51 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *浅色*
หรือค้นหา: 浅色, -浅色-

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
浅色[qiǎn sè, ㄑㄧㄢˇ ㄙㄜˋ,   /  ] light color #21,948 [Add to Longdo]

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- Fine, dark suit. [CN] 好 深色套装 而浅色套装看上去务实 Fine, dark suit. The Ministerial Broadcast (1986)
So, he says that Jesus has light eyes. [CN] 他说耶稣的眼睛是浅色 Heaven Is for Real (2014)
All other meerkats have a light coat except for him. [CN] 除了他,所有的猫鼬毛皮都是浅色 Animals United (2010)
Her's is blond. I prefer your dark cunt. [CN] 是啊, 可她的屄是浅色的 我喜欢你这深色的 Szamanka (1996)
Light hair slicked back? [CN] 浅色头发,梳背头? Mud (2012)
Turn off the lights. [CN] 浅色的... Padre Padrone (1977)
Who wants light cheese, and who wants dark cheese? [CN] 谁想要浅色起司, 谁想要深色起司? The One Where Underdog Gets Away (1994)
Touch that light-coloured grass. Sniper at your feet. [CN] 走到那片浅色草堆 狙击手在你的位置 Clear and Present Danger (1994)
Or a lighter colored Latino animal? [CN] 浅色拉丁裔 动物? Loves Her Gun (2013)
- No. Jesus has light eyes. [CN] - 不,耶稣的眼睛是浅色 Heaven Is for Real (2014)
No gall. Light, healthy liver. [CN] 无胆汁,浅色 健康的肝 The Tin Drum (1979)
-Yeah, it's cute. [CN] -我也觉得浅色系的 还不错 Fragile Boy, Fragile Girl (2016)
Their coats are pale to conceal them during the long, snowy winter. [CN] 浅色外套让它们 在漫长冬季的雪地上便于藏身 Spring (2011)
Light, my lady, and gently flowing. [CN] 浅色 夫人 顺滑 Lisa and the Devil (1973)
What about a lightish jacket with a darkish waistcoat? [CN] 浅色套装配深色马甲如何? What about a lightish jacket with a darkish waistcoat? The Ministerial Broadcast (1986)
We whites are a lighter shade of ape whereas you are bla... dder infection, we're all at risk. [CN] 我们白人是浅色的猩猩 而你是个黑... 膀胱感染 Scary Movie 5 (2013)
I was already light colored. [CN] 我已经是浅色的。 Go Goa Gone (2013)
Ther are specialized gangs who usually pick up fair skinned kids as they have a big market here... [CN] 这种绑架事件通常都是帮派所为 年龄小,外表可爱,浅色皮... Ugly (2013)
Funny how light a hat can feel when you're not used to it. [CN] 有意思 这么浅色的帽子我没戴过 非常浅 Port of Shadows (1938)
I used to have this coat with a big hood... and it was a Hudson Bay blanket, so it was all, like, bright striped, and I used to wear them with, like, little hot-pink ankle boots. [CN] 我当时穿着这件有大兜帽的外衣 还围着一块有浅色条纹的哈得孙湾毯子 我那时穿着... Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)
Your eyes are light-coloured and deep. [CN] 你有浅色深邃的眼睛 The Black Cat (1981)
Especially if the clothes are delicate or brightly colored. [CN] 对于同一件浅色的衣服 The Lobster (2015)
He's about 6'4", light skin, a little chubby. [CN] 他身高大概六英尺四英寸[ 一米九三 ] 浅色皮肤 有点发福 Mutually Assured Destruction (2013)
Dark not bright. Skirt not pants. [CN] 深色套装 不要浅色 要穿裙子 不要裤子 Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word (2013)
That's growing on pale rocks, and those on reddish rocks. [CN] 这是长在浅色石头上的 这些则在发红石头上 Survival (2012)
They didn't have the tinted ones, so I colored them in myself. [CN] 他们没有浅色的, 所以我对自己的彩色他们。 Dear Dumb Diary (2013)
That's cute. [CN] 速人... 他说喜欢浅色系的 Fragile Boy, Fragile Girl (2016)
One is dark and heavy and one is light and fluffy. [CN] 这个棕色的丰满紧实 这个浅色的软萌可爱 one is dark and heavy and one is light and fluffy And the Upstairs Neighbor (2012)
A young woman, medium height, light hair... - ...a bit pale. [CN] 一个年轻女孩,中等身材,浅色的头发,有点苍白 The Best Offer (2013)
Fucking flybanes! [CN] 鸡巴上长出浅色伞菌 Szamanka (1996)
In the light coat. He's the official at the Élysée Palace. [CN] 穿浅色外套的 他是总统官邸的官员 The Day of the Jackal (1973)
- No. Byron was light-skinned. [CN] - 拜伦号是浅色皮肤。 Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996)
Maybe I should have something light on, like this. [CN] 或许我该配个浅色的... 比如这围巾 Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)
Medium height, light hair, a bit pale. Yes. [CN] - 中等身材,浅色的头发,有点苍白 The Best Offer (2013)
Light colors are better... Try this one. [CN] 浅色更好 试试这件 Check to the Queen (1969)
A lighter colored animal? [CN] 一个浅色的动物? Loves Her Gun (2013)
-Is this more mature? [CN] -浅色系的啊 Fragile Boy, Fragile Girl (2016)
- No, Minister, you write a note. [CN] 不 大臣 写个便条 用浅色铅笔? No, Minister, you write a note. The Whisky Priest (1982)
It's hidden between these light colored pebbles - [CN] 它躲在这些浅色石子下面 Survival (2012)
This one, then? [CN] 浅色系? Fragile Boy, Fragile Girl (2016)
"Light colored floors, sloping into a siphoned drain..." [CN] "地板要求浅色, 有地势较低的排污口..." The Wonders (2014)
Those that sell better in India. [CN] 在印度浅色皮肤的小孩买的人比较多 Ugly (2013)
That's you. "These are not light pants." You can do it. [CN] 叫你了 你没穿浅色裤子 你一定行的 Bad Words (2013)
Sarah has a bright towel. [CN] 巴特带的毛巾是浅色 The Nice Guys (2016)
No, it was a light hat. [CN] 不,那是一顶浅色的帽子 Le Samouraï (1967)
"These are not light pants. These are not light pants." [CN] 我穿的不是浅色裤子 我穿的不是浅色裤子 Bad Words (2013)
The oar was big, a light color. [CN] 车是... 大型的 浅色的... Calling All Police Cars (1975)
He's just light skinned. [CN] 他 只有浅色 School Dance (2014)
Four at the east side entrance. [CN] 他从东门入口出去,穿浅色外套 Sudden Death (1995)
They say people with fair skin can't take too much. [CN] 一般来说 浅色皮肤的人容易灼伤 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

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