To help you join the sacrament of conspiracy, and in the name of the holy sacrament, I command you to be witnesses to these lovers who symbolize the sacrament of marriage between you all and our hapless homeland. | | [CN] 為幫助你們 加入共謀的聖禮 以基督聖禮的名義 我推薦你們是拯救家園 The Devil (1972) |
General Musharraf has dubbed the recent public uprisings as a conspiracy by radical groups. | | [JP] ムシャラフ司令官(パキスタン陸軍)は 最近の民衆暴動を言い換えてる... .... 過激派の共謀であると Kabul Express (2006) |
Follow his orders, and you'll be executed as a coconspirator! | | [JP] 従えば共謀者として処刑だぞ In a Mirror, Darkly (2005) |
Together with my colleagues, Aaronson and Rutherford, | | [JP] 腹心の同僚と共謀して 1984 (1984) |
Whoever he's working with, he's willing to kill for him. | | [JP] 彼と共謀しているのは 彼のために 進んで殺人を犯す人物だ One Way to Get Off (2012) |
He knew about the attack on the white house, And chances are, he's gonna know who Juma was talking to. | | [JP] 奴らのホワイト・ハウス襲撃を知っていた 当然、共謀者の事も知ってるはずだ Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
You're already conspiring against me. Don't worry! | | [JP] 君はすでに私の共謀者のはずだが。 Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001) |
Archer may be conspiring with the Andorians? | | [JP] 共謀していると思ってますか? Babel One (2005) |
What are you two conspiring about? | | [JP] お二人は 何の共謀の相談です? The Wolf and the Lion (2011) |
Sean's going away, and you're getting five new conspiracy charges. | | [JP] ショーンは 離れて行き おまえには 新しく 5人の殺人の共謀罪が加わる One Way to Get Off (2012) |
But he promoted the notion that Ryan Burnett was our best chance of identifying these people, and Bauer asked to be allowed to question him. | | [JP] 彼はバーネット補佐官が 共謀者とつながる手掛かりだと... バウアーがさらなる尋問を要求してきました Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
Colluding with a rogue operative from a disbanded agency. | | [JP] 解体した捜査部門出身者と共謀した Day 7: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2009) |
According to the rules personal visitors... are not allowed in undercover apartments... without prior permission | | [JP] 規則によると禁止では... 隠れ家で共謀を企てるなんて 事前の許可なしに The Exam (2011) |
Fraud, conspiracy, obstruction of justice. | | [JP] 詐欺に共謀罪 それに司法妨害もある Because I Know Patty (2007) |
This is a dangerous game. We must bring the rest of Regents in on your plan. | | [CN] 這場遊戲太危險了 我們必須 召集其餘執法者共謀計劃 Emily Lake (2011) |
All that's relevant here is that your wife is going to be prosecuted for colluding with Bauer, unless you help us find him. | | [JP] 君が捜索に協力しないと 奥さんは共謀罪として起訴される Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
Maybe he's collaborating with an old cellmate? | | [JP] 昔 監房で一緒だった者と共謀したとか? One Way to Get Off (2012) |
She knows that you're a conniving, murderous bitch. | | [JP] あなたが 共謀して殺人を企んだ女だと 彼女は 知っている A Dozen Red Roses (2009) |
They were our allies. We weren't prepared to spy on them. | | [CN] 我們是共謀,不準備互相監視 Music Box (1989) |
We also have evidence that Mr. Querns is part of the conspiracy. | | [CN] 我們也有證據,Querns先生參與共謀 Lost Reputation (2012) |
Juma and his men were not working alone. | | [JP] ジュマは共謀者から情報を得ていた Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
Renee, that makes you an accessory after the fact. | | [JP] レネー、君まで共謀罪になるぞ Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009) |
On March 5th, 2007, Lee Jae Kyung planned with Dr. Shin at Haneul Mental Hospital to imprison his ex-wife, Yang Min Joo, for seven years. | | [CN] 嫌疑人李載經在2007年3月5日 跟天空精神病院的院長申賢泰共謀 將前妻梁敏珠女士 於精神病院監禁了7年 Episode #1.21 (2014) |
John Perkins is a man who knows from decades of his own experience, as a so-called "economic hitman", how the collusion of banks, corporations and governments has taken over countries around the world. | | [JP] ジョン・パーキンスは所謂エコノミック・ヒットマンとしての 長年の経験から、 銀行、企業、政府の共謀が Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
I may have underestimated her, but... we have her conspirators, the Hatter, and a dormouse. | | [JP] 私が彼女を見くびっていたようだ。 だが、共謀者を捕らえている。 ハターとネズミだ。 Alice in Wonderland (2010) |
Collusion with the Cylons? | | [JP] サイロンと共謀? Litmus (2004) |
Lord Tyrion, you are accused of hiring a man to slay my son Bran in his bed, and of conspiring to murder my sister's husband - | | [JP] タイロン卿、貴方は 息子のブランを 殺す為、人を雇ったとして 起訴されてます それと、妹のご亭主の 殺人の共謀とで A Golden Crown (2011) |
- and collusion with a Cylon agent. - Specialist Socinus. But after reading the transcripts I have my doubts. | | [JP] ‐ サイロン工作員と共謀で起訴なんて ‐ ソサイナス特技兵です Litmus (2004) |
If convicted, Tucker, who is out on $ 25, 000 bail, faces a maximum sentence of 155 years in prison plus a $60, 000 fine. | | [JP] 詐欺行為の共謀が1件 有罪なら 保釈金は2万5000ドル 宣告される刑期は 合計155年の懲役 Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988) |
- Cahooting? | | [JP] - 共謀? The Whole Ten Yards (2004) |
What are the names of your co-conspirators? | | [JP] 共謀者の名前を言うんだ John May (2010) |
The name of a co-conspirator who was in on the heist with you and Overton. | | [CN] 我會發現你和Overton共謀參與了搶劫 It Was a Very Good Year (2012) |
Once I got the reality and the scope of the agenda, | | [JP] 支配することを共謀しているのだと、私は確信しています。 この計画の実態と、規模がわかると、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011) |
That without the connivance of the British authorities, it never could have been possible at all. | | [JP] イギリス官憲との 共謀がないかぎり 可能ではないのです The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965) |
My only regret is I cannot give you the names of my co-conspirators. | | [JP] 唯一残念な事は 共謀者をお伝え出来ない事 Mother's Day (2011) |
The sleeping giant in cahoots with the minister and Denoff there. | | [JP] スリーピング・ジャイアントが 牧師やデノフと共謀しているのよ. Source Code (2011) |
To answer charges of fraud, conspiracy, and murder. | | [JP] 容疑は詐欺・共謀・殺人です To answer charges of fraud, conspiracy, and murder. The Fix (2011) |
Do you conspire with them? | | [CN] 你和他們共謀? Courage for Every Day (1964) |
They say he conspired with Robert's brothers to deny the throne to Prince Joffrey. | | [JP] 彼はロバート王の弟と共謀し ジョフリー王子の王位継承に 異を唱えたらしい The Pointy End (2011) |
I'll get you later for conspiracy. | | [JP] あなたは共謀罪よ Mannequin (1987) |
Fowler sees conspiracies everywhere. | | [JP] ファウラー 共謀なんていたる所にあるさ The Quiet American (2002) |
- Colludes. | | [JP] - 共謀 A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
I'm talking about shared banking practices. I'm talking about collusive behavior. | | [CN] 而是共同的銀行實務 共謀的行為 State of Play (2009) |
Who are you working with? | | [JP] 共謀者は誰だ? In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II (2005) |
I did not conspire with the Cylons. | | [JP] 僕はサイロンと共謀していない Six Degrees of Separation (2004) |
Sir, are you aware that both Lt. Valerii and Chief Tyrol... have been implicated as possibly being in collusion with the Cylons? | | [JP] 認識していたのではありませんか バレリー中尉とチロル曹長の二人が... サイロンの共謀に利用される可能性があることを? Litmus (2004) |
I'm just curious as to who Justin Guthrie might have collaborated with to rob the diamond exchange. | | [JP] ジャスティン・ガスリーが ダイヤ取引所に押し入るのに 誰と共謀していたのか 気になってね The Leviathan (2012) |
Colludes. | | [JP] 共謀ね A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
Is that because the prosecution was complicit in your confession? | | [JP] 検察と共謀した告白だったから? The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) |