154 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *命令*
หรือค้นหา: 命令, -命令-

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
命令[mìng lìng, ㄇㄧㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,  ] order; command #3,645 [Add to Longdo]
行政命令[xíng zhèng mìng lìng, ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄓㄥˋ ㄇㄧㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,    ] executive order #38,000 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Approved JP-TH
命令[めいれい, meirei] (n, vt) คำสั่ง, ออกคำสั่ง

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
命令[めいれいけい, meireikei] รูปคำสั่ง

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
命令[めいれい, meirei] (n, vs) (1) order; command; decree; directive; (2) { comp } (software) instruction; statement; (P) #2,541 [Add to Longdo]
アセンブラ制御命令[アセンブラせいぎょめいれい, asenbura seigyomeirei] (n) { comp } assembler control instruction [Add to Longdo]
コンパイラ指示命令[コンパイラしじめいれい, konpaira shijimeirei] (n) { comp } compiler-directing statement [Add to Longdo]
ストリーミングSIMD拡張命令[ストリーミングエスアイエムディーかくちょうめいれい, sutori-minguesuaiemudei-kakuchoumeirei] (n) { comp } Streaming SIMD Extensions; SSE [Add to Longdo]
ゼロアドレス命令[ゼロアドレスめいれい, zeroadoresu meirei] (n) { comp } zero address instruction [Add to Longdo]
ポツダム命令[ポツダムめいれい, potsudamu meirei] (n) (See ポツダム宣言) Potsdam Orders (commands made after the Japanese surrender based on the demands of the Potsdam Declaration) [Add to Longdo]
マイクロ命令[マイクロめいれい, maikuro meirei] (n) { comp } microinstruction [Add to Longdo]
マクロ命令[マクロめいれい, makuro meirei] (n) { comp } macro instruction [Add to Longdo]
一般命令演算機構[いっぱんめいれいえんざんきこう, ippanmeireienzankikou] (n) { comp } general instruction unit (computer) [Add to Longdo]
仮言的命令[かげんてきめいれい, kagentekimeirei] (n) (obsc) (See 仮言命法) hypothetical imperative [Add to Longdo]
拡張命令コード[かくちょうめいれいコード, kakuchoumeirei ko-do] (n) { comp } augmented operation code [Add to Longdo]
隔離命令[かくりめいれい, kakurimeirei] (n) isolation order [Add to Longdo]
簡約化命令集合計算機[かんやくかめいれいしゅうごうけいさんき, kanyakukameireishuugoukeisanki] (n) { comp } RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) [Add to Longdo]
機械語命令[きかいごめいれい, kikaigomeirei] (n) { comp } machine instruction [Add to Longdo]
機械命令[きかいめいれい, kikaimeirei] (n) { comp } machine instruction [Add to Longdo]
疑似命令[ぎじめいれい, gijimeirei] (n) { comp } pseudo instruction [Add to Longdo]
業務改善命令[ぎょうむかいぜんめいれい, gyoumukaizenmeirei] (n) business improvement order [Add to Longdo]
呼び出し命令[よびだしめいれい, yobidashimeirei] (n) { comp } call instruction [Add to Longdo]
行政命令[ぎょうせいめいれい, gyouseimeirei] (n) administrative or executive order [Add to Longdo]
行動命令[こうどうめいれい, koudoumeirei] (n) operation order [Add to Longdo]
裁判所命令[さいばんしょめいれい, saibanshomeirei] (n) court injunction; court order [Add to Longdo]
作戦命令[さくせんめいれい, sakusenmeirei] (n) operation order [Add to Longdo]
算術演算命令[さんじゅつえんざんめいれい, sanjutsuenzanmeirei] (n) { comp } arithmetic instruction [Add to Longdo]
算術命令[さんじゅつめいれい, sanjutsumeirei] (n) { comp } arithmetic instruction; arithmetic statement [Add to Longdo]
至上命令[しじょうめいれい, shijoumeirei] (n) categorical imperative; overriding necessity [Add to Longdo]
実効命令[じっこうめいれい, jikkoumeirei] (n) { comp } actual instruction [Add to Longdo]
社長命令[しゃちょうめいれい, shachoumeirei] (n) presidential order [Add to Longdo]
縮小命令セットコンピュータ[しゅくしょうめいれいセットコンピュータ, shukushoumeirei settokonpyu-ta] (n) { comp } Reduced Instruction Set Computer (or Computing); RISC [Add to Longdo]
出頭命令[しゅっとうめいれい, shuttoumeirei] (n, vs) (issuing) order requiring somebody to report personally (to a police station); subpoena [Add to Longdo]
出動命令[しゅつどうめいれい, shutsudoumeirei] (n) marching orders; sailing orders [Add to Longdo]
準備命令[じゅんびめいれい, junbimeirei] (n) warning order [Add to Longdo]
上からの命令[うえからのめいれい, uekaranomeirei] (n) order from above [Add to Longdo]
条件付き飛越し命令[じょうけんつきとびこしめいれい, joukentsukitobikoshimeirei] (n) { comp } conditional jump instruction [Add to Longdo]
条件分岐命令[じょうけんぶんきめいれい, joukenbunkimeirei] (n) { comp } conditional branch instruction [Add to Longdo]
条件命令[じょうけんめいれい, joukenmeirei] (n) { comp } conditional statement [Add to Longdo]
進撃命令[しんげきめいれい, shingekimeirei] (n) marching order; go-ahead [Add to Longdo]
絶対座標命令[ぜったいざひょうめいれい, zettaizahyoumeirei] (n) { comp } absolute command; absolute instruction [Add to Longdo]
宣言型マクロ命令[せんげんけいマクロめいれい, sengenkei makuro meirei] (n) { comp } declarative macro instruction [Add to Longdo]
相対座標命令[そうたいざひょうめいれい, soutaizahyoumeirei] (n) { comp } relative command; relative instruction [Add to Longdo]
即値命令[そくちめいれい, sokuchimeirei] (n) { comp } immediate instruction [Add to Longdo]
単一命令操作[たんいつめいれいそうさ, tan'itsumeireisousa] (n) { comp } single step operation; step-by-step operation [Add to Longdo]
弾道ミサイル破壊措置命令[だんどうミサイルはかいそちめいれい, dandou misairu hakaisochimeirei] (n) (See 破壊措置命令) ballistic-missile shoot-down order; order to shoot down a ballistic missile [Add to Longdo]
逐一命令操作[ちくいちめいれいそうさ, chikuichimeireisousa] (n) { comp } single step operation; step-by-step operation [Add to Longdo]
中止命令[ちゅうしめいれい, chuushimeirei] (n) cease and desist order; stay order; discontinuance order; suspension order [Add to Longdo]
定言的命令[ていげんてきめいれい, teigentekimeirei] (n) (obsc) (See 定言命法) categorical imperative [Add to Longdo]
特権命令[とっけんめいれい, tokkenmeirei] (n) { comp } privileged instruction [Add to Longdo]
納付命令[のうふめいれい, noufumeirei] (n) payment order [Add to Longdo]
破壊措置命令[はかいそちめいれい, hakaisochimeirei] (n) (See 弾道ミサイル破壊措置命令) shoot-down order (e.g. for ballistic missile) [Add to Longdo]
配備命令[はいびめいれい, haibimeirei] (n) deployment order [Add to Longdo]
判断命令[はんだんめいれい, handanmeirei] (n) { comp } decision instruction [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
I did that work on the orders of my boss.あの仕事は上司の命令でやった。
The servants tried to carry out their master's order.お手伝いさんたちは主人の命令を実行しようと努めた。
Ken told his dog to wait there.ケンは自分の犬に、そこで待つように命令した。
This order is to be obeyed to the letter.この命令は厳守すべき。
The same sentence could have the force of a command.その同じ文が命令の力を持つことがあるのだろう。
Some soldiers were reluctant to obey the commands.その命令に嫌々従う兵もいた。
There is nothing for it but to obey the order.その命令に従うより他に仕方ない。
Ms. White ordered that Tom should stay after school.ホワイト先生はトムに放課後居残るように命令した。
Lincoln ordered that all the slaves in the country should be set free.リンカーンは、全国の奴隷を解放せよと命令した。
The doctor has ordered the patient to abstain from wine.医者は患者にワインを控えるように命令した。
His doctor ordered him to rest.医者は彼に休養するように命令した。
By what authority do you order me to do this?何の権威であなたは私にこれをしろと命令するのか。
Your suggestion amounts to an order.君の提案は命令同然だ。 [ M ]
I will sell the boat in accordance with your orders.君の命令にしたがって私はボートを売ろう。 [ M ]
A police officer told me to stop the car.警官が私に車を停めるように命令した。
The policeman barked orders.警官はどなって命令をした。
The commander gave orders that his men fire at once.司令官は部下に向かって直ちに発砲するよう命令を発した。
We carried out the captain's order to the letter.私たちは船長の命令を厳密に実行した。
I must request you to obey my orders.私の命令には従ってもらうようお願いいたします。
They didn't come in spite of my orders.私の命令にも関わらず、彼らはやって来なかった。
My order are absolute.私の命令は絶対だ。
I have orders to waste you.私はお前を消せと命令されている。
I have to give in to his order.私は彼の命令に従わなければならない。
The servants tried to carry out their master's order.召使い達は主人の命令を実行しようとした。
The ship's captain ordered the radio operator to send a distress signal.船長は無線通信士に遭難信号を打つように命令した。
They were waiting for the go-ahead.前進命令を待っていた。
The captain ordered his men to fire.隊長は部下に撃てと命令した。
The captain ordered his men to gather at once.隊長は部下に直ちに集合するように命令した。
His request was equivalent to an order.彼の依頼は命令に等しかった。
His advice amounts to an order.彼の助言は命令も同然だ。
His suggestion was, effectively, an order.彼の提案は実質上命令であった。
His word is law.彼の命令はそのまま法律だ。
We must execute his orders.彼の命令を実行しなければならぬ。
They made sure that these orders were carried out.彼はこれらの命令が確実に実行されるように手配した。
He was ordered to shout up.彼はだまれと命令された。
He commanded me to leave the room immediately.彼は私にすぐに部屋から出るようにと命令した。
He ordered me to stand up.彼は私に起立するように命令した。
He commanded me to shut the gate.彼は私に門を閉じよと命令した。
He cannot help accepting his boss's order.彼は上司の命令に従わざるをえなかった。
He's got a commanding manner about him.彼は人に命令するようなところがある。
He ordered that everybody get up at six.彼は全員6時におきるように命令した。
He asked the general to take back his order.彼は大将に命令を取り消すように頼んだ。
He ordered them to release the prisoners.彼は彼らに囚人を釈放するように命令した。
He growled out orders to his subordinates.彼は部下にどなって命令をした。
He yelled out an order to the soldiers.彼は兵士たちに大声を上げて命令した。
They defied the policeman's order.彼らはその警官の命令を無視した。
They submitted to their leader's order.彼らはリーダーの命令に服従した。
They have orders to return home.彼らは帰国命令を受けている。
They carried out the captain's order to the letter.彼らは船長の命令を厳密に実行した。
They are supposed to obey the orders.彼らは命令に従う事になっている。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You'll have to clear this with command. [JP] 命令なんです The Crazies (1973)
Excuse me, Father, but we have the authority to do this with or without your approval. [JP] 命令を受けているんです あなたの同意は不要です The Crazies (1973)
Excuse me, all film stays in-house. [CN] 对不起,照片不准外流 上级命令 Murder at 1600 (1997)
I am ordering you. [CN] 命令 Day 3: 6:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m. (2004)
- This is an order! [JP] 命令だぞ! Alien (1979)
- He can't order me. [JP] 私に命令は出せんよ - いえ、いえ... Halloween II (1981)
As you command, I will lead you down. [JP] 命令の通り 案内しましょう Das Rheingold (1980)
Regular army was all I ever was. [JP] 命令に従った The Crazies (1973)
You just do it because you're told to. [JP] 命令だからだ The Crazies (1973)
Woman should not order man around. [JP] 女性は男性に命令してはいけません、 男性は家庭での主導権を持っています! La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
I take orders from just one person... me. [JP] 俺に命令できるのはひとり つまり俺だけだ Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
We'll go on even if Madam ordered us to stop [CN] 就算是干妈下命令 我们也还是照玩 Tiger Cage (1988)
I, Vigo, the scourge of Carpathia the sorrow of Moldavia, command you. [CN] 我维哥是喀尔巴阡的祸首 摩尔达维亚的苦难,我命令 Ghostbusters II (1989)
We don't give the orders, you give them, sir. [CN] 我们不发布什么命令。 您发布的,先生。 To Be and to Have (2002)
The papers? Order? Whose? [CN] 誰的文件命令? Wesele (1973)
New wealth would soon be won at the ring's command [JP] 新たな宝は獲得できる それは 指環の命令による Das Rheingold (1980)
The guy's a killer! I'm in charge here and I say: blow him up! [JP] こいつは殺人鬼だぞ それにこれは命令だ 奴を吹っ飛ばせ First Blood (1982)
Kaissarov! Sit down and write tomorrow's order of the day. [JP] 副官 明 日 の命令書を作れ War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 (1967)
Any judgment made will be final. [CN] 裁判的判决就是最终命令 Redbelt (2008)
Now you get some sack time. That's an order. [CN] 好好去睡一觉, 这是命令 Windtalkers (2002)
You heard him. [CN] 你们听见命令了 行动 Vengeance, Part 3 (2012)
Be careful, Doctor. [CN] 因违抗命令? Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
What was your special order? [JP] - 特別命令って? Alien (1979)
I gave you an order to kill her. Now you have to fulfill that order. [CN] 我下令你杀她 你要完成命令 Universal Soldier (1992)
Alert all commands. Ready for the tractor beam. [JP] 全艦に命令を トラクター・ビームの準備だ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Bring it in as I command! [JP] 命令どおり運んで行け! Das Rheingold (1980)
- Don't even bother to check him in. We're not to even check you in, sir, just get you on that plane. [JP] 命令で あなたを飛行機に乗せろと The Crazies (1973)
First of all because of your tone of voice, this commanding-- [CN] 首先 你用的是命令语气 Rain Man (1988)
You here only what I tell you... [CN] 你只能听我的命令... Taxi 2 (2000)
When I say outside, I separáis. [CN] 当我叫停, 必须要听从命令 Champion (1949)
Mama. [CN] 爱登士 我命令你 我命令你再敲三下 他在门外! The Addams Family (1991)
I was obeying a direct order. [JP] 命令に従ったまでだよ Alien (1979)
You might at least take back your insults, if you want me to comply with your wishes. [JP] 発言を取り消して もらいたい 僕に命令する以上はね War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
I got north-south. Move to assault positions. Wait for my go. [CN] 我负责北边到南边 前往攻击位置,等待我的命令 Green Zone (2010)
- Was that an order? [CN] 你一定要立即停止 -你在命令我吗? The Man of Steel Bars (1993)
Is that an order? [CN] 你是在命令我吗? 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
Authorize me out of here! Screw the orders! [JP] 命令を無視してオレを行かせろ! The Crazies (1973)
Whistles, orders. [CN] 哨音、命令 The Sound of Music (1965)
-I ordered you a helmet with visor not rašèupaš while driving. [CN] 命令你的头盔与面罩 不ra? èupa? ,而驾驶。 Normal Life (1996)
You've been ordered back to Smith's Grove. [JP] スミスグローブに連れ戻す命令が出ています Halloween II (1981)
Get one. Keep that in your suit unless I tell you to take it out. [CN] 弄一把 没我命令不许掏枪 U.S. Marshals (1998)
- Dr. Loomis we're under orders from the Governor! [JP] - 博士、知事の命令なので戻れません! Halloween II (1981)
- Yes, I did. [CN] -是的, 我下过命令 A Few Good Men (1992)
I cast you out! [CN] 命令你出来! 5ive Girls (2006)
He might relieve me from duty. [JP] 休職命令が出る Soylent Green (1973)
Mine is the might that Mime obeys [JP] 俺にはミーメに命令できる力がある Das Rheingold (1980)
Shut up! Mr. Ranki's orders. [CN] 抱歉,这是梁魁的命令 Swallowtail Butterfly (1996)
What orders from Mordor, my lord? [JP] モルドールから ご命令が? The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Do it. [CN] 听您的命令 The Eye of Jupiter (2006)
Open that hatch, do you hear me? [JP] これは命令だ 今すぐハッチを開けろ Alien (1979)

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