49 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 命令
หรือค้นหา: -命令-, *命令*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
命令[mìng lìng, ㄇㄧㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,  ] order; command #3,645 [Add to Longdo]
行政命令[xíng zhèng mìng lìng, ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄓㄥˋ ㄇㄧㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,    ] executive order #38,000 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Approved JP-TH
命令[めいれい, meirei] (n, vt) คำสั่ง, ออกคำสั่ง

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
命令[めいれいけい, meireikei] รูปคำสั่ง

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
命令[めいれい, meirei] (n, vs) (1) order; command; decree; directive; (2) { comp } (software) instruction; statement; (P) #2,541 [Add to Longdo]
命令を下す[めいれいをくだす, meireiwokudasu] (exp, v5s) to give an order [Add to Longdo]
命令を伝える[めいれいをつたえる, meireiwotsutaeru] (exp, v1) to pass on an order; to pass the word [Add to Longdo]
命令アドレスレジスタ[めいれいアドレスレジスタ, meirei adoresurejisuta] (n) { comp } instruction address register; program register; instruction pointer register [Add to Longdo]
命令コード[めいれいコード, meirei ko-do] (n) { comp } Operation Code; opcode [Add to Longdo]
命令サイクル[めいれいサイクル, meirei saikuru] (n) { comp } instruction cycle [Add to Longdo]
命令セット[めいれいセット, meirei setto] (n) { comp } instruction set [Add to Longdo]
命令セットアーキテクチャ[めいれいセットアーキテクチャ, meirei settoa-kitekucha] (n) { comp } instruction set architecture [Add to Longdo]
命令ポインタレジスタ[めいれいポインタレジスタ, meirei pointarejisuta] (n) { comp } instruction address register; program register; instruction pointer register [Add to Longdo]
命令レジスタ[めいれいレジスタ, meirei rejisuta] (n) { comp } instruction register [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
I did that work on the orders of my boss.あの仕事は上司の命令でやった。
The servants tried to carry out their master's order.お手伝いさんたちは主人の命令を実行しようと努めた。
Ken told his dog to wait there.ケンは自分の犬に、そこで待つように命令した。
This order is to be obeyed to the letter.この命令は厳守すべき。
The same sentence could have the force of a command.その同じ文が命令の力を持つことがあるのだろう。
Some soldiers were reluctant to obey the commands.その命令に嫌々従う兵もいた。
There is nothing for it but to obey the order.その命令に従うより他に仕方ない。
Ms. White ordered that Tom should stay after school.ホワイト先生はトムに放課後居残るように命令した。
Lincoln ordered that all the slaves in the country should be set free.リンカーンは、全国の奴隷を解放せよと命令した。
The doctor has ordered the patient to abstain from wine.医者は患者にワインを控えるように命令した。
His doctor ordered him to rest.医者は彼に休養するように命令した。
By what authority do you order me to do this?何の権威であなたは私にこれをしろと命令するのか。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I am telling you, your mission in Colombia is terminated immediately. [CN] 命令你立刻结束你的行动 Collateral Damage (2002)
Excuse me, Father, but we have the authority to do this with or without your approval. [JP] 命令を受けているんです あなたの同意は不要です The Crazies (1973)
I'm ordering' you to leave, Mr. Flood. [JP] 命令する 帰るんだ フラッドさん Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Look, I gave you strict orders. [CN] 不 , 我不接受 我给你的是命令 Heaven (2002)
What orders from Mordor, my lord? [JP] モルドールから ご命令が? The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
No more stupid questions today, private. That's an order. [CN] 不要再问傻问题了 这是命令 Windtalkers (2002)
"By order of the governor of the Warsaw District, Dr. Fischer, [CN] 根据华沙特区首长费沙博士的命令 The Pianist (2002)
You cannot order me around. Listen, my dear. [JP] 私に命令はできない La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
I didn't order any fumigation! [JP] そんな命令はしちゃいない! What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
- Don't even bother to check him in. We're not to even check you in, sir, just get you on that plane. [JP] 命令で あなたを飛行機に乗せろと The Crazies (1973)
- That's an order! - Let me go. [CN] 这是命令 让我去 Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
Maybe they know our orders. [CN] 或许他们知道我们的命令 Windtalkers (2002)

命令[めいれい, meirei] instruction, statement, command [Add to Longdo]
命令アドレスレジスタ[めいれいアドレスレジスタ, meirei adoresurejisuta] instruction address register, program register, instruction pointer register [Add to Longdo]
命令コード[めいれいコード, meirei ko-do] Operation Code, opcode [Add to Longdo]
命令サイクル[めいれいサイクル, meirei saikuru] instruction cycle [Add to Longdo]
命令セット[めいれいセット, meirei setto] instruction set [Add to Longdo]
命令ポインタレジスタ[めいれいポインタレジスタ, meirei pointarejisuta] instruction address register, program register, instruction pointer register [Add to Longdo]
命令レジスタ[めいれいレジスタ, meirei rejisuta] instruction register [Add to Longdo]
命令形式[めいれいけいしき, meireikeishiki] instruction format [Add to Longdo]
命令再試行[めいれいさいしこう, meireisaishikou] instruction execution retry [Add to Longdo]
命令実行段階[めいれいじっこうだんかい, meireijikkoudankai] execution cycle [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
命令[めいれい, meirei] Befehl [Add to Longdo]

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