51 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *彻底*
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
彻底[chè dǐ, ㄔㄜˋ ㄉㄧˇ,   /  ] thorough; thoroughing; complete #1,696 [Add to Longdo]

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In as little as four to six months. [CN] 就会经历彻底的情绪失控 Equals (2015)
Just, if there was any shred of doubt before, it's gone. [CN] 不过,之前的疑虑 现在彻底没了 I Never... (2015)
Our orders are to eliminate all targets and destroy every last drop of this virus. [CN] 我们的命令就是要消灭所有目标 彻底销毁这个病毒 Honor Among Thieves (2014)
Dude, if you want a permanent fix, just let me know. [CN] 哥们 如果你想彻底解决这个问题 Dude, if you want a permanent fix, 尽管和我说 我可以看看你的车 just let me know. Project Almanac (2015)
Uh-oh. The Canadian car's completely run out of queefs. [CN] 加拿大汽车是彻底没"气儿"了 Handicar (2014)
You're completely free now. [CN] 所以你现在彻底自由了 Sounding (2015)
Hummer out of commission for good. [CN] 将悍马彻底报废 - 噢! 上帝啊! Handicar (2014)
Search thoroughly when you arrive! [CN] 到达后即时彻底搜索 The Con Artists (2014)
You'll get a Christmas card for a couple of years, and then you're dead to me. [CN] 刚开始几年你们会收到圣诞卡片 之后就会彻底不联系了 The Hook-up Reverberation (2014)
Phones, telex, typewriters a direct feed to the courtroom allowing hundreds of people from reporters to philosophers, to scrutinise, decipher and judge every inch of your footage as it unfolds. [CN] 我们有可容纳上百人的法庭 它还配有电话 电报 打字机 直接供电 有记者到哲学家 随着你镜头的舒展 对你的影片进行 彻底地检查 解析和评判 The Eichmann Show (2015)
Your killer knew enough to douse the victim thoroughly inside and out so as to destroy all the DNA evidence. [CN] 凶手知道要将尸体内外彻底洗净 好破坏所有DNA迹证 Secret in Their Eyes (2015)
Lucy's totally in love with Charlie. [CN] Lucy彻底和Charlie相爱了 The Dramatics: A Comedy (2015)
He really did a number on you, didn't he? [CN] 他真是彻底击垮了你 对吗? A Cry for Help (2014)
And now it becomes familiar in its sheer vulnerability. [CN] 它幵始习惯自己彻底的软弱 Eisenstein in Guanajuato (2015)
If you want him to heal and move on, you just have to break it off clean. [CN] 如果你想让他彻底看开 就一次性断干净 Tragic Kingdom (2015)
You don't think the guy's completely reformed? [CN] 怎么 你不相信他彻底改过自新了? Skin (2014)
Very impressive. This really blew up in my face. [CN] 刮目相看 我彻底搞砸了 ...Then I'll Know (2015)
The only way to make sure those vials get destroyed is to do it ourselves. [CN] 唯一能保证病毒被彻底销毁的办法 就是我们自己来 Honor Among Thieves (2014)
Turn this place inside out. [CN] 把这地方彻底翻翻 Love Hurts (2014)
It's how we get the clearest understanding of events. [CN] 这样我们才能彻底把事情弄清楚 Skin (2014)
And it just blew up in my face. [CN] 然而彻底搞砸了 ...Then I'll Know (2015)
- permanently lost." [CN] 你的文件彻底消失 Shiny Objects (2014)
This time... it is real, jerk! [CN] 现在... 彻底完蛋了! This time... The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015)
Otherwise, our pursuit of it will consume us entirely. [CN] 否则 我们的追寻会彻底反噬我们 Otherwise, our pursuit of it will consume us entirely. M.I.A. (2015)
Hot-tempered, full of pride, completely consumed by his emotions. [CN] 性情火爆, 无比骄傲 是个彻彻底底的性情中人 The Boy Next Door (2015)
You must be a good actor to be a good traitor! [CN] 彻底欺骗、在背后桶一刀 演技不错啊! The Con Artists (2014)
I just want to disappear. I just want to be left alone. [CN] 只想彻底消失 自己一个人过日子 Sounding (2015)
We spent four years pretending that we were going to completely take over the world, and then like, completely, out of the blue, you tell me that you're moving to England a week before? [CN] 我们花了四年时间 假装 我们要彻底 接管世界, 然后喜欢,完全, 出蓝色, Lily & Kat (2015)
Hey, you, uh, remember when Alex's mom died and he was, like, completely inconsolable and his dad made him read that poem at the funeral? [CN] 哎,你,呃, 记得当 亚历克斯的妈妈死了 和他一样, 彻底伤心欲绝 Loaded (2015)
Then S.H.I.E.L.D. will be dead in the water. [CN] 那神盾局就彻底完蛋了 A Fractured House (2014)
It time I do what I should've done months ago ... put S.H.I.E.L.D. in the ground for good. [CN] 是时候了 我要做几个月前早就该做的事... 把神盾局彻底打趴下 A Fractured House (2014)
You are so fired. [CN] 你被彻底解雇了 Trainwreck (2015)
Henry has completely destroyed her white walls and carpets. [CN] Henry把白墙和地毯彻底毁了 Bend & Break (2014)
Shut the exits and search thoroughly! [CN] 截住出入口,彻底搜查 The Con Artists (2014)
Then go and knock them dead. [CN] 那就回去让他们彻底折服 Then go and knock them dead. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
Excuse me for doing my job thoroughly... and with style. [CN] 你脖子上都有吻痕 不好意思 我只是把工作做的彻底... 和有型一点 A Fractured House (2014)
Really real! [CN] 彻底完蛋! Really real! The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015)
Only one road, up or down. A total chokepoint. [CN] 那就一条路 还是单向的 彻底的阻塞点 Point Break (2015)
Hell, before it all got legalized, our people were growing hemp for the whole country. [CN] 在大麻彻底合法化之前 我们可是要为全美人民供货呢 Sounding (2015)
Well, somebody was thorough. [CN] 某人还真是忘得彻底 The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get (2014)
Sorry. [CN] 抱歉 我刚彻底地侵犯了你的私人空间 Sorry. The Ecstasy of Agony (2014)
Time to end this hobby once and for all. [CN] 是时候彻底结束这爱好了 The Magic Bush (2014)
I don't know, I'm just really struck by her. [CN] 我不知道 我只是被她彻底迷住了 I don't know, I'm just really struck by her. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
You just changed the face of manhunts forever. [CN] You just changed the face of manhunts forever. 你算是彻底改变了通缉的性质 Furious 7 (2015)
Butters is completely traumatized. [CN] Butters被你彻底搞糊涂了 Grounded Vindaloop (2014)
These East Germans are nothing if not thorough. [CN] 这些东德人真是查得彻底 The Cold War (2014)
We removed the tumor along with the necrotic bone, and we completely washed out the area. [CN] 我们移除了肿瘤和坏死的骨骼 并且彻底清洗了患处 Bend & Break (2014)
This isn't working for you anymore. [CN] 这个对你来说已经彻底没戏了 Trainwreck (2015)
- You sure about this? [CN] 彻底调查过吗? The Con Artists (2014)
See, gone is never totally gone. [CN] 你看 东西永远不会彻底消失的 Watch Over Me (2014)

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