17 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 乱麻
หรือค้นหา: -乱麻-, *乱麻*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
乱麻[luàn má, ㄌㄨㄢˋ ㄇㄚˊ,   /  ] lit. tangled skein; in a tremendous muddle; confused #78,637 [Add to Longdo]
快刀斩乱麻[kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má, ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄉㄠ ㄓㄢˇ ㄌㄨㄢˋ ㄇㄚˊ,      /     ] lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (成语 saw); decisive action in a complex situation; cutting the Gordian knot #65,612 [Add to Longdo]
快刀断乱麻[kuài dāo duàn luàn má, ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄉㄠ ㄉㄨㄢˋ ㄌㄨㄢˋ ㄇㄚˊ,      /     ] lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (成语 saw); decisive action in a complex situation; cutting the Gordian knot [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
乱麻[らんま, ranma] (n) anarchy; chaos [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
Solve a knotty problem readily.快刀乱麻を断つ。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I did something. I stepped up. [CN] 我自愿站出来 快刀斩乱麻 Indifference (2013)
- Your books are in disarray. [CN] - 你的账本一团乱麻 The Next Week (2013)
I've their revision. Frankly, I think they're clueless. [CN] 我还有修订版,坦白说这真是一团乱麻 Passion (2012)
You're still a kid. [CN] 生活是团乱麻 人人都有秘密 { \3cH202020 }Life's messy and people have secrets. Father Frank, Full of Grace (2011)
We had to snap out of it, but I need you back. [CN] 得快刀斩乱麻 可我现在想你回来 Lay the Favorite (2012)
-If they didn't have the police, it all would be a mess. [CN] 如果没有警察,这里肯定一团乱麻 L'diable in Perchonne (2014)
I always do it too fast and too hard . [CN] 所以我总喜欢快刀斩乱麻 Wetlands (2013)
Let's sharpen it up and get that package. [CN] 必须快刀斩乱麻, 拿到包裹 The Package (2013)
Right now you gotta clean this mess up with some grace, some dignity. [CN] 现在你要有点尊严和面子地处理这团乱麻 Cheap Burgundy (2012)
Yes, I'm in the weeds. That's the word. [CN] 真是一团乱麻 这用词恰如其分 Compliance (2012)
Look, I'm terribly sorry that things got so out of hand at the audition. [CN] 听着,我很抱歉 面试的事情弄的我一团乱麻 The Last of Robin Hood (2013)
We open that can of worms-- Gotta take it out, Frank. [CN] 这样不行的 这团乱麻要是被扯出来... Chapter 3 (2013)

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