It can't be easy, but the thick layer of fluffy down keeps out the worst of the cold. | | [CN] 这并非易事,但是厚厚的绒毛 能帮助它们抵御严寒 Spring (2011) |
Santa helps those who help themselves. | | [CN] 要期待严寒老人 但不能期待不劳而获 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
The men have travelled many hours from home in the bitter cold, fighting their way through a dangerous maze. | | [CN] 他们已经离家几个小时 冒着凛冽严寒 在危险的海冰迷宫中寻路前进 The Last Frontier (2011) |
A cup of tea to warm me up. | | [CN] 要求只有一个 严寒中的一杯热茶 The State Counsellor (2005) |
Now rising temperatures have turned them against the Parisians. | | [CN] 用于抵御冬季严寒 现在却在气温升高后重击巴黎人 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008) |
While living on vegetation and raw meat, enduring the cold and heat, the man degenerated, and eventually forgot words. | | [CN] 每天吃着草、野果、生肉 抵抗着严寒,忍受着酷热 他逐渐的退化,然后连说话能力也丧失了 The Most Beautiful Night in the World (2008) |
"Santa helps those who help themselves." | | [CN] 要期待严寒老人 但不能期待不劳而获 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
They left the high country to avoid the worst of the winter and now begin the long journey towards the heart of Yellowstone in time for summer. | | [CN] 他们为躲避冬天的严寒 离开了高处的原野 现在为了赶上夏天 又开始朝黄石公园的心脏地带 长途跋涉 Summer (2009) |
There is now little left to eat and South Georgia's beaches will soon be abandoned to the cold and ice. | | [CN] 这里的食物所剩无几 南乔治亚的海滩很快就会被遗弃 留给严寒和冰雪 Autumn (2011) |
Their thick fur allows them to survive at greater altitudes than any other monkey and when the cold bites they have these upper slopes to themselves. | | [CN] 它们有厚实的毛发, 所以能比其它猴类更能适应高海拔气候 每当严寒袭来, 这些山坡就成了它们的天下 Mountains (2006) |
What do you think, is Santa a skier or a snowboarder? | | [CN] 你觉得 严寒老人是谁 滑雪运动员还是滑板运动员 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather, in celebration of a pagan rite, to banish the cold and the dark. | | [CN] 就星球的西北部 人类聚集在一起 为驱除严寒和黑暗的 The End of Time: Part One (2009) |
Soon the young stoats must hunt for themselves, and then these athletic skills will be crucial. | | [CN] 如果严寒能让防冻剂结冻 它对引擎机油又有什么影响? - 这现在看起来像蜂蜜 Life (2009) |
but spring seems unimaginable as winter immobilizes kamchatka. | | [CN] 但严寒冬季已经重返西伯利亚全境 有些地区气温降至摄氏零下60度 Kamtschatka (2009) |
They will need to grow fast if they are to fledge and leave before the freeze sets in again. | | [CN] 要想在严寒天气回来前就羽翼丰满 能够离开的话,就得迅速生长 Spring (2011) |
During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving cut off from supplies or help. | | [CN] 在严寒来临的时候 他们发现自己没有补给 而又饥肠辘辘 Wendigo (2005) |
Within one step, we'll be separated, ...Soon we'll be 1 000 winters apart, let's make the most of it! | | [CN] 时间是宝贵的 一步之遥,我们就会分隔两地 ..一步之遥,在我们之间就会 间隔着1000个严寒的冬日! March of the Penguins (2005) |
Trapped inside, the fish take their only way out, but they're leaping out of the frying pan and into the fire. | | [CN] 在极地,你不仅会感到严寒 Life (2009) |
Fortunes will be made and lost, if global weather patterns rearrange where different crops can be grown. | | [CN] 各种作物的产区大搬家 英国本来严寒的冬季 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008) |
Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frost. | | [CN] 由于严寒的原因,阔叶树得在冬天落叶 From Pole to Pole (2006) |
In this cold, their energy fades so quickly. | | [CN] 在这样的严寒中,他们的精力 是减退得很快的 March of the Penguins (2005) |
African leopards could never survive here, but the Russian cats have thick fur to shield them from the cold. | | [CN] 非洲豹根本不能在这里生存 而俄罗斯的猫科动物则有厚实的皮毛 帮助它们抵挡严寒 From Pole to Pole (2006) |
Beneath the rock, the caterpillar is out of the wind, but the cold penetrates deep into the ground. | | [CN] 石下的毛虫躲开了狂风 但是严寒却深入地下 Spring (2011) |
- Santa. Let's go. | | [CN] 严寒老人 出发 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
By 20, 000 years ago, with the ice nearing its most extreme, the march of man reaches the frigid tundra of Northeast Siberia. | | [CN] 在2万年前,冰块接近尽头了, 人类抵达了 西伯利亚东北面的严寒冻土地带. History of the World in 2 Hours (2011) |
When I talked to my dad, he told me to stay inside. | | [CN] 严寒会冻死每个人 The Day After Tomorrow (2004) |
Just imagine Santa riding the snowboard like it's a piece of carton. | | [CN] 想象一下 严寒老人滑着滑板 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
- Santa helps those who help themselves. | | [CN] 要期待严寒老人 但不能期待不劳而获 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
"Santa helps those who help themselves!" | | [CN] 要期待严寒老人 但不能期待不劳而获 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
How about glitter? Thayer's favorite movie. | | [CN] "北极的、冰冻的、严寒的" How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) |
I got caught in a blinding storm once. Freezing. I was blinded. | | [CN] 我挑战风暴 严寒 我迷失了方向 The Town (2010) |
Initial reports suggest he died of hypothermia. | | [CN] 初步报告显示他死于严寒. Beyond Borders (2003) |
Voles stay active throughout the winter beneath the snow, despite the freezing temperatures above. | | [CN] 尽管上面严寒冰冷,田鼠整个冬天 在雪下都很活跃 Winter (2011) |
Here, where children have to wait for Santa the longest time, our story begins. | | [CN] 在这个严寒老人来得最晚的地方 严寒老人 即俄罗斯版的圣诞老人 是新年前夕孩子们最期待见到的人物 我们的故事 开始了 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
As the north of our planet turns away from the sun, the big chill travels south. | | [CN] 随着我们星球的北面远离阳光 肃杀严寒开始南下 Autumn (2011) |
The robbers have already escaped. The Santa and Snow Maiden. | | [CN] 劫匪都跑了 严寒老人和雪姑娘 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
In just two months this great plateau will become a deep freeze once more. | | [CN] 二个月之内这片广阔的高地 将再一次陷入严寒 Autumn (2009) |
It's hard to imagine the bitter cold will soon return. | | [CN] 很难想象严寒即将到来 Autumn (2011) |
It can also swim... ..and once underwater, its nose helps it in a most extraordinary way. | | [CN] 包括拥有经过特殊调整 而能在严寒下作战的武器 Life (2009) |
Life... so small, so beautiful, unreal in this cold that erodes us. | | [CN] 生命 ..是如此的渺小,如此的美丽,在包围着 我们的严寒中是显得那么的不真实 March of the Penguins (2005) |
The extreme cold will now tip the balance of survival further, most likely too far even for a bison. | | [CN] 极度的严寒让生存更加艰难 就算是北美野牛也受不了 Winter (2009) |
Heat, freezing temperatures, fatigue, trauma, and health conditions will kill some of these animals in route to the slaughterhouses. | | [CN] 闷热或是严寒,疲乏 绝望与恶劣的卫生状况 使一部分牲畜在去屠场的路上 就已经死亡 Earthlings (2005) |
The breeding season is finally over and the petrels will soon be heading out to sea to avoid the worst of the winter. | | [CN] 大暴风鸌的繁殖季落幕了 它们很快就要向大海进发 来躲避冬季的严寒 Autumn (2011) |
The only thing that can stop the beetles is extreme cold. | | [CN] 唯一能阻止这些甲虫的 是严寒 Autumn (2009) |
Dressed as a Santa and his Snow Maiden. | | [CN] 严寒老人和雪姑娘 我跟你说 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
Not enough Santas though. | | [CN] 连严寒老人都忙不过来了 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010) |
And the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart. | | [CN] 唯一让人真正感到暖和的对抗严寒的办法 是与心紧紧相依 Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury (2011) |
As the sun's influence diminishes in the north, so the deciduous forests of America begin to shut down losing their leaves in preparation for the dark cold months ahead. | | [CN] 在北方,随着太阳影响力的减弱 美洲落叶林开始放慢生命的脚步 它们落下树叶,以应对 即将到来的几个月的严寒和黑暗 From Pole to Pole (2006) |
And the herd continues its journey south to avoid the worst of the advancing cold. | | [CN] 鹿群继续向南旅行 躲避日益逼近的严寒 Autumn (2011) |