50 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *插入*
หรือค้นหา: 插入, -插入-

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Yes. We're going to stooge off between salvos. [CN] 是的,我们要从中间插入 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
(Man) Not so long ago, the idea of a woman using a strap-on dildo to penetrate her male partner would have been shocking. [CN] 不久以前 让一个女人带上固定式假阳具 来插入男性伴侣身体这个想法是让人震惊的 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
In the event the nuclear device is triggered, you can still cancel self-destruct by inserting your red key in a substation. [CN] 当核装置被引发时你仍然 可以取消自动毁灭 通过把你的红钥匙 插入分电站 The Andromeda Strain (1971)
_ [CN] 插入硬盘 Dead Reckoning (2013)
When all was set up, the killer arrived and put a knife in Nora is breast ? [CN] 而就在一切就序时,凶手恰好进来, 将一把匕首插入了诺拉的胸膛? Successive Slidings of Pleasure (1974)
Insert launch key. [CN] 插入物启动钥匙。 WarGames (1983)
Inserting the clip applier. [CN] 練習插入施釘器 Holidaze (2009)
- Launch key inserted. [CN] -启动插入的钥匙。 WarGames (1983)
I was hiding behind the house... with my fingers down my throat. [CN] 我正躲在房子后面 用我的手指插入喉咙 The King of Comedy (1982)
We interrupt our program for a very important news bulletin. [CN] 我们中断节目 插入一个非常重要的公告 We interrupt our program for a very important news bulletin. Rain over Santiago (1975)
He goes into the next room, gets a gun, puts it in his mouth.... [CN] 然后他把一支枪插入口中, Mean Streets (1973)
And ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell till he unseamed him from the nave to the chops. [CN] 挥舞手中长剑 插入他的胸膛 剑尖提起 直至下颚穿出 Macbeth (1971)
(narrator) ln each occupied country, the film's message was sharpened by inserting local material. [CN] 在每个被占领的国家, 影片的信息通过插入当地的材料被加强了 Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
I would start with "intramuscular rigidum." [CN] 我想开始插入检查 Under the Sheets (1976)
Insert key. Left on three, two, one. [CN] 插入钥匙,左转倒数三 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
This is where you insert the potato and then you just turn this. [CN] 這里你插入土豆,然后就這樣轉 Courage for Every Day (1964)
(Woman) Some toys nowadays are designed for double penetration. [CN] 现在有些玩具被设计成双头插入 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
(Man) It allows the man to enjoy sex a more relaxed way, all that thrusting can be hell on the thigh muscles, though it still allows him enough freedom to thrust upwards should he crave deeper penetration. [CN] 这是让男人更轻松享受性爱的方式 因为所有插入的动作都会让大腿的肌肉疲劳 然而如果他想要插得更深的话 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
You may want to get an all-clear from him before you go sticking your finger in his anus, however. [CN] 如果你想把手指插入他的肛门的话 最好先征得他的同意 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
They can experiment with different grips, using one hand or both, or even rub their penis against something. [CN] 可以一只手或两只手 也可以把阴茎插入一些替代品中 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
- If we could catch him by surprise... [CN] 如果我们插入你的前面,很惊讶抓获了他... Duel at Diablo (1966)
Ten seconds to commercial. [CN] 插入10秒钟广告 Network (1976)
I wlll not let him come between us again. [CN] 我不会让他再插入我们之间 Lisa and the Devil (1973)
Please insert your stolen card now. [CN] 现在,请插入你的偷窃卡 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Thrust your heat-seeking missile between my lips. [CN] 把你的热跟踪导弹插入我的唇间 Hardbodies (1984)
But the vigilante plugged his first victim in Riverside Park. [CN] 但私刑插入,他在河滨公园的第一个受害者。 Death Wish (1974)
_ [CN] 数据恢复 插入丢失数据 Honor Among Thieves (2014)
Some slipped criticism between the lines. [CN] 一些(报纸)在字里行间插入了批评 Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
Put your fingers up my ass. Are you deaf? [CN] 把你的手插入我的屁眼 你没听见? Last Tango in Paris (1972)
I'm stuck in this stuff, Jobe. [CN] 我被插入这种材料,乔布 The Lawnmower Man (1992)
No man can harm us unless he bores a stake through our hearts or beheads us. [CN] 无人伤得了我们 除非将木桩插入心脏 No man can harm us unless he bores a stake through our hearts 或斩首 or beheads us. Twins of Evil (1971)
Double penetration. [CN] 双重插入( - -! Spring Breakers (2012)
I'll plug it in. [CN] 我将其插入 Beneath the Harvest Sky (2013)
Plug him in. [CN] 插入他进来。 The Scribbler (2014)
To activate, insert and twist the lever a quarter-turn clockwise. [CN] 要启动引爆装置 插入弹体 顺时钟转四分之一圈 Octopussy (1983)
Do it. [CN] 插入 Old School (2003)
... we'llplugit andspliceitinto the timer, set it, and it blows. [CN] 我们那它劈开插入电线 定好时就可以爆炸 The Towering Inferno (1974)
He thrust his great American hand into my dress and I felt the utility material of which it was made, parachute silk, tear asunder under the thrust of his passion. [CN] 插入他的棒美国手 进入我的洋装之内 而且我感觉实效材料 哪一个它被做, 降落伞丝, 分散流泪 在他的强烈的感情的推进之下。 How I Won the War (1967)
I want to penetrate you. Stay inside you. [CN] 我想插入你 呆在你里面 I Love You (1981)
Charlie lock. [CN] 第三片插入 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Alpha lock. [CN] 第一片插入 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
The better to stick in your rear, my dear. [CN] 可以从你后面插入 Last Tango in Paris (1972)
You find the soft spot, then you like to turn the knife. [CN] 你找到了弱點,便想插入刀子 Music Box (1989)
and how hard she is going to take it. [CN] 插入的力度 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
Our strategic withdrawal from Saint-Lô has made it possible, my Führer, for us to drive a wedge into the enemy front right here, in the vicinity of Mortain. [CN] 元首从圣罗战略转移 使我们得以在这里像一把 楔子插入敌人的正前方 就在莫庭附近 The Night of the Generals (1967)
Guess we're both gonna be stuck in summer school. [CN] 我猜我们两个都要 插入暑期班。 WarGames (1983)
If I were Napoleon, I'd consider it a good idea to thrust from the northeast, behind the duke. [CN] 如果我是拿破侖 我覺得這個主意不錯 從東南方向插入在伯爵後方 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
Just pop in a brand-new disk, and you get a whole new set of options. [CN] 衹要插入新的软件 就可以做全新的选择 Big (1988)
-I'm plugging into your PA system. [CN] 每层楼插入一个有线广播系统 The Towering Inferno (1974)
This position allows the woman to be more in control of the pace and power of thrusting and the depth of penetration. [CN] 这个姿势可以让女性更自如的掌控 控制插入的频率 强度 深度 The Lovers' Guide (1991)

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