29 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *返上*
หรือค้นหา: 返上, -返上-

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
返上[へんじょう, henjou] (n, vs) give up; relinquish; serve up; let loose; (P) #10,730 [Add to Longdo]
汚名返上[おめいへんじょう, omeihenjou] (n, vs) clear one's name; redeem oneself; clear (vindicate) one's honor (reputation) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
I concurred in giving up my vacation for my family.私は家族のために休日を返上することに同意した。

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Take me back. I must sing! [CN] 送我返上台,我必须继续唱! La Vie en Rose (2007)
- Hand over your badge and gun. [JP] - バッジと銃を返上しろ Heist (2015)
This is your opportunity to redeem yourselves. [JP] 汚名返上の機会です Pound of Flesh (2010)
We've cut expenses. We're breaking even. [JP] 経費削減もしたし やっと赤字返上 Secretariat (2010)
Al Haymon is putting Kid Chocolate back in the ring against Andy Lee, an Irish fighter, who just so happens to have won that same WBO Middleweight Championship belt that Kid Chocolate gave up. [JP] ヘイモンはクイリンの 復帰戦を設定した 相手はアンディ・リー クイリンがベルトを返上した WBO世界ミドル級の― CounterPunch (2017)
Go up! [CN] 返上去! Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Time I sped up. Enough chatter, let's concentrate. [JP] 汚名返上しなきゃ 集中しろ The Abominable Bride (2016)
Oh, that's right But who'd be dumb enough to give up 10 days of vacation for brass band! [JP] ああ そっか んだけど わざわざ 夏休み10日も返上して― そんなもんやるヤヅいねえよね アハハハ... Swing Girls (2004)
If I knew I was giving up high six figures to type 100 words a minute for the FBI,  [JP] 高給返上でここに来たら キーボードを打つだけの作業... Go (2015)
Peter Quillin announced that he would be vacating his title. I'm sure you guys heard. [JP] ピーター・クイリンが 王座を返上しました CounterPunch (2017)
And then some... [JP] すぐ返上ですもの Bad Teacher (2011)
Al Haymon is happy. He showed loyalty by giving the belt up. [JP] ヘイモンに従って 王座を返上 CounterPunch (2017)
But then, he just gave it up. [JP] 〝ピーター・クイリン 世界ミドル級 チャンピオン〞 〝ピーター・クイリン 世界ミドル級 チャンピオン〞 ところが王座を返上した CounterPunch (2017)
Take me back on stage! [CN] 送我返上台! La Vie en Rose (2007)
You didn't want me to stop being a nerd, ever. [JP] オタク嫌い返上だね Pixels (2015)
He gave up the belt because he was told to. These guys ain't their own boss. [JP] 人から言われて 王座を返上した CounterPunch (2017)
Working holidays? [JP] - 休日を返上して? Tower Heist (2011)
You'd better hurry if you want to clear your name. [JP] 汚名返上するなら 急いだほうがいい Episode #1.2 (2013)
Maybe now you can stand down on that merkin angle, huh? [JP] "マーキン"の汚名返上だな Small Apartments (2012)
Take me back, Louis. [CN] 送我返上台,路易 La Vie en Rose (2007)
The guy that I spoke to said that most of the operators let their permits lapse during the winter. [JP] 私が話を聞いたところじゃ たいていの経営者は 冬の間は 営業許可を返上するそうよ Dead Clade Walking (2014)
All 56 field offices, canceled leave- [JP] 56の全拠点で休日返上 Crossfire (2011)
Or some sort of vindication? [JP] 汚名返上か? Now You See Me 2 (2016)
You wanna redeem yourself? [JP] 汚名返上を? Mother's Day (2011)
He'd be proud. [JP] 汚名を返上した 彼は誇らしいでしょう Straw Man (2014)
Redemption. [JP] 汚名返上です Red Rain (2011)

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