13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 从属
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
从属[cóng shǔ, ㄘㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄨˇ,   /  ] subordinate #30,934 [Add to Longdo]

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In which they killed walter. [CN] 多年来所从属的故事线 The Stray (2016)
And now I belong to something else. [CN] 现在我发现, 我反过来从属于生活了 Episode #2.13 (1991)
Information of such weight, that pertains not-- [CN] 当信息赋予了重量时 就不再从属于 -- Episode #2.13 (1991)
We're not bound by lines on a map or political alliances or governing bodies of any kind. [CN] 我们行踪不定 不从属于任何政治联盟... 也不从属于任何机构 Superman vs. The Elite (2012)
Baruch Spinoza belonged to a well-established refugee community here. [CN] 巴鲁赫・斯宾诺莎从属于一个 已在这里扎下根的难民区。 God in the Dock (2009)
To Laura. [CN] 从属于劳拉 Episode #2.13 (1991)
Everything my father slaved for? [CN] 一切 我父亲 从属 的 ? Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
When we leave this room... you will no longer be dependents... but full-fledged members of our society. [CN] 在离开这个房间之后 你们将不再是家庭的从属者 而是社会中的正式成员 Divergent (2014)
Just opened a satellite office in battle creek. [CN] 刚在战溪开了个从属办公室 Man's Best Friend (2015)
I slaved of work in the shop, barely serving and you show up with a new nerðajuæom nines which is not seæaš and where are you? [CN] 从属于 在店内工作,几乎没有服务 和你出现了一个新的 ner? ajuom花枝招展 Normal Life (1996)
SD-6 is not part of the CIA. [CN] SD -6不从属于CIA Rendezvous (2002)
King of the Jews by Roman decree. [CN] 而大希律王是罗马帝国的犹太国王 (大希律王是罗马帝国犹太行省的从属王) Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)

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