15 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 花蕾
หรือค้นหา: -花蕾-, *花蕾*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
花蕾[huā lěi, ㄏㄨㄚ ㄌㄟˇ,  ] bud; flower bud #36,085 [Add to Longdo]
蔷薇花蕾[qiáng wēi huā lěi, ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄨㄟ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄌㄟˇ,     /    ] rosebud [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
花蕾[からい, karai] (n) flower bud [Add to Longdo]

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There were buds on every branch... and birds everywhere. [CN] 每一个分枝都有一个花蕾 到处都有小鸟在飞翔 Hideaways (2011)
Think about us 0k '? [CN] 257 你就是我的火花 我的小小的花蕾! Twice Born (2012)
Rosebud. [CN] 玫瑰花蕾 $50K and a Call Girl: A Love Story (2014)
The dark buds of spring were on the branches. [CN] 春天的花蕾暗 是在树枝上。 Bless Me, Ultima (2013)
After several years of growth, it sprouts a huge flower spike, containing hundreds of tiny flowers swathed in a mass of furry insulation. [CN] 经过几年的成长,一个巨大的花蕾含苞待放 毛茸茸的外皮包裹着无数朵小花 Fire (2010)
He was my bud, you know, for a lot of years. [CN] 他是我的花蕾, 你知道,很多年了。 Beneath (2013)
- Look at the little rosebuds. [CN] 看這些小玫瑰花蕾 White Wedding (2011)
Pine wood marriage chest with groove joinery... and hand-forged hinges in the shape of tulip buds. [CN] 燕尾榫拼接的松木嫁妆箱 采用郁金香花蕾形式的铸造折叶 The Best Offer (2013)
Easy, bud. [CN] 方便,花蕾 A Fine Step (2014)
Is your red flower still blooming? [CN] 你的花蕾仍然紅艷嗎? Blackwater (2012)
"lay a blushing rosebud... [CN] 躺着一朵红色的蔷薇花蕾... Quills (2000)
Here are its flower buds. [CN] 这些是它的花蕾 Solving the Secrets (2012)

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