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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
警句[jǐng jù, ㄐㄧㄥˇ ㄐㄩˋ,  ] aphorism #51,377 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
警句[けいく, keiku] (n, adj-no) aphorism [Add to Longdo]
警句を吐く[けいくをはく, keikuwohaku] (exp, v5k) to make a witty remark; to come out with a bon mot [Add to Longdo]

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Vouchers fun words. [JP] - 警句は面白くなきゃ Look Who's Back (2015)
Cool, what's your catch phrase gonna be? [CN] 酷毙了 你在构思什么样的警句 The Rebound (2009)
Spare me your bullshit oriental. You threaten me? [CN] 得了,别来跟我扯这套东方哲理警句了 你这算什么意思? Wake of Death (2004)
"Shit happens. " That's what I get? Fucking wisdom? [CN] "认命吧"你只赠我一句警句? Showgirls (1995)
His tutor is the pointlessly optimistic Dr Pangloss, whose catchphrase is, "All is for the best [CN] 他的家教是一位没脑子的 乐天派邦葛罗斯博士。 他的警句就是,"在一个可能世界 中的最好世界里,一切都是最好的。" God in the Dock (2009)
He's like, he makes these things that are, like, perfect, like, these perfect little quips, and I'm just like, "blah-lah-lah." [CN] 他是个喜欢万事都做的完美的人 比如说他会说这些名言警句 而我呢 什么也不是 Hannah Takes the Stairs (2007)
I shall probably receive the Government s displeasure, and we'll be retired on an inadequate pension. [CN] 我们一辈子将享用荣华不断! 记得拿破仑的警句吗? 55 Days at Peking (1963)
How charming. An aphorist. [CN] 失敬,原来是位警句 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
Epigram of the Secret Archives. [CN] 密令中的警句 The Prisoner (2013)
Especially the cracks about your marital problems. [JP] 特に君の夫婦問題の冗談はな crack about 気のきいた言葉、警句、冗談 Episode #1.1 (2003)
Quips... nobody here is drunk. [CN] 名言警句... 这儿没人喝酒 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)
Is that more Wisdom? [CN] 又来警句? Showgirls (1995)

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