51 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *开采*
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开采[kāi cǎi, ㄎㄞ ㄘㄞˇ,   /  ] to extract ore or other resource from a mine #7,398 [Add to Longdo]

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Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. [CN] 几百年前 特凡集团派工人来这 Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in 开采头颅内的有机物 to mine the organic matter within the skull. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
And now, please, your payment into our gold prospecting concern... for the purchase of land plots in Dawson, as agreed. [CN] 现在,您的付款我们 开采黄金矿业公司, 用于购买土地 道森的,视为同意。 Gold (2013)
There are now billions of cheaply made cell phones computers and other technology each full of precious, difficult to mine materials such as gold, coltan, copper... now rotting in vast piles usually due to the mere malfunction or obsolescence [CN] 有数十亿廉价制造的手机 电脑和其它科技产品 每种都含有珍贵的 难开采的原料 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
Do you know how much gold was mined in the Westerlands this past year? [CN] 你知道过去这一年从维斯特洛开采出多少金子吗? Internment (2013)
You walked away to take a phone call. [CN] 你走开采取了电话。 Third Person (2013)
Our plan isn't to start mining right away, but only after - expert organizations research... [CN] 我们并不是现在就立刻进行开采 会先由专门机关作详细调查 Midsummer's Equation (2013)
What did they steal? A geophysical surveying map of the untapped oil reserves in the Orinoco belt. [CN] 一份奥里诺科重油带尚未开采油井的 地球物理勘测图 Foreign Affairs (2011)
They bought a sheep farm in Australia to mine uranium to build their own bomb. [CN] 他们在澳大利亚买下一处牧场 开采铀以制造他们自己的炸弹 Countdown to Zero (2010)
And some day, somebody is going to find a way to get oil commercially. [CN] 或许某一天, 某人会有什么路道... 能够商业化的开采这里的石油. Antarctica: A Year on Ice (2013)
We're now exploring deposits drilling up to 7, 000 metres deep. [CN] 现在我们已经在7000米深处开采石油 Planet Ocean (2012)
The oil platforms you were on, turns out they're sitting on the biggest oil reserve in the world. [CN] 你去的那个采油平台 我们发现他们正在开采世界上最大的油田 Cars 2 (2011)
They own dozens of companies and industries including oil and gas, refining and chemicals, minerals, fertilizer, forestry, polymers and fibers and ranching. [CN] 他们拥有的公司数量众多 遍及石油化工 矿物开采 以及农林牧副的方方面面 The 112th Congress (2012)
Of course extracting them is, but their existence is not and so the rents from natural resources are a wonderful source of taxation nobody made them so, and when you do tax them, you cause all of us to use them more efficiently [CN] 当然开采矿物是人力的结果 但资源本身却与人力无关 所以自然资源的租金 Four Horsemen (2012)
This is a cement mine on the east coast of Taiwan. [CN] 这是台湾东部水泥开采的现场 Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above (2013)
The key is this that this above ground stock of gold grows by about 1.75 percent per annum which is approximately equal to new world population growth and is approximately equal to new wealth creation [CN] 关键在于已开采的黄金存量 年增长率约为1.75% 大致相当于世界人口增长率 Four Horsemen (2012)
In addition to gold, other ancient sites in [CN] 除了黄金 秘鲁的其他古代开采 The Mission (2010)
We'd go out there with robot mining crews and eventually human mining crews, mine those planets, extract the ore. [CN] 其他世界旅行者的目的地? 我们派出机器人采集队 然后是人类采集队 在那个星球开采 分离出矿石 The Mission (2010)
The companies that drill it do. [CN] 只在这些公司能开采 Pilot (2010)
I don't think we'll ever find Daddy's mine. [CN] 我认为没有让enoontrar 开采教皇。 Against the Wild (2013)
The president would like for you to understand that, uh, he is now the... sole owner of Latin Star, and has rechristened it... the, uh, Love Drilling and Oil Company. [CN] 总统先生希望你们明白 他现在才是 "拉美之星"的唯一所有者 并且给其重新命名"洛芙开采石油公司" Foreign Affairs (2011)
Peru provide evidence that they were once mined for quartz... hematite... [CN] 还有证据显示他们开采过石英... The Mission (2010)
We're moving out, leaving the quarry. [CN] 我们要转移了 离开采石场 Wildfire (2010)
We turned to him for help, and in return, I gave him exclusive rights To all Kaiju remains in the region. [CN] ...作为回报 我给他整个区域内怪兽残存物开采 Pacific Rim (2013)
A ton of cement is made from 1.4 tons of limestone, 300 kilos of clay and 60 kilos of silica sand. [CN] 一公吨水泥成品 需要开采一点四公吨的石灰石 三百公斤的黏土 Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above (2013)
Any who mobilizes people by force to take ice for personal gain shall be arrested immediately! [CN] 尤其今冬强制征调百姓 私自开采冰块的人即刻下狱! The Grand Heist (2012)
But if alien excavators did come to Earth-- perhaps thousands of years ago-- wouldn't there be evidence? [CN] 但如果外星开采者在千年前来到地球 难道不会留下线索吗? The Mission (2010)
LIMIT DEEP-SEA EXPLOITATION [CN] 限制深海开采 Planet Ocean (2012)
Armadas of spaceships mining the moon and other planets for natural resources. [CN] 想想看 飞船舰队在月球和其他星球上 开采能源 The Mission (2010)
MAKE MINE A DOUBLE. [CN] 使开采双。 The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure (2016)
Governor Ed Rendell had rolled out the red carpet for the gas drilling industry. [CN] 州长爱德Rendell已经扩散 红地毯开采业。 Gasland Part II (2013)
Son Number 4 goes home and when Sheikhy re-ups the contracts, we get favorable consideration. [CN] 只要等小儿子回家 石油顺利开采,我们就能获利 Killer Elite (2011)
Do you know what those contracts are worth? [CN] 开采出来后市值多少钱吗? Killer Elite (2011)
What about natural resources activity? [CN] 那天然资源开采活动呢? Iron Sky (2012)
They didn't quarry the rock, and then decide, "How the heck are we gonna transport this?" [CN] 他们并没有从采石场开采石头 "我们为什么要做这么无聊的事?" The Evidence (2010)
For law enforcement to exploit, and often misread. [CN] 执法开采, 而且常常误读。 Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013)
Mining underground resources will harm organisms. [CN] 开采地下资源必定会伤害生物 Midsummer's Equation (2013)
I made it myself out of an alarm clock some copper I mined in the hills over there and a teaspoon. [CN] 里面的铜是附近开采的 外加一支汤匙 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
Front is mined. [CN] 前被开采 The Philadelphia Experiment (2012)
or in incinerators, where they are burned, releasing toxic pollution. [CN] Sazgarh环境? 问题的开始 开采和生产。 The Story of Bottled Water (2010)
We began by pumping out the shallow deposits. [CN] 刚开始我们只开采浅层石油 Planet Ocean (2012)
If humans weren't doing that mining a hundred thousand years ago, and making metals, then we would have to assume it would be extraterrestrials doing it. [CN] 如果人类没有 在10万年前开采那个矿 制造金属 那我们就不得不假设 The Mission (2010)
Gold turns out to be surprisingly easy to mine for, even though it's relatively rare. [CN] 黄金神奇般地容易开采 尽管如此 它还是相对稀有 The Mission (2010)
It's how they mine for gold. [CN] 他们就是这样开采黄金的 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
50 years, and our oil concessions are finished. [CN] 50年,我们的石油开采权终止了 For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)
While the origins of these ancient geoglyphs remain a mystery, the area in which the lines are located suggests that a major excavation took place there, perhaps hundreds of centuries ago. [CN] 这古代地画的起源至今也是个谜 这个线条所处的地方显示 曾有大规模开采的痕迹 The Mission (2010)
Someone got to the senators, someone powerful enough to push that shale fracking bill through the system. [CN] 有人买通参议员 有很有权的人 足以推动页岩开采议案通过 Risk (2012)
We simply locate and identify every physical resource on the planet we can, along with the amount available at each location from the deposits of copper, to the most potent locations for wind farms to produce energy to the natural fresh water springs [CN] 我们只需找到并定位 地球上的每个物理资源 并确定这些资源被开采的可能性 从铜的储存 到可发电的最大风力地点 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
All of the gold that has been mined throughout history, still exists in its above ground stock it's about the size of 2 and a half olympic swimming pools if you put all that gold together in one place [CN] 历史上被开采出来的所有黄金 没有丁点损耗 如果将所有黄金熔铸在一起 Four Horsemen (2012)
Four cities, three castles, 30, 000 citizens, and... and... taxes for a year on the salt from the salt mines. [CN] 四个城池 三座城堡 3万子民 还有 还有 盐矿开采的盐免税一年 Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
And what do they mine here? Gold? [CN] 他们在这儿开采什么 黄金吗 Soldiers of Fortune (2012)

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