57 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *帜*
หรือค้นหา: , -帜-

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, zhì, ㄓˋ] flag, pennant, sign; to fasten
Radical: , Decomposition:   巾 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  只 [zhī, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] curtain
Variants: , Rank: 2813
[, zhì, ㄓˋ] flag, pennant, sign; to fasten
Radical: , Decomposition:   巾 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  戠 [zhī, ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] curtain

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[zhì, ㄓˋ, / ] flag #37,488 [Add to Longdo]
[qí zhì, ㄑㄧˊ ㄓˋ,   /  ] ensign; flag #7,434 [Add to Longdo]
独树一[dú shù yī zhì, ㄉㄨˊ ㄕㄨˋ ㄧ ㄓˋ,     /    ] lit. a banner on a solitary tree (成语 saw); to fly one's own flag; fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have an attitude of one's own #26,986 [Add to Longdo]
[huī zhì, ㄏㄨㄟ ㄓˋ,   /  ] banner #646,397 [Add to Longdo]
[biāo zhì, ㄅㄧㄠ ㄓˋ,   /  ] an emblem; the epitome (of); to epitomize [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Then you must bring down your flag. [CN] -那么你得扯下你的旗 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Hoist battle ensigns. [CN] 打出宣战旗 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
In battle, we'll need something to wave [CN] 战斗时 有旗飘扬才热闹 Seven Samurai (1954)
Our objective was to be the planting of our banner on the building itself. [CN] 我们的目标是要把我们的旗插到这幢建筑上 我们有一组人 Nemesis: Germany - February-May 1945 (1974)
Well, I... [CN] 说起分手 Speaking of ending relationships, 当英国的洪都拉斯变成了伯利兹之后 when British Honduras became Belize, 他们设计了一个画着树的新旗 they designed a new flag with a tree on it, The Valentino Submergence (2016)
Let them march together under one banner... and share and share alike in the victories to come. [CN] 让我们在同一旗下大步向前 分享胜利的果实 The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
Hold the staff vertically as I told you! [CN] 按照我的要求笔直地 握住那些旗 Lovefilm (1970)
Well it seems we're to have a British waterworks with an Arab flag on it. [CN] 那个... 看来我们将会有一个 插上了阿拉伯旗的... 英国水利局 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
His blood-red banner... [CN] 他染血的旗在飘扬 The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
Wherever the flag rises over some lonely Army post... there may be one man, one captain... fated to wield the sword of destiny. [CN] 无论旗在哪个军营升起 都会有一个人 幸运地挥起命运的剑 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
But Auschwitz is in a class by itself. [CN] 但在这些集中营里 奥斯维辛又独树一 Part V (1988)
Raise the banner higher [CN] "同志们,高举我们的旗!" The Tin Drum (1979)
Listen, Doctor, if some half-mad terrorist group hadn't tried to blow up this place, we wouldn't be in this mess. [CN] 哼,我说大夫 要是没有这帮打着和平旗的恐怖分子,想来炸毁这儿 本来是没事儿的 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
Stand quiet with your banners and your signs. [CN] 安静地举起你们的旗和标语 The Ugly American (1963)
And carries our banner today [CN] 今天举起我们的旗 Anita: Swedish Nymphet (1973)
On behalf of the United States Army I am proud to present to you the flag of our nation which your son defended so gallantly. [CN] 我仅代表美国军队 给您自豪地献上 我们国家的旗... 您儿子在战役中非常光荣 地所要拼力保护的旗 Giant (1956)
The whole town is plastered with the Arab flag. [CN] 全镇贴满了阿拉伯旗 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
They gave me the banner to enable me to get into the building itself and hoist it up. [CN] 他们把旗给我 使我能进入大楼 把它升起来 冲进(总理府)大楼后, Nemesis: Germany - February-May 1945 (1974)
German and Confederate. [CN] 以及两面交叉的旗,德国的和联盟的 One, Two, Three (1961)
His friends rushed forward to him while I had to make it upstairs to plant the banner. [CN] 而我必须上楼去插旗 Nemesis: Germany - February-May 1945 (1974)
Under a spring sky, Orly awaits the royal couple as protocol demands. [CN] 春光明媚 奥利机场恭候皇室伉俪 礼节隆重 旗飘扬 Love Is My Profession (1958)
- All right, we're going to try it once more. [CN] 好了,我们再试试这个机动 那衣服很好,放在那旗 Duel at Diablo (1966)
Arches. [CN] 200) }十字架 旗 The Founder (2016)
First, they take down the banners of Pendragon. [CN] 他们先取下潘龙的旗 The Mists of Avalon (2001)
Hey, you can't carry a shopping bag, too! [CN] 索尼你可不能拿着旗的 同时又背一个购物袋 Lovefilm (1970)
- See his banners go - See his banners go [CN] 看他的旗飞扬 MASH (1970)
Look at Exeter's battle flags. [CN] 看见埃克塞特号的宣战旗 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
and I don't care where you were on that island, you could see right up to Suribachi that the flag was raised. [CN] 不管你在那个岛的什么地方, 你往折钵山看 都能看到旗被升起来了 Pacific: February 1942-July 1945 (1974)
Is that it? [CN] 你需要有人把旗扛起来 是吗? The Son Also Rises (2007)
- Hoist battle ensigns. [CN] - 升起旗 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
Fighters under a common banner, old quarrels forgotten... [CN] 在一面普通的旗下, 过去一切争论被忘怀了 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
Flags. [CN] 《有趣的旗》 Fun... Mit... The Beta Test Initiation (2012)
- Gather round that flag. [CN] 赶紧冲着那面旗! SGT. Duel at Diablo (1966)
In some kinds of people some tenderer feelings have had some little beginning that we have got to make grow and to cling to as our flag in this dark march toward whatever it is we're approaching. [CN] 这都是我们成长的表现。 而我们将坚持这些, 竖起这些旗向前,继续进行我们的黑暗旅程... A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
At the close of the festive ceremony, the king decorated the banners of selected units with memorial ribbons. [CN] 在节日庆典结束的时候 国王在特选的小分队的旗上 装点上纪念的彩带 Case for a Rookie Hangman (1970)
Hang out our banners on the outward walls. [CN] 把我们的旗挂在城墙外面 Macbeth (1971)
No, it's not. It's Windsor. [CN] 不 不是 是温莎 你可以辨出一直装饰的旗 No, it's not. Lunch Hour (1963)
With. [CN] 没人想聊一聊旗 No one wants to talk about flags, 人家都已经十分钟没说一个字了 and I haven't spoken in over ten minutes, 所以 享受你们的节目吧 so, enjoy your new show, Internet. The Valentino Submergence (2016)
" ... redder than the messenger blue and shouting Itza, Itza and all of the air is just a flag. [CN] "耀武胜天兵 喊杀震天下" "四海只有一种旗飘扬" Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
You have raised yet higher the glorious banner of the Soviet geologists. [CN] 你们已高举起了苏联地质学家们 光荣的旗 Letter Never Sent (1960)
And of course, it was your flag that went up and ours that came down. [CN] 当然喽,你们的旗升了上去, 我们的就必然要降下来了 O Lucky Man! (1973)
Now he made a picture. [CN] 他独树一 It Happened One Night (1934)
Factions clashed, alliances altered, cabinets came and went in the cascade, some lasting a few hours, some a few months. [CN] 派系冲突, 联盟易, 内阁层叠往替, 有的(内阁)只持续几个小时, 有的几个月 France Falls: May-June 1940 (1973)
He hadn't asked for the confetti and flags and he ran from them. [CN] 他不想要什么鲜花掌声旗飘扬 所以他为此逃走 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
♪ We can lick the world [CN] ♪ 随着旗展开 On Our Way: U.S.A. - 1939-1942 (1973)
You were lying with a banner in your hand. [CN] 你倒下的时候手里还有一面旗 War and Peace (1956)
And Patrice was so worried when the baby's hair started to fall out. [CN] ... 为他的旗而战 当孩子掉头发时 Patrice是那么地担心 No Man of Her Own (1950)
And yet banners were ordered for his birthday. [CN] 但为了他的生日 旗仍被命令(竖立起来) Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
Ulrike has a most original way of expressing herself. [CN] 尤丽卡表达情感独树一 The Night of the Generals (1967)
Raise the banner higher [CN] "同志们,让我们高举我们的旗吧" The Tin Drum (1979)

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