That this was an organised act of aggression from the west | | [CN] 這是一次西方列强策划的侵略行动 Legacy: Part 6 (2015) |
This is one of the most wonderful viewpoints in history. | | [CN] 这里是历史上列强入侵印度次大陆的 The Meeting of Two Oceans (2007) |
"Only by rallying the people, driving away the foreigners, can one save China." | | [CN] 只有唤起民众 赶走列强 , 才能救中国 Tai Chi II (1996) |
I recognize that obligation, Guzmán, and I believe that if we stand united the Chinese won't dare to attack the representatives of 11 great Powers. | | [CN] 如果其他列强决定要留下来 我们简直没有选择的余地 恭喜! 55 Days at Peking (1963) |
I'd taken an HEMNES or a TRYSIL over the HURDAL. | | [CN] 什么都比郝德系列强好吗 Anything's an improvement over the HURDAL. Deadpool (2016) |
But the continuous invasions by foreign imperial colonial powers in the 19th century had dragged the middle kingdom into an abyss of suffering and backwardness. | | [CN] 但是19世纪外国帝国之民列强的连年侵略 已经让神州大地贫穷落后 满目疮痍 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
The resentment against the imperial colonial powers and the sense of historic injustice continued to fester and inspire the revolutionary forces within China. | | [CN] 对帝国殖民列强的怨恨 以及历史不公平感 让中国的革命力量痛定思痛 怒火中烧 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
The grave of the FTAA! | | [CN] 我们要埋葬列强! Maradona by Kusturica (2008) |
The great powers of Europe had seen that Catholicism revealed a power greater than theirs. | | [CN] 欧洲列强都看到了天主教显出 的力量要比它们的更加伟大。 God in the Dock (2009) |
An interesting example of how alliances were short lived opportunistic and constantly shift between the imperial colonial nations, occurred during WWI. | | [CN] 一战期间 各国列强 争权夺利 此消彼长 却个个好景不长 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
I do most of my work with the anti-rape team. | | [CN] 我现在主要负责系列强奸案件 The Stendhal Syndrome (1996) |
China was allied of the occidental powers. | | [CN] 中国与西方列强结盟 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974) |
As was the agreement Mexico signed in 1983. | | [CN] 墨西哥1983年与列强签了条约 Maradona by Kusturica (2008) |
neither the late Ito-san nor the Western Powers can save your skin. | | [CN] 死去的伊藤君帮不了你 英美列强也帮不了你 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
Revive the Giant Warrior, defy both great powers, and learn to live with that thing. | | [CN] 复活巨神兵 排除列强的干涉 和巨神兵共存 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) |
Because here in Mar del Plata we are digging the grave of the FTAA! | | [CN] 因为我们要在马德普拉塔 为帝国主义列强挖坟墓! Maradona by Kusturica (2008) |
The Western Powers betrayed us in Paris. | | [CN] 同胞们,列强在巴黎出卖了我们 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
The imperial, colonial nations alliance defeated the Boxer Uprising, and so merrily executed all those suspected of being boxer sympathizers. | | [CN] 帝国殖民列强镇压了义和团起义 但凡同情义和团的人 都被毫不留情地斩首刀下 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
- What? | | [CN] 如果诸列强对中国施加 55 Days at Peking (1963) |
The Western powers are building all-metal aircraft. | | [CN] 列强已进入铝合金年代 The Wind Rises (2013) |
A place, a trading station of their own. | | [CN] 这些欧洲列强 Freedom (2007) |
Japan followed the lead of those world powers developing their own imperial colonialism and pursued their objectives aggressively | | [CN] 日本与列强为伍 发展自己的帝国殖民主义 不断蚕食他国 实现侵略目标 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
Germany, France, Austria, Italy and Imperial Japan, prevented China from being carved up into many separated colonies by these allied nations, known as the imperial powers, each vied to enlarge its colonial holdings, but their in-fighting resulted only in an even more chaotic status quo. | | [CN] 势均力敌 竞争激烈 这反而没让中国被分割成殖民地 这些被称为帝国列强的 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
These events were all part of the global confrontation between the British and the French in the 18th century. | | [CN] 印度发现自己现在是欧洲列强 在全球对抗中的一部分 而印度南部成为了 Freedom (2007) |
In the late 1 9th century, Imperialist powers sent Catholicism and printed paper to Eastern countries to expand their colonisation. | | [CN] 19世纪末 帝国主义列强利用天主教和报刊 将扩大殖民地的野心投向东亚地区 The Sword with No Name (2009) |
All along, we deluded ourselves into thinking when the war is over the Western Powers will help us. | | [CN] 同学们,一直以来 我们对西方列强抱有幻想 认为一旦战事结束 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
This document... how can you explain to the Western Powers? | | [CN] 这个文本 你们准备怎么向英美列强解释 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
The strength of the Western Powers lies in their ability to tolerate opposition. | | [CN] 西方列强之强大 正在于诸子百家之争鸣 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
And you have to put these powers into somebody's hands. | | [CN] 你必须把这些 列强在别人的手中。 Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013) |
During Warring States Era in Japan there was battles every day | | [CN] 战国时代,列强战争不绝 Liar Game: Reborn (2012) |
They are Western Powers' accomplices, running dogs of the Japanese pirates! | | [CN] 他们就是列强的帮凶 是倭寇的走狗 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
Between Japan and China, the Powers can only choose to support one. | | [CN] 列强支持谁,只能选择其一 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
Yet I gave up the sea long ago. | | [CN] 其实我早已不在海上战列强 Evita (1996) |
Contrary to the other imperial colonial powers, | | [CN] 与其他殖民列强不同 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
I need the fume... to express the helpless feeling when China was being bullied by foreign powers... which led to the fume of anger. | | [CN] 我要用你这些烟... 来表达中国被列强欺凌那种无助感 因而引致的七孔生烟 Mr. & Mrs. Gambler (2012) |
Vietnam managed to achieve its independence.' | | [CN] 在与世界列强进行了漫长的战争后 取得了自主独立 Muoi: The Legend of a Portrait (2007) |
In Mar del Plata, Latin America refused to sign the ALCA agreement, the foundation for which being the liberalisation of imports and exports, but which was actually a cover for the economic subjugation of Latin America. | | [CN] 出于此种原因 拉丁美洲拒绝签订不平等条约 列强限止这些国家的自由贸易 实际上想从经济方面控制南美洲 Maradona by Kusturica (2008) |
Within China, the devastating defeat by Japan and the acceptance of the humiliating Shimonoseki Treaty along with many foreign nations won to colonize China became a catalyst for political change. | | [CN] 在中国国内 日本势如破竹的进攻和《马关条约》的屈辱签订 以及众多外国列强试图殖民中国 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
The 10th imperial colonial power in China was Portugal, which controlled Macao. | | [CN] 第十个帝国列强是匈牙利 葡萄牙占领了澳门 Diaoyu Islands: The Truth (2014) |
Sir Arthur, we Spaniards fulfill our obligations. | | [CN] 中国将受不了其他列强攻击 而面临崩溃! 55 Days at Peking (1963) |
China would have been one of the Powers and won't have to be bullied by foreign aggressors. | | [CN] 今日中国早已国富民强 我们也不会像现在这样饱受列强欺辱 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011) |
The West, all the superpowers, everything you believe in, Paul, | | [CN] 西方 西方列强 你信仰的一切 保罗 Hotel Rwanda (2004) |
The West sold weapons to both sides. | | [CN] 西方列强向交战双方出售武器 Persepolis (2007) |