You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age.あなた方は年齢に関係なく、その話し合いに参加できる。
The relationships among those five people are complicated.あの5人の関係は、ややこしい。
You should cut off your connections with that group.あのグループとの関係は断ち切るべきだ。
That company hires people without regard to race, religion, or nationality.あの会社は、人種や宗教、国籍に関係なく人を雇う。
That country broke off diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries.あの国は近隣諸国との外交関係を絶った。
U.S. revisionists take a hard-line approach to Japanese relations.アメリカの修正論主義者は日本との関係について強硬な態度をとっています。
The Americans had nothing to do with the matter.アメリカ人はその件にはなんの関係もなかった。
Can she have broken off with them?いったい彼女は彼らとの関係を断ったのだろうか。
This accident has nothing to do with me, officer.お巡りさん、この事故は私とは関係ありませんよ。
Relations with Canada remained correct and cool.カナダとの関係は公正かつ冷静な状態が保たれていた。
I am in the dark about the relation between them.かれらの関係についてはさっぱりわからない。
Cancer may be related to viruses of some kind.ガンはある種のウイルスと関係があるかもしれない。
We find diverse ethnic and economic interests here.ここでは多様な民族的・経済的利害関係がみられる。
This makes for good human relations.このことがよい人間関係を生みだす。
This movement has not yet achieved all its goals, but it has already had considerable impact in many areas of male-female relations.この運動はまだその全ての目標を達成しているわけではないが、男女関係の色々な分野にすでにかなりの影響を与えている。
We can decide that this phenomenon is not related to either pollutant.この現象は、いずれの汚染物質とも無関係であると結論づけることができる。
I have nothing to do with this matter.この事と私は全く関係がない。
This accident has nothing to do with me.この事故は私とは何の関係もない。
I'll be no party to this arrangement.この取り決めには関係したくない。
This kind of specialized knowledge has very little to do with daily life.この種の専門知識は日常生活とはほとんど関係がない。
This vowel change has much to do with the overall accent pattern assigned to each word.この母音変化はそれぞれの単語に指定される全体のアクセントパターンと大いに関係している。
Just as all kinds of communications methods are increasing the human relationships are becoming weak. A perfect case of mistaking means for ends.コミュニケーションの方法が多種にわたって増加する一方で人間関係が希薄なものになりつつある。まさに本末転倒だ。
How does this bear on my future?これが私の将来とどう関係しますか。
Is this in fact going to affect their relationships?これが実際に彼らの関係に影響するのだろうか。
How is this connected to that?これとあれはどういう関係があるの。
This is closely bound up with the question.これはその問題と密接な関係がある。
This has nothing to do with you.これは君には関係がない。 [ M ]
This has nothing to do with you.これは君に関係がない。 [ M ]
There may be other factors that intervene in the relation between these two constants.これらの2つの定数の関係に介入するほかの要素があるかもしれない。
These remarks have respect to her proposal.これらの発言は彼女の提案に関係がある。
These two factors are independent of each other.これら二つの要因は互いに無関係である。
Service industries include communication, transportation, distribution, finance and a host of other areas which do not involve production of goods.サービス産業には、通信、運輸、流通、金融をはじめものの生産には関係ないたくさんの分野が含まれる。
In addition, there have been changes in husband-wife relationships.さらに、夫婦の関係にも変化が起こっている。
But it was not successful for long because everyone, even religious people, had a strong attraction to the game.しかし、誰もが、宗教関係者でさえも、その競技に強い興味を抱いていたので、長くはうまくいかなかったのです。
Changing the system is difficult, not to mention the interpersonal relationships.システムをかえる事は難しいことだ。それが人間関係だとなおさらだ。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The sixth member of the Discovery crew was not concerned about the problems of hibernation. [JP] ディスカバリー乗員6人目のメンバーは―― 冬眠による問題も関係がありません 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
The undertow has carried them away and saved me the trouble. [JP] 引き潮のせいさ 僕は無関係 Creepshow (1982)
I have a stimulating relationship with Dr. Poole and Dr. Bowman. [JP] プール ボウマン両博士とも 刺激を受け合う関係です 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
I don't think so. I think it's mostly blood and relatives that they're interested in. [JP] 関係ないと思う わ 近親でさえなければ Breaking Away (1979)
It's looking pretty good now that she's got this aluminum siding salesman from Toronto. [JP] トロントで出会った 金属関係のセールスマンと Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
I feel fine. Nothing's bothering me. [JP] あんたに関係ないわ Turkish Delight (1973)
It's just that you've always wanted to make my life unbearable because 20 years ago I slept with your wife. [JP] "奥さんのことだろう" "私と昔 関係があったからー" Stalker (1979)
How would I know the right word for what I want? [JP] インスピレーションなんか 関係ない Stalker (1979)
I had nothing to do with that one [JP] これは俺と無関係 Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
- Weight has nothing to do with it. [JP] 重さは関係ない Back to the Future (1985)
You've found out. All right. [JP] 関係を知られたのか Creepshow (1982)
I'm not with the City, the State or the Feds. [JP] 政府当局とは 一切関係ないし― Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Ain't life grand, Mrs. D.? [JP] 関係ないよな Creepshow (1982)
I'll pay your salary plus $5, 000 if you find out what happened to Hollis and who is involved. [JP] 5, 000ドル払います ホリスの死の真相と 関係者を見つけて Chinatown (1974)
Does it matter? [JP] 関係ないでしょう The Mirror (1975)
It has nothing to do with you or any of this. [JP] 貴方にも事件にも 関係ないから Chinatown (1974)
Look, you don't think--- What have you written there? Oh! [JP] 奥さんとの関係で問題は? Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
- You'll never know. [JP] あなたに関係ないわ Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
After all, what do his father and sister matter to me? [JP] 《お父様には関係ないわ》 War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
That has nothing to do with it. [JP] 関係ないって The Graduate (1967)
I wonder if he's related to Ben. [JP] 何か関係のある人かも Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
I think it lets those pass who have lost all hope. [JP] ゾーンは絶望した人間を 通すように思えます 善悪に関係なく 不幸な者を Stalker (1979)
And we're gonna get him... with your cooperation or without it. [JP] だから連れて行く あんたが何と言おうと 関係ない Straw Dogs (1971)
Just leave her out of this. [JP] 関係ないだろう Breaking Away (1979)
Benjamin, when you came up here, what did you think was going to happen between us? [JP] ベンジャミン ここへ来たら 私たちの関係が 何とかなると思ったの? The Graduate (1967)
This is how I know I have existed before. [JP] もとは何かなんて 関係ないわ War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
Well, Ben, it was quite a bit to do with me. [JP] ベン 私も関係あるだろ The Graduate (1967)
It was nothing to do with you, sir. [JP] あなたには 関係ありません The Graduate (1967)
Victory does not depend, and will never depend on arms, nor even on numbers, and least of all, on strategy. [JP] 勝敗は陣地 と は関係ない 武器や兵力 でも決ま ら ない War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 (1967)
Size matters not. [JP] 大きさは関係ない Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
How'd the army get involved? [JP] 軍との関係は? The Crazies (1973)
went on as usual, independently and outside of the political issue of friendship or war with Napoleon Bonaparte. [JP] すべてが 何ひとつ変わらす 政治情勢とは関係なく 歩みを進めていた War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
Costaine wrote that fate-- was somehow related only to religion or where Samuels felt that ... well, fate was like a natural element, like earth, air, fire, and water. [JP] コスタインはその運命を書きました サミュエルは宗教を感じた所だけが 関係付けられ、運命は自然の 要素の様だと言っています Halloween (1978)
Doing something for the government. [JP] 政府関係の仕事さ Taxi Driver (1976)
Save the whales and not the universe, huh? [JP] 宇宙は関係なしか The Last Starfighter (1984)
Take music, for instance. [JP] 現実と最も関係が薄いし- Stalker (1979)
Well, this is your business. I don't wanna play games with you. [JP] 関係ないわね あなたの問題 The Graduate (1967)
Though there's plenty who would. [JP] 相手が誰とか関係ない 1984 (1984)
Or lasers and all those super-bacteria, all that filth, kept for the time being in safes? [JP] 金庫に隠されている 汚らわしい もろもろ 関係ないか? Stalker (1979)
- Do you know who he worked for? [JP] ―仕事関係は? Soylent Green (1973)
Some crazy guy I met. God, what's gotten into you? [JP] 初めて会った子よ 関係ないわ Breaking Away (1979)
It's none of your business, and it never has been. [JP] 貴方には関係ない 引っ込んでてくれ Straw Dogs (1971)
And we certainly won't get any medals for them, but as long as they get the job done we feel they're all right. [JP] 表彰されたい訳じゃないが 事件が終っても関係者の心配はします Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
Thank God there's been nothing between us! [JP] 深い関係がなくてよかった Nostalgia (1983)
Mother and I have always been very close. [JP] 私と母とはちょっとした関係でね。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
History does not matter to them. [JP] 歴史は彼らに関係ない 1984 (1984)
That doesn't change anything, Dave, and you know it! [JP] この件とは何の関係も無い! デイブ 分かってるだろう First Blood (1982)
How does that affect you? [JP] 貴方に何の関係が? Chinatown (1974)
It's not important. [JP] 関係ないな Nostalgia (1983)
Take coups d'état by the military, or the mafia penetrating governments, aren't they all your clients? [JP] 政府内のマフィア 関係ないか? レーザーに超バクテリア Stalker (1979)

パートナー関係[パートナーかんけい, pa-tona-kankei] partner relation [Add to Longdo]
意味関係[いみかんけい, imikankei] semantic relation [Add to Longdo]
階層関係[かいそうかんけい, kaisoukankei] hierarchical relation [Add to Longdo]
関係演算子[かんけいえんざんし, kankeienzanshi] relational operator [Add to Longdo]
関係管理[かんけいかんり, kankeikanri] relational management [Add to Longdo]
関係指示記号[かんけいしじきごう, kankeishijikigou] relation indicator [Add to Longdo]
形式関係[けいしきかんけい, keishikikankei] formal relation [Add to Longdo]
親子関係[おやこかんけい, oyakokankei] parent-child relationship [Add to Longdo]
接続関係にあるNエンティティ[せつぞくかんけいにあるNエンティティ, setsuzokukankeiniaru N enteitei] correspondent (N)-entities [Add to Longdo]
関係[そうかんけいすう, soukankeisuu] correlation coefficient [Add to Longdo]
相互関係[そうごかんけい, sougokankei] interaction, interrelation [Add to Longdo]
属種関係[ぞくしゅかんけい, zokushukankei] generic relation [Add to Longdo]
同格関係[どうかくかんけい, doukakukankei] coordinate relation [Add to Longdo]
比較関係[ひかくかんけい, hikakukankei] comparative relation [Add to Longdo]
部分全体関係[ぶぶんぜんたいかんけい, bubunzentaikankei] part-whole relation, partitive relation [Add to Longdo]
偏向関係[へんこうかんけい, henkoukankei] bias relation [Add to Longdo]
連想関係[れんそうかんけい, rensoukankei] associative relation [Add to Longdo]
連続関係[れんぞくかんけい, renzokukankei] consecutive relation [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
関係[かんけい, kankei] Beziehung, Verhaeltnis, Teilnahme [Add to Longdo]

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