28 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ
หรือค้นหา: -蠶-, *蠶*

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, cán, ㄘㄢˊ] silkworm
Radical: , Decomposition:   兓 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]    日 [, ㄖˋ]    虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] insect
Variants: , Rank: 7803
[, cán, ㄘㄢˊ] silkworm
Radical: , Decomposition:   天 [tiān, ㄊㄧㄢ]  虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] insect
Variants: , Rank: 2787

[] Meaning: silkworms
On-yomi: サン, テン, san, ten
Kun-yomi: かいこ, こ, kaiko, ko
Variants: , ,
[] Meaning: silkworm
On-yomi: サン, テン, san, ten
Kun-yomi: かいこ, こ, kaiko, ko
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , , Rank: 2272
[] Meaning:
On-yomi: サン, テン, san, ten
Kun-yomi: かいこ, こ, kaiko, ko
Variants: , ,
[] Meaning:
On-yomi: サン, テン, san, ten
Kun-yomi: かいこ, こ, kaiko, ko
Variants: , ,

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[cán, ㄘㄢˊ, / ] silkworm #17,747 [Add to Longdo]
蚕豆[cán dòu, ㄘㄢˊ ㄉㄡˋ,   /  ] broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean #34,640 [Add to Longdo]
春蚕[Chūn cán, ㄔㄨㄣ ㄘㄢˊ,   /  ] Silkworms in Spring (1933), Chinese silent movie in socialist realist style, based on novel by Mao Dun 茅盾 #71,104 [Add to Longdo]
家蚕[jiā cán, ㄐㄧㄚ ㄘㄢˊ,   /  ] the common silkworm (Bombyx mori) #90,070 [Add to Longdo]
白僵蚕[bái jiāng cán, ㄅㄞˊ ㄐㄧㄤ ㄘㄢˊ,    /   ] the larva of silkworm with batrytis #169,754 [Add to Longdo]
蚕卵[cán luǎn, ㄘㄢˊ ㄌㄨㄢˇ,   /  ] silkworm eggs #170,446 [Add to Longdo]
养蚕业[yǎng cán yè, ㄧㄤˇ ㄘㄢˊ ㄧㄝˋ,    /   ] silk industry #188,110 [Add to Longdo]
沙蚕[shā cán, ㄕㄚ ㄘㄢˊ,   /  ] a sand worm (genus Nereis) [Add to Longdo]
蚕丛[Cán cóng, ㄘㄢˊ ㄘㄨㄥˊ,   /  ] Cang Cong, legendary creator of silk and sericulture [Add to Longdo]
蚕豆症[cán dòu zhèng, ㄘㄢˊ ㄉㄡˋ ㄓㄥˋ,    /   ] G6PD deficiency [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Liberation! [CN] The Housemaid (2010)
You put some poison on his body to poison us. [CN] 你把碧毒下在陳掌門的手上 是為了引我們中毒 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
You have stolen from the working people and buried all this wealth as you were expecting war, the coup d'etat and return of the capitalists. [CN] 288) }你從勞動人民那裏食 288) }並且私藏這些金錢,期望著戰亂、 288) }政變和資本主義的復辟 Papierove hlavy (1996)
It's impossible when it touches the skin. [CN] 毒下在人身上 不可能無色無味的 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
The last time I waited tables, it was 20 years ago, but I still got it in me. [CN] 這個叫聲是什么 - - 哦 蟬 #MurphysLaw (2015)
From a toxic silkworm. [CN] 中了碧毒死的別碰他 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
It's very sharp, some kind of gold thread [CN] 很鋒利,是西域金 Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011)
Mixing the silkworm, the crane blood and the peacock bile will get this result. [CN] 毒加上鶴頂紅和孔雀膽 就會無色無味 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
It's eating into the kidney. [CN] 正在食腎臟 Start Me Up (2011)
Here we see the seals heading upstream. [CN] 腔漆實植陲儔灣羲宎 Zebraman (2004)
But, I've never had Number 12 fishing line snap on me before. [CN] 這是第一次連12號的天絲釣絲都斷了 Galileo SP (2008)
- I gathered the silk from my silkworms and I spun it into thread on my spinning wheel. [CN] 我收集了絲 在紡車上紡成線 Enchanted (2007)

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