13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 空袭
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
空袭[kōng xí, ㄎㄨㄥ ㄒㄧˊ,   /  ] air raid; attack from the air #14,394 [Add to Longdo]

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I think it's a drone strike. [CN] 我想是一次无人机空袭 Marine One (2011)
Drone strikes. [CN] 无人机空袭 Critical (2012)
They know, but it's too late. Strike imminent. [CN] 他们知道 但太晚了 空袭即将开始 Vengeance, Part 3 (2012)
We respond artillery and air strikes. [CN] 我们则以炮击和空袭回应 August. Eighth (2012)
Po will never expect an attack from above. [CN] 阿宝永远也不会想到会有"空袭"的 Challenge Day (2011)
At a fixed time and place, we can stage an aerial attack. [CN] 在我们事先设计好的时间地点 制造上一起空袭 Guns and Roses (2012)
The reference number implies a drone strike. [CN] 序列号是指一起无人击空袭事件 Marine One (2011)
Today at 5:40 a.m. German troops crossed the Polish border, breaching its non-aggression pact. [CN] 今晨5: 40分,德军越过波兰边境 单方面违背了停战条约,空袭了多个城市 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
aerial attack! [CN] 空袭空袭 Guns and Roses (2012)
My wife died in one of the first raids to hit Tokyo. [CN] 我的妻子死了 在一次东京的空袭 Emperor (2012)
"since France in 1940, during the campaigns in Africa from 1941 to 1943 "In Italy in 1943 and on the western front in 1944. [CN] 我在非洲浴血奋战击退英国进攻 在意大利组织防御英国空袭 Rommel (2012)
Just moments ago, the U.N. Security Council voted to authorize NATO air strikes against Wadiya, unless Admiral General Aladeen agrees to address the U.N. In person. [CN] 联合国安理会已投票 授权北约空袭瓦迪亚 除非阿拉地上将同意 亲自到联合国发表讲话 The Dictator (2012)

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