194 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *誌*
หรือค้นหา: , -誌-

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, zhì, ㄓˋ] determination, will; mark, sign; to record, to write
Radical: , Decomposition:   言 [yán, ㄧㄢˊ]  志 [zhì, ㄓˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] speech
Variants: , Rank: 6823
[, zhì, ㄓˋ] determination, will; mark, sign; to record, to write
Radical: , Decomposition:   士 [shì, ㄕˋ]  心 [xīn, ㄒㄧㄣ]
Etymology: [ideographic] The mind 心 of a scholar 士; 士 also provides the pronunciation
Variants: , Rank: 542

[] Meaning: document; records
On-yomi: シ, shi
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 851

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[zhì, ㄓˋ, / ] sign; mark; to record; write a footnote #3,730 [Add to Longdo]
杂志[zá zhì, ㄗㄚˊ ㄓˋ,   /  ] magazine #2,042 [Add to Longdo]
标志[biāo zhì, ㄅㄧㄠ ㄓˋ,   /  ] sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark #2,182 [Add to Longdo]
日志[rì zhì, ㄖˋ ㄓˋ,   /  ] journal; log (computing) #13,614 [Add to Longdo]
墓志铭[mù zhì míng, ㄇㄨˋ ㄓˋ ㄇㄧㄥˊ,    /   ] epitaph #40,165 [Add to Longdo]
得志[dé zhì, ㄉㄜˊ ㄓˋ,   /  ] to accomplish one's ambition; a dream come true; to enjoy success #43,001 [Add to Longdo]
矢志[shǐ zhì, ㄕˇ ㄓˋ,   /  ] to take an oath to do sth; to pledge; to vow #62,210 [Add to Longdo]
碑志[bēi zhì, ㄅㄟ ㄓˋ,   /  ] historical record inscribed on tablet #171,597 [Add to Longdo]
不以词害志[bù yǐ cí hài zhì, ㄅㄨˋ ㄧˇ ㄘˊ ㄏㄞˋ ㄓˋ,      /     ] don't let rhetoric spoil the message (成语 saw); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say [Add to Longdo]
不以辞害志[bù yǐ cí hài zhì, ㄅㄨˋ ㄧˇ ㄘˊ ㄏㄞˋ ㄓˋ,      /     ] don't let rhetoric spoil the message (成语 saw); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say [Add to Longdo]
大一统志[dà yī tǒng zhì, ㄉㄚˋ ㄧ ㄊㄨㄥˇ ㄓˋ,     /    ] Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi, Yuan dynasty geographical encyclopedia, compiled 1285-1294 under Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁 and Yu Yinglong 虞應龍|虞应龙, 755 scrolls [Add to Longdo]
大元大一统志[Dà Yuán dà yī tǒng zhì, ㄉㄚˋ ㄩㄢˊ ㄉㄚˋ ㄧ ㄊㄨㄥˇ ㄓˋ,       /      ] Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi, Yuan dynasty geographical encyclopedia, compiled 1285-1294 under Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁 and Yu Yinglong 虞應龍|虞应龙, 755 scrolls [Add to Longdo]
日本国志[Rì běn guó zhì, ㄖˋ ㄅㄣˇ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄓˋ,     /    ] A record of Japan by Huan Zunxian 黃遵憲|黄遵宪, an extended analysis of Meiji Japan [Add to Longdo]
网志[wǎng zhì, ㄨㄤˇ ㄓˋ,   /  ] web log; blog; same as 博客 [Add to Longdo]
临海水土志[Lín hǎi shuǐ tǔ zhì, ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄏㄞˇ ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄊㄨˇ ㄓˋ,      /     ] Seaboard geographic gazetteer (c. 275) by Shen Ying 沈瑩|沈莹 [Add to Longdo]
茹志鹃[Rú Zhì juān, ㄖㄨˊ ㄓˋ ㄐㄩㄢ,    /   ] Ru Zhijuan (1925-1998), female novelist and politician [Add to Longdo]
虚拟通道标志符[xū nǐ tōng dào biāo zhì fú, ㄒㄩ ㄋㄧˇ ㄊㄨㄥ ㄉㄠˋ ㄅㄧㄠ ㄓˋ ㄈㄨˊ,        /       ] virtual channel connection identifier; VCI [Add to Longdo]
默志[mò zhì, ㄇㄛˋ ㄓˋ,   /  ] to recall silently [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
[ざっし, zasshi] (n) วารสาร นิตยสาร
[ざっし, zasshi, zasshi , zasshi] (n) นิตยสาร, วารสาร

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[し, shi] (n-suf, ctr) (abbr) (See 雑) magazine; (P) #887 [Add to Longdo]
[ざっし, zasshi] (n) journal; magazine; periodical; (P) #854 [Add to Longdo]
[しょし, shoshi] (n, adj-no) bibliography #3,825 [Add to Longdo]
[にっし, nisshi] (n) journal; log; (P) #4,933 [Add to Longdo]
記す(P);す;識す[しるす(P);きす(記す), shirusu (P); kisu ( shirusu )] (v5s) (1) (See 記する・1) to write down; to note; to jot down; (2) (usu. as 心に記す, etc.) to remember; (P) #7,044 [Add to Longdo]
[どうし, doushi] (n) same magazine #13,223 [Add to Longdo]
[ちし, chishi] (n) topography; (P) #16,182 [Add to Longdo]
[ほんし, honshi] (n) this magazine #16,562 [Add to Longdo]
[しじょう, shijou] (n) in a magazine; (P) #17,533 [Add to Longdo]
コミック[コミックし, komikku shi] (n) (See 漫画雑) comic book; manga magazine [Add to Longdo]
タイム[タイムし, taimu shi] (n) Time magazine [Add to Longdo]
ファッション雑[ファッションざっし, fasshon zasshi] (n) fashion magazine [Add to Longdo]
医学雑[いがくざっし, igakuzasshi] (n) medical journal [Add to Longdo]
科学雑[かがくざっし, kagakuzasshi] (n) science magazine [Add to Longdo]
[かいし, kaishi] (n) club bulletin [Add to Longdo]
学会[がっかいし, gakkaishi] (n) academic journal; (P) [Add to Longdo]
学術雑[がくじゅつざっし, gakujutsuzasshi] (n) learned (scientific) journal [Add to Longdo]
学術[がくじゅつし, gakujutsushi] (n) academic journal; learned journal [Add to Longdo]
活動[かつどうし, katsudoushi] (n) specialty magazine; information digest [Add to Longdo]
機関[きかんし, kikanshi] (n) bulletin [Add to Longdo]
季刊雑[きかんざっし, kikanzasshi] (n) (See 季刊) quarterly (magazine) [Add to Longdo]
季刊[きかんし, kikanshi] (n) (See 季刊雑) a quarterly (magazine) [Add to Longdo]
記念[きねんし, kinenshi] (n) commemorative publication [Add to Longdo]
;貴紙[きし, kishi] (n) (hon) your magazine; your journal; your paper; your honored paper; your honoured paper; your columns [Add to Longdo]
求人[きゅうじんし, kyuujinshi] (n) job advertisement [Add to Longdo]
求人情報[きゅうじんじょうほうし, kyuujinjouhoushi] (n) job magazine [Add to Longdo]
月刊雑[げっかんざっし, gekkanzasshi] (n) monthly magazine [Add to Longdo]
月刊[げっかんし, gekkanshi] (n) (See 月刊雑) monthly magazine [Add to Longdo]
古雑[ふるざっし, furuzasshi] (n) old magazines [Add to Longdo]
娯楽雑[ごらくざっし, gorakuzasshi] (n) magazine for amusement; entertainment magazine [Add to Longdo]
;語志;語史[ごし, goshi] (n) the evolution of the usage of a word [Add to Longdo]
広報[こうほうし, kouhoushi] (n) PR brochure; public relations magazine [Add to Longdo]
航海日[こうかいにっし, koukainisshi] (n) ship's log [Add to Longdo]
国際書[こくさいしょし, kokusaishoshi] (n) international bibliography [Add to Longdo]
記事[ざっしきじ, zasshikiji] (n) magazine article [Add to Longdo]
記者[ざっしきしゃ, zasshikisha] (n) magazine journalist [Add to Longdo]
[ざっししゃ, zasshisha] (n) magazine (company) [Add to Longdo]
三号雑[さんごうざっし, sangouzasshi] (n) short-lived magazine [Add to Longdo]
[しだい, shidai] (n) magazine's price [Add to Longdo]
等で[しとうで, shitoude] (suf) in magazines like ... [Add to Longdo]
[しめん, shimen] (n) page of a magazine; (P) [Add to Longdo]
写真週刊[しゃしんしゅうかんし, shashinshuukanshi] (n) weekly pictorial magazine [Add to Longdo]
就職情報[しゅうしょくじょうほうし, shuushokujouhoushi] (n) job-placement journal (magazine) [Add to Longdo]
週刊雑[しゅうかんざっし, shuukanzasshi] (n) (See 週刊) weekly magazine [Add to Longdo]
週刊[しゅうかんし, shuukanshi] (n) (See 週刊雑) weekly publication; weekly magazine; (P) [Add to Longdo]
[しょしがく, shoshigaku] (n) (1) bibliography (i.e. the study of books); (2) bibliology (i.e. the study of books, booklore and bibliography); (P) [Add to Longdo]
作成技術[しょしさくせいぎじゅつ, shoshisakuseigijutsu] (n) (technique of) bibliography [Add to Longdo]
参照[しょしさんしょう, shoshisanshou] (n) bibliographic reference [Add to Longdo]
標示[しょしひょうじ, shoshihyouji] (n) bibliographic identification; biblid [Add to Longdo]
要素[しょしようそ, shoshiyouso] (n) bibliographic element [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
The magazine which you lent me is very interesting.あなたが私に貸してくれた雑はとてもおもしろい。
Do you subscribe to any magazines?あなたは何か雑を購読していますか。
Do you subscribe to any monthly magazine?あなたは月刊雑を何か取っていますか。
That company puts out a magazine, doesn't it?あの会社は雑を発行するんですよね。
I found nothing interesting in that magazine.あの雑には何もおもしろいところがなかった。
Are you done with that magazine?あの雑はもうすみましたか。
That store sells newspaper and magazine.あの店では新聞と雑を売っている。
Here is a new magazine for you to read.ここにあなたがお読みになる新しい雑があります。
Here are one weekly magazines.ここに週刊が1冊あります。
Sending manuscript after manuscript paid off. A magazine finally published my work.この間投稿した記事がやっと雑に載ったんだよ。頑張って出し続けた甲斐があったよ。
According to this magazine, my favorite actress will marry a jazz musician next spring.この雑によれば、私の大好きな女優が春にジャズミュージシャンと結婚する予定らしい。
According to this magazine, the economic situation in Japan is getting worse year by year.この雑によれば、日本の経済状態は年々悪化してきている。
This magazine helps me to keep up with what's happening in the world.この雑のおかげで私は世界情勢に遅れずにいられる。
How many subscribers does this magazine have?この雑の発行部数はどのくらいですか。
The editor and publisher of this magazine was criticized by some readers.この雑の編集者兼出版社が一部の読者から批判された。
This magazine sells well.この雑はよく売れる。
This magazine circulates widely.この雑は広く行き渡っている。
This magazine is widely read.この雑は広く読まれている。
Don't throw away this magazine.この雑は捨てないでくれ。
Don't throw away this magazine. I haven't read it yet.この雑は捨てないでくれ。まだ読んでいないのだ。
This magazine carries much news of importance.この雑は重要なニュースをたくさん乗せている。
This magazine is issued every month.この雑は毎月出る。
May I have this magazine?この雑をいただいてもいいですか。
Do you want to read this magazine?この雑を読みたいですか。
This kind of magazine can do harm to young people.この手の雑は若者に害を与えかねない。
This weekly comes out once a week.この週刊は毎週1回発行される。
Are there any English magazines in this library?この図書館には英語の雑がありますか。
This is a magazine I spoke to you about.これがあなたに話した雑です。
There are photos of the singers who're featured in the magazine.これが雑で大きく取り上げられている歌手達の写真です。
Dispose of the old magazines.これらの古雑を処分して下さい。
There are my sister's magazine.これらは私の姉の雑だ。
I had been reading a magazine for some time when she came.しばらく雑を読んでいたら彼女がきた。
Jack reached out for the magazine on the shelf.ジャックは棚の上の雑を取ろうと手を伸ばした。
Such magazines have a great influence on children.そのような雑は子供に大きな影響を与える。
The company published a new magazine.その会社は新しい雑を出版した。
That magazine article exposed his devilish acts to the full light of day.その雑の記事で彼の悪業は白日の下にさらされましたね。
The magazine article said that the value of the yen would rise.その雑の記事には円高になるだろうと書いてあった。
I got a premium for subscribing to the magazine.その雑の購読予約をして景品をもらった。
The latest issue of the magazine will come out next Monday.その雑の最新号は来週月曜日にでます。
Would you lend me the latest issue of the magazine?その雑の最新号を貸していただけませんでしょうか。
The magazine is aimed at teenagers.その雑はティーンエイジャー向けに作られたものだ。
Where can I buy this magazine?その雑はどこで買えますか。
The magazine is for killing time.その雑は暇潰しです。
The magazine is issued twice a month.その雑は月に二度発行されている。
The magazine comes out once a week.その雑は週に一回発行される。
The magazine jumped the gun and reported on the scandal.その雑は早まってそのスキャンダルを報じてしまった。
The magazine is enjoying great popularity.その雑は大変人気がある。
The magazines were sold out.その雑は売り切れだった。
The magazine disclosed his family jewels.その雑は彼の恥ずべき秘密を暴露しましたね。
The magazine comes out every week.その雑は毎週出る。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Magazines! [CN] Harry and the Hendersons (1987)
Captain's Starlog, November 12, 2154. [JP] 航星日、2154年11月12日 Babel One (2005)
What's with the magazine? [JP] は盗む気? The 4th Man (1983)
Tucker got an article about the car published in pic magazine. [JP] "ピック"に掲載したところ Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
I read that in a magazine. [JP] で読んだわ。 When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
First Officer's log, Supplemental. [JP] 副長日 補足 The Augments (2004)
Both were weighed this afternoon, at "L'Equipe" -Magazine. [JP] 「L'Equipe」によればー Live for Life (1967)
Look in there, the last page. [CN] 在那個雜的後面刊登著 The Mother and the Whore (1973)
When he shows me pictures of poets in magazines... they're all wearing bowties. [CN] 伯伯給我看雜上的詩人照片 他們全都打了領結 Meu Pé de Laranja Lima (1982)
GQ. [CN] GQ雜 Steve Jobs (2015)
One day the gook took his magazine and wouldn't give it back. [CN] 一天 越南人拿走他的雜 不肯交還 Apocalypse Now (1979)
Playboy is a very special magazine, Dorothy. [CN] 288) }花花公子雜是很特殊的雜 Star 80 (1983)
Put the magazine away and listen. We'll only get one chance. [JP] ボビー 雑なんかしまえ 何も聞き逃すなよ First Blood (1982)
- Well, it's your token. [CN] - 嗯,這是你的標 Hey Babu Riba (1985)
You work for a magazine! I thought you were a local. [JP] 作ってる人なんだ 地元の子かと思ってたよ Umizaru (2004)
There may be something more interesting in your crate than periodicals after all. [JP] よりも興味深いな Creepshow (1982)
Thanks, comrade [CN] { \fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000 }謝謝,同 Lost Souls (1980)
He said, "Give me my magazine back." [CN] 他說 還給我雜 Apocalypse Now (1979)
The people who produce Charlie's angels read Playboy. [CN] 288) }製作諜海嬌娃的看花花公子雜 Star 80 (1983)
It took me five 5 to shoot my playmate layout. [CN] 288) }為了雜上的照片 Star 80 (1983)
- I'll bring you some magazine. - Yeah. [CN] 我會帶些雜給你 是 Club Dread (2004)
It's not like any other magazine. [CN] 288) }並不像其他雜 Star 80 (1983)
It took me 5 months to shoot my playmate-of-the-year layout. [CN] 288) }花五個月照攝雜裡的各種照片 Star 80 (1983)
I read in a magazine it works every time. [JP] ...って それで男は100%落とせるって 雑に書いてあったんだ Umizaru (2004)
Comrade... [CN] { \fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000 }同... Lost Souls (1980)
It made diamond dust and that changed the weather. They died because of the weather. My teacher tells me about this book by a guy named Bakker. [JP] 恐竜が絶滅したって説が 科学雑に・・・ でもバッカー博士の 本を読むと・・・ Jurassic Park (1993)
We read in a medical journal left in the locker room an article written by this Oriental doctor on massages. [JP] いつもロッカーには 医療雑が入ってる 東洋の医者が書いた マッサージのね Brewster's Millions (1985)
Tom Crucker of Living Road. [JP] グローブの クロッカーです Scarlet Street (1945)
Since I saw that article about your car, it's been driving me crazy. [JP] の記事で あなたの車に夢中になって Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
- Well, you're reading fashion magazines again. [CN] -你在讀時尚雜 Madame Bovary (1969)
Did they publish a Reader's Digest way back then? 1834? [JP] あの時代に雑が? Creepshow (1982)
Says so in the magazine. [JP] に出てる Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
Comrade, they can drink soda water [CN] { \fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000 }同,他們可以喝汽水 Lost Souls (1980)
They're men's magazines. [JP] 彼らは、男性の雑です。 The Island (2005)
[ Whispering ] The whole magazine is like having a family. The whole magazine is like having a family. [CN] 288) }全雜就像個大家庭 Star 80 (1983)
It says so in the magazine. [JP] でも雑で褒めてるよ Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
Are you going to read the magazine or talk to me? [CN] 你要看雜或跟我說話? Lolita (1962)
Let's publish them on magazines. [CN] 登到雜上可以嗎 Four Seasons: Natsuko (1980)
It's obvious. You still have the convict label on. [CN] 馬上可以看出來,也不把標割掉。 Siberiade (1979)
They gave me my first full page at the magazine. [JP] 今度の雑で初めて 1ページ担当させてもらったのに... Umizaru (2004)
There's no other magazine like it. [CN] 288) }沒有任何雜能比擬 Star 80 (1983)
They'll fly her to L.A. first-class, take some more test shots of her, and then they'll decide if they want to use her in the magazine or not. [CN] 288) }他們給她頭等房機票去洛杉磯 288) }要多拍點照片 288) }再決定是否用來刊登在雜 Star 80 (1983)
1933. [JP] "リバティ"1933年の雑 You're in Love, Charlie Brown (1967)
He wrote down in the hospital registration book that he was a reporter, but he had only written infrequent little articles in the Gardener's Magazine. [CN] 他在醫院的登記薄上寫自己是記者 但他只為園藝雜 寫過一些小短文而已 Pearls of the Deep (1965)
Well, I work for an American fashion magazine. [JP] 例えば、私はアメリカの ファッション雑社にいるんだけど Grand Prix (1966)
It sure beats dirty magazines. [JP] ポルノ雑なんか目じゃないって Brainstorm (1983)
Write something for the magazine you know. [CN] 替認識的雜寫些稿吧 And Then (1985)
Eagles, swords, scythes, emblems! [CN] 鷹 劍 鐮刀 標! Wesele (1973)
- Are you the man from world press? - That's right. [JP] ワールド・プレスの方? The Manster (1959)
He kept a journal and a lot of maps. [JP] 彼は雑やマップの多くを保ちました。 The Island (2005)

国際書[こくさいしょし, kokusaishoshi] international bibliography [Add to Longdo]
[ざっし, zasshi] periodical [Add to Longdo]
記事[ざっしきじ, zasshikiji] journal article, magazine article [Add to Longdo]
[しょし, shoshi] bibliography [Add to Longdo]
[しょしがく, shoshigaku] bibliology, bibliography [Add to Longdo]
作成技術[しょしさくせいぎじゅつ, shoshisakuseigijutsu] bibliography [Add to Longdo]
参照[しょしさんしょう, shoshisanshou] bibliographic reference [Add to Longdo]
標示[しょしひょうじ, shoshihyouji] biblid [Add to Longdo]
要素[しょしようそ, shoshiyouso] bibliographic element [Add to Longdo]
新刊書[しんかんしょし, shinkanshoshi] current bibliography [Add to Longdo]
全国書[ぜんこくしょし, zenkokushoshi] national bibliography [Add to Longdo]
遡及書[そきゅうしょし, sokyuushoshi] retrospective bibliography [Add to Longdo]
標題[ひょうだいし, hyoudaishi] title page [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
[ちし, chishi] Topographie [Add to Longdo]
[にっし, nisshi] Tagebuch [Add to Longdo]
[しょしがく, shoshigaku] Bibliographie, Buecherkunde [Add to Longdo]
[しじょう, shijou] in_einer_Zeitschrift [Add to Longdo]
[しめん, shimen] Seite_einer_Zeitschrift [Add to Longdo]
週刊[しゅうかんし, shuukanshi] Wochenschrift [Add to Longdo]
[ざっし, zasshi] Zeitschrift [Add to Longdo]

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