13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 后起之秀
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
后起之秀[hòu qǐ zhī xiù, ㄏㄡˋ ㄑㄧˇ ㄓ ㄒㄧㄡˋ,     /    ] an up-and coming youngster; new talent; a brilliant younger generation #37,457 [Add to Longdo]

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This is the leader of an international smuggling syndicate, an Italian by the name of Manterosso. [CN] 这个就是国际走私集团的后起之秀 他是意大利人 名字叫做蒙提苏图 Mad Mission (1982)
It's no coincidence that he joined Shinohara, which was behind in the field. [CN] 看来,他会进入我们这家 在这一行算是后起之秀的 筱原重工工作 应该也不是偶然的 Patlabor: The Movie (1989)
You know, by the way, if you ever just wanna get away, have a little hang time, we're at the Rising Star apartments. [CN] 你知道,顺便说一下, 如果你想... 出去,闲逛 我们住在后起之秀公寓 Stuck on You (2003)
Larry Levy is a comer. That's what comers do, they get in your face. [CN] 拉里·李维是后起之秀 都是这样的 他们都会在你眼前晃来晃去 The Player (1992)
- Your collar is Gabriel Lessing, up and comer in the Landry bike club out of Montreal, and he was here to buy $2 million worth of heroin. [CN] - 你抓住的是Gabriel Lessing 蒙特利尔Landry摩托车俱乐部的后起之秀 他是来买价值200万美金的海洛因的 Takedown (2010)
But I'm told you're better in the flesh, you know? . [CN] 你是乐坛的后起之秀 Unfaithfully Yours (1984)
Bernstrom Kohl was a rising star in the former Soviet Republic before running into some trouble with his superiors. [CN] Bernstrom Kohl本来 是前苏联的一个后起之秀 后来他和上司一起陷入了一些麻烦 Absolution (2010)
The big designers use it to launch their new collections, but it's mainly showcases for rising stars. [CN] 大牌设计师用它来发布他们的新系列 但主要是后起之秀的展示场 The Runway Job (2010)
I'm Captain Amelia... late of a few run-ins with the Protean armada. [CN] 我是阿米莉娅船长 普洛腾舰队的后起之秀 Treasure Planet (2002)
You're a comer, too. You can handle it. Stop worrying about him. [CN] 你也是后起之秀啊 你没问题的 别担心他了 The Player (1992)
They talk to them. [CN] 他们找他们谈话了 董事局知道了后起之秀, 布拉德・斯坦德... I Heart Huckabees (2004)
Michael Duff had been the rising star of an earlier idea called super gravity. [CN] Michael Duff是所谓的超级引力这个早期概念的后起之秀. Parallel Universes (2002)

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