13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 只好
หรือค้นหา: -只好-, *只好*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
只好[zhǐ hǎo, ㄓˇ ㄏㄠˇ,  ] without any better option; to have to; to be forced to #2,730 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'll have to write Ryuzaki's real name in my notebook. [CN] 只好由我 将龙崎的本名写进我的笔记本 Silence (2007)
The poor thing. so she has to come and visit you. [CN] 好像很可怜耶 因为月在这里又不能开手机 MISAMISA只好过来找他 Revival (2007)
We need to play our next card to stay ahead of Yukawa. [CN] 为了不想被汤川怀疑 只好出下一张牌了 Suspect X (2008)
So instead, I borrowed the plot from my Lifetime movie [CN] 所以 我只好借用我电影里的情节了 True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
So all he does is sit in his bubble and play "Halo" 24/7. [CN] 所以他只好整天坐在防菌隔膜里 玩光晕游戏 The Peanut Reaction (2008)
There is no way I can get Jean-François to turn around. So, let's play his game. Let's follow. [CN] 我没法转身退回去 所以只好跟着他走 Man on Wire (2008)
Or do you want to tell Susan that Mike's gonna stay in jail because you wouldn't kiss me? [CN] 你也可以告诉Susan 你不肯给我一个吻 Mike只好继续呆在牢里 Come Play Wiz Me (2007)
I guess I will have to wait, huh? No choice. [CN] 那我只好继续等了 没得选择 Snow Buddies (2008)
You said you only like meat. [CN] 你说你只好吃肉 Night and Day (2008)
We had to split up. [CN] 我们只好分头行动 Take Out (2007)
We'll transfer them to the government orphanage. [CN] 只好交给政府养了 Triad Wars (2008)
I'll have to guess. [CN] 只好猜測。 嗯... Filth and Wisdom (2008)

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