3 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 怒りん坊
หรือค้นหา: -怒りん坊-, *怒りん坊*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
怒りん坊[おこりんぼう, okorinbou] (n) short-tempered or irritable person [Add to Longdo]

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See, the demons have a choice -- take orders from the world's angriest ginger -- and that's saying something -- or join my team, where everyone gets a say, a virgin, and all the entrails they can eat. [JP] いいか 悪魔には選択がある 世界一の怒りん坊から 命令されるのか そいつは何か言ってるな Road Trip (2014)
And the other bad guy. - Raise my father needles in you? [JP] あの怒りん坊は何者だ? Iron Sky (2012)

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