13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 立法院
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
立法院[lì fǎ yuàn, ㄌㄧˋ ㄈㄚˇ ㄩㄢˋ,   ] Legislative Yuan (Taiwan) #18,968 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Arrested for burglary by Detective Bard, 8th Squad sentenced to state's prison, Judge Fell, County Court Manhattan for five to 10 years. [CN] 因为入室行窃被第8警队的巴德侦探抓获 被判处送往州立监狱 曼哈顿的州立法院 5到10年的劳役 The Wrong Man (1956)
Mr Carter was tried twice... by two differentjuries... and those convictions were subsequently upheld... by the NewJersey State Supreme Court. [CN] 他也经过两次审判定罪 并由新泽西州立法院判刑 The Hurricane (1999)
What more can the State of NewJersey do, Your Honour... than give a man not one... but twojury trials? [CN] 新泽西州立法院为了此人,进行了两场审判 The Hurricane (1999)
State legislature repudiated the Governor's signature and mine. [CN] 立法院駁回了我和州長的簽名 Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954)
I can send this case back to the state court... and you can present the evidence... or, ifyou insist... on, uh, proceeding... this evidence will be lost to you forever. [CN] 把新证据交给州立法院审理,或者是... 如果你坚持继续下去 这些证据将会永远消失 The Hurricane (1999)
- The state's biased, Myron. We're never gonna get anything there. We have to go federal. [CN] 立法院不行,要到联邦法院 The Hurricane (1999)
Be at the State House, Courtroom 9, 10:00 Friday morning. [CN] 立法院九号庭 周五上午十点 On the Waterfront (1954)
Counsel is attempting to present new evidence... and circumvent the State Court of NewJersey. [CN] 辩方律师跳过州立法院,提出新的证据 The Hurricane (1999)
Isn't that the same speech you gave last summer? [CN] 這是和你去年夏天在立法院說的一樣嗎? Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954)
The legislature's never given me the money I need. [CN] 立法院從來沒給我需要的錢 Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954)
This petition contains new evidence... that has not been presented before the State Court of NewJersey... and there is no legal argument that you could make... which would allow me to consider it. [CN] 这些新证据并没有呈交新泽西州立法院 按照法律,我并不必考虑 The Hurricane (1999)
- The Virginia Legislature story? [CN] -维吉尼亚立法院的新闻 All the President's Men (1976)

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