13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 負けず嫌い
หรือค้นหา: -負けず嫌い-, *負けず嫌い*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
負けず嫌い;負けずぎらい[まけずぎらい, makezugirai] (adj-na, n) hating to lose; unyielding; unbending; competitive; sore loser; determined [Add to Longdo]

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Mayka thought she was invincible. Perhaps that takes its toll. [JP] マイカは負けず嫌いだった それが祟ったのかも The Body (2012)
He seemed pretty determined, said he'd make it double or nothing. [JP] かなり負けず嫌いな感じだわ いちかばちかの勝負をしたいって White as the Driven Snow (2014)
You are competitive. [JP] ふーん (達也)負けず嫌いだもんね 何か (みのり)そう Dream Police (2015)
She doesn't like to lose. [JP] 負けず嫌いだけど―― Welcome to Westfield (2012)
No one likes a sore loser. [JP] 誰も負けず嫌いを好じゃない All In (2013)
Senator, actually. [JP] 相変わらず負けず嫌いなのか? Gimme Some Truth (2009)
Always hated to lose. Me, too! Yaaah! [JP] 負けず嫌いだからな 俺もさ! もう ブチギレたぞ 計画変更だ! Treasure Planet (2002)
Oh, type A girl doesn't like losing. [JP] 負けず嫌いのタイプの女の子だ Grotesque (2016)
Ya hates to lose. What the devil's the... [JP] 負けず嫌いだ くっ... Treasure Planet (2002)
- I think you are a bad loser. [JP] 負けず嫌い Django Unchained (2012)
Right again. You're a real keener, aren't you? [JP] 正解 負けず嫌いだね White House Down (2013)
Good group of kids, best I've ever coached, definitely the most competitive. [JP] 負けず嫌いで 教え子の中でも最高だ The Other Side (2012)

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