53 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *重犯*
หรือค้นหา: 重犯, -重犯-

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
重犯[zhòng fàn, ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄈㄢˋ,  ] serious criminal; felon #39,804 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
重犯[じゅうはん;じゅうぼん;ちょうはん, juuhan ; juubon ; chouhan] (n, vs) (1) felony; major offence; (2) felon; old offender [Add to Longdo]
重犯[じゅうはんざい, juuhanzai] (n) felony; serious crime [Add to Longdo]

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Detective Allen. Major Crimes. [JP] アレン刑事、重犯罪課 Triple 9 (2016)
"At about 12 o'clock last night, an instance occurred at Lower Norwood which points, it is feared, to a serious crime. [CN] "昨晚午夜12点" "下诺伍德发生了一件意外事件" "疑为严重犯罪行为" The Norwood Builder (1985)
You obstructed the investigation of a capital crime. [CN] 你妨碍了对一项严重犯罪的调查 Day 3: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (2004)
She's being held in a supermax facility in Virginia. [JP] ミアも捕まった 今はバージニアの 重犯罪刑務所に居る True Believer (2012)
Chen Hu, the crime boss who disappeared 7 years ads! [CN] 七年前那个重犯陈虎啊 Chen Hu, the crime boss who disappeared 7 years ads! Badges of Fury (2013)
Colonel? [CN] 我会推荐戴尔基地的穆克洛上校 那里关了不少重犯 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
Better than sitting here like a common criminal. [CN] 省得坐在這讓人當重犯處置 Sheltered (2013)
You're basing your conclusions off your own experience... on real felons in a real prison. [CN] 你只是根据自己的经验来下结论 那是少数监狱里的真正的重犯 The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)
He looks... like the fugitive from Labor Camp [CN] 这个人的样子 好像前几天从劳改营逃走的重犯 Police Story 3: Super Cop (1992)
Shredder's the most notorious criminal this city has ever seen. [CN] 你也证明你没有管辖能力 一个晚上让三名重犯逃走 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)
You're telling me you're more interested in the attempted murder of Leo Johnson, felon, than Andrew Packard? [CN] 你是在告诉我 你对企图谋杀里欧・强生 这个案子, 比杀安德鲁・帕卡的重犯 更感兴趣是吧? Episode #2.16 (1991)
He's a wanted convict. [CN] 大人 柳一刀是我们悬赏千金的重犯 A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
They're treating him like he's some kind of major criminal, John. [CN] 他們把他當作重犯一樣, 約翰 Snitch (2013)
They grab a convicted felon, fake his death, put a gun to their head: [CN] 他们抓住一个被定罪的重犯 伪造他的死亡 用枪指着他们的头说: Bubble (2013)
Transnational thieves were felons, right? [CN] 跨国公司的那伙窃贼都是重犯 对吗? Minute to Win It (2014)
The serious criminals take this route to the Court [CN] 法庭的重犯就在这里出入 Police Story 3: Super Cop (1992)
You're a felon on parole. [CN] 你是保释期内的重犯 Pilot (2014)
But see, the problem is the terms of your parole state that you can't associate with known felons. [CN] 但你看,根据你的假释规定, 你不能和重犯有接触。 Zarra's Law (2014)
Chiu Kuo will be beheaded right here. [CN] 重犯邱国阴谋行刺石统领,奉命处斩 Shao Lin men (1976)
All right, you think this kidnapping should fall under cyber division, but you couldn't just call me and tell me all this? [JP] おそらく 重犯課の署名は済んでる マイヤーズとウォレス Kidnapping 2.0 (2015)
I head up the Intensive Management Unit,  [CN] 我领导这个重犯管理牢房 The Jungle (2013)
"C.F." has committed serious crimes" [CN] "一地雞毛"是極度重犯 Fei xia xiao bai long (1968)
She's in here because of one isolated incident she's not likely to repeat. [CN] 她在这里 因为一个永远不会重犯的错误 Still Crazy After All These Years (2004)
May I remind you, sir that physical violence is patently against the rules! [CN] 我要提醒你,先生 打人属于严重犯 Space Jam (1996)
Heaton-Harris puts a stop to that. [CN] 我就坚定了自己的立场 between Columbine and Charleston. 重犯 甚至是恐怖分子 都可以 felon or terrorist can buy an assault rifle 或者从保龄球馆认识的朋友那里买到冲锋枪 or his buddy at the Bowl -Rama 连身份证都不需要提供 without so much as an ID. Miss Sloane (2016)
Great offense; capital crime! [CN] 重犯罪 可判死刑 Grave offense, capital crime. Well. Bridge of Spies (2015)
You will be relocated to the Intensive Management Unit and placed on death watch for the duration of your incarceration. [CN] 你将被转到重犯管理牢房 并在监禁期间 接受临终看护 The Jungle (2013)
Any convictions involving felons... perverts, thieves, people of that nature, are held in this area. [CN] 任何已定罪的重犯 性变态者 盗贼等类的犯人被关押在这一区域 Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987)
Your master is a serious criminal and I am an Imperial Agent [CN] 你师父是朝廷重犯,我是大内密探 The Duel (2000)
You are an obscure young workman, wanted for the committing of an extremely unpopular crime. [CN] 你是个重犯 是个逃亡的工人 Saboteur (1942)
Your Honour, this man is a habitual felon as well as a flight risk. [CN] 法官大人,这个人是惯犯重犯 也是飞安威胁 Bad Country (2014)
Both suspects escaped, we lost the goods ash the soihesos, and Chen Hu, one of our most wanted wan, also dot away! [CN] 两个疑犯跑了 Both suspects escaped, 物证 物证拿不到 we lost the goods ash the soihesos, 另一个重犯陈虎又跑了 and Chen Hu, one of our most wanted wan, also dot away! Badges of Fury (2013)
- This is treason. [JP] - 重犯罪だ Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
You are a wanted felon. [CN] 您是一名被通缉的重犯 Stretch (2014)
-You're a wanted felon,  [CN] -you're通缉的重犯 88 (2015)
But, in any case, a forced marriage is no marriage, indeed, it is a very serious felony, as you will discover. [CN] 但是 在任何情况下 强迫的婚姻都不能算是有效婚姻 事实上 你会发现这是严重犯 The Solitary Cyclist (1984)
I know that you boys think you're helping your friend by coming out here, but you're committing a major crime. [JP] ここを出られると 思ってるのか? 重犯罪なんだぞ Family Time (2012)
-You two are wanted felons. [CN] - 你们俩是被通缉的重犯 National Security (2003)
You do know that impeding a police investigation is a very serious offense? [JP] いいですか 捜査妨害は重犯罪ですよ Minute to Win It (2014)
One of the criminals was named Au-yeung Hoi, nickname "Ocean" [CN] 其中一宗的重犯叫欧阳海,又叫做大海 Heroic Duo (2003)
Quote, "Any repetition of this morning's front page assault [CN] 引用 "任何重犯今早头版事故 The Night Strangler (1973)
Sergeant Brant, in the last year... you've been charged with bugging the Superintendent's office... beating a felon unconscious in a billiards hall... and just last week you assaulted three innocent youths... with a hockey stick. [JP] 君は 盗聴事件や ビリヤード場で―― 気絶した重犯罪人を 打ちのめした事―― 先週も 三人の若者を ホッケーのスティックで殴打し―― Blitz (2011)
She's a strange woman, with an almost mystic calm. [CN] 这里都是关押重犯 The Paradine Case (1947)
Attacking the Palace of Heaven is a major of fence,  [JP] 天の宮殿を 攻撃することは重犯 The Monkey King (2014)
That mistake you'll never make again [CN] 永不重犯 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
A dangerous and vicious murderess has escaped from a maximum security jail and is on the loose. [CN] 一个危险残忍的女杀人犯 从重犯监狱越狱后 正在您的周边逃逸中 Time (1984)
* To and fro the pendulum throws * [CN] 联调局十大在逃重犯 雷蒙德·雷丁顿 ♬钟摆摇摇曳曳♬♬To and fro the pendulum throws♬ Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
Just a formality, Madam. A serious crime has been reported. [CN] 只是例行公事 夫人 报告发生严重犯 The Suspicious Death of a Minor (1975)
You got yourself a top-of-the-line criminal. [CN] 你给自己揽到一个头号重犯 Change of Course (2004)

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