336 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ %高%
หรือค้นหา: , -高-

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, gāo, ㄍㄠ] tall, lofty; high, elevated
Radical: , Decomposition:   亠 [tóu, ㄊㄡˊ]  口 [kǒu, ㄎㄡˇ]  冋 [jiōng, ㄐㄩㄥ]
Etymology: [pictographic] A tall palace
Rank: 134
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] to do, to fix, to make, to settle
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 1146
[, qiáo, ㄑㄧㄠˊ] tall, lofty; proud, stately
Radical: , Decomposition:   夭 [yāo, ㄧㄠ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] tall
[, háo, ㄏㄠˊ] brave, heroic, chivalrous
Radical: , Decomposition:   高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]  豕 [shǐ, ㄕˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] boar
Rank: 1513
稿[稿, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] draft, manuscript, rough copy
Radical: , Decomposition:   禾 [, ㄏㄜˊ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] grain
Rank: 1587
[, qiāo, ㄑㄧㄠ] to hammer, to pound, to strike
Radical: , Decomposition:   高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]  攴 [, ㄆㄨ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] strike
Rank: 1732
[, gāo, ㄍㄠ] grease, fat; ointment, paste
Radical: , Decomposition:   高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]  
Etymology: [pictophonetic] flesh
Rank: 2673
[, sōng, ㄙㄨㄥ] high, lofty; one of the five peaks in Hunan
Radical: , Decomposition:   山 [shān, ㄕㄢ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [ideographic] A tall 高 mountain 山
Rank: 3401
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] stove; bright
Radical: , Decomposition:   钅 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] metal
Variants: , Rank: 4222
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] stove; bright
Radical: , Decomposition:   釒 [jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] metal
[, hāo, ㄏㄠ] mugwort, wormwood, Artemisia; to give off a scent
Radical: , Decomposition:   艹 [cǎo, ㄘㄠˇ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] plant
Rank: 4305
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] to wither; withered, rotten, dead
Radical: , Decomposition:   木 [, ㄇㄨˋ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] tree
Rank: 4428
[, gāo, ㄍㄠ] a pole used to punt a boat
Radical: , Decomposition:   ⺮ [zhú, ㄓㄨˊ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] bamboo
Rank: 4628
[, kào, ㄎㄠˋ] victory feast; to throw a banquet
Radical: , Decomposition:   牛 [niú, ㄋㄧㄡˊ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] ox
Rank: 4699
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] plain white silk
Radical: , Decomposition:   纟 [, ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] silk
Variants: , Rank: 5286
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] plain white silk
Radical: , Decomposition:   糹 [, ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] silk
Variants: , Rank: 8872
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] draft, manuscript
Radical: , Decomposition:   高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]  木 [, ㄇㄨˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] wood
[, gǎo, ㄍㄠˇ] daybreak; brilliant, bright
Radical: , Decomposition:   日 [, ㄖˋ]  高 [gāo, ㄍㄠ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] sun

[] Meaning: tall; high; expensive
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: たか.い, たか, -だか, たか.まる, たか.める, taka.i, taka, -daka, taka.maru, taka.meru
Radical: , Decomposition:       
Rank: 65
[稿] Meaning: draft; copy; manuscript; straw
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: わら, したがき, wara, shitagaki
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , Rank: 1400
[] Meaning: projecting tableland or mountain
On-yomi: カク, コウ, kaku, kou
Kun-yomi: はなわ, かた.い, hanawa, kata.i
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 2340
[] Meaning: stripe
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: しま, しろぎぬ, shima, shiroginu
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 2491
[] Meaning: die (vegetation)
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: か.れる, ka.reru
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: thanks; reward
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: ねぎら.う, negira.u
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: mugwort
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: よもぎ, yomogi
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: hurry; high
On-yomi: ソウ, sou
[] Meaning: to clear; clarify
On-yomi: コウ, キョウ, kou, kyou
Kun-yomi: たた.く, tata.ku
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: pole used punt boat
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: さお, sao
Radical: , Decomposition:   𥫗  
[] Meaning: glistening plumage; reflection of the sun on water
On-yomi: コク, カク, koku, kaku
Kun-yomi: つやがあ.る, tsuyagaa.ru
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning:
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: あき.らか, aki.raka
[] Meaning:
On-yomi: キョウ, kyou
Kun-yomi: たか.い, taka.i
[] Meaning: to rap; to tap; to beat; big; great; large; tall; high
[] Meaning: fat; grease; lard; paste; ointment; plaster
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: あぶら, abura
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: be aggravated; grow worse; grow bulky; swell
On-yomi: スウ, シュウ, suu, shuu
Kun-yomi: かさ, かさ.む, たか.い, kasa, kasa.mu, taka.i
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: strike; beat; hit
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: たた.く, tata.ku
Radical: , Decomposition:     

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[gāo, ㄍㄠ, ] high; tall; fig. above average; height; (honorific) your #128 [Add to Longdo]
[Gāo, ㄍㄠ, ] surname Gao #128 [Add to Longdo]
提高[tí gāo, ㄊㄧˊ ㄍㄠ,  ] raise; increase #242 [Add to Longdo]
最高[zuì gāo, ㄗㄨㄟˋ ㄍㄠ,  ] highest; highest level #888 [Add to Longdo]
高度[gāo dù, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄨˋ,  ] height; very; high degree; highly; height; highness #1,342 [Add to Longdo]
高兴[gāo xìng, ㄍㄠ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,   /  ] happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful mood #1,606 [Add to Longdo]
高级[gāo jí, ㄍㄠ ㄐㄧˊ,   /  ] high level; high grade; advanced; high-ranking #1,869 [Add to Longdo]
高校[gāo xiào, ㄍㄠ ㄒㄧㄠˋ,  ] high school; abbr. for 高等學校|高等学校 #1,979 [Add to Longdo]
高于[gāo yú, ㄍㄠ ㄩˊ,   /  ] greater than; to exceed #2,424 [Add to Longdo]
高达[gāo dá, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄚˊ,   /  ] attain; reach up to #2,439 [Add to Longdo]
高速[gāo sù, ㄍㄠ ㄙㄨˋ,  ] high speed #2,566 [Add to Longdo]
高中[gāo zhōng, ㄍㄠ ㄓㄨㄥ,  ] high school #2,707 [Add to Longdo]
高考[gāo kǎo, ㄍㄠ ㄎㄠˇ,  ] college entrance exam #2,852 [Add to Longdo]
高手[gāo shǒu, ㄍㄠ ㄕㄡˇ,  ] expert; a past master; a dab hand #3,441 [Add to Longdo]
高层[gāo céng, ㄍㄠ ㄘㄥˊ,   /  ] high level; high class #3,517 [Add to Longdo]
高等[gāo děng, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄥˇ,  ] higher; high level; advanced #3,533 [Add to Longdo]
高速公路[gāo sù gōng lù, ㄍㄠ ㄙㄨˋ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄨˋ,    ] highway #3,847 [Add to Longdo]
高峰[gāo fēng, ㄍㄠ ㄈㄥ,  ] peak; summit; height #3,974 [Add to Longdo]
高档[gāo dàng, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄤˋ,   /  ] superior quality; high grade #4,123 [Add to Longdo]
身高[shēn gāo, ㄕㄣ ㄍㄠ,  ] (a person's) height #4,211 [Add to Longdo]
高科技[gāo kē jì, ㄍㄠ ㄎㄜ ㄐㄧˋ,   ] high tech; high technology #4,760 [Add to Longdo]
高潮[gāo cháo, ㄍㄠ ㄔㄠˊ,  ] high tide; high water; upsurge; climax; chorus (part of a song) #4,783 [Add to Longdo]
高效[gāo xiào, ㄍㄠ ㄒㄧㄠˋ,  ] efficient; highly effective #4,884 [Add to Longdo]
升高[shēng gāo, ㄕㄥ ㄍㄠ,   /  ] to raise; to ascend #4,954 [Add to Longdo]
高温[gāo wēn, ㄍㄠ ㄨㄣ,   /  ] high temperature #5,136 [Add to Longdo]
高血压[gāo xuè yā, ㄍㄠ ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄧㄚ,    /   ] high blood pressure; hypertension #5,832 [Add to Longdo]
高尔夫[gāo ěr fū, ㄍㄠ ㄦˇ ㄈㄨ,    /   ] golf; golf ball #6,495 [Add to Longdo]
增高[zēng gāo, ㄗㄥ ㄍㄠ,  ] heighten; raise up #6,552 [Add to Longdo]
高低[gāo dī, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄧ,  ] height; high or low (altitude or pitch of sound); ups and downs (success or failure); whether sth is right or wrong; comparative strength, weight, depth, stature; (spoken interjection) anyway, whatever; eventually, in the end #6,902 [Add to Longdo]
高价[gāo jià, ㄍㄠ ㄐㄧㄚˋ,   /  ] expensive #7,131 [Add to Longdo]
高贵[gāo guì, ㄍㄠ ㄍㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] grandeur; noble #7,545 [Add to Longdo]
高压[gāo yā, ㄍㄠ ㄧㄚ,   /  ] high pressure; high-handed #7,809 [Add to Longdo]
高大[gāo dà, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄚˋ,  ] tall; lofty #7,925 [Add to Longdo]
高原[gāo yuán, ㄍㄠ ㄩㄢˊ,  ] plateau #8,295 [Add to Longdo]
高举[gāo jǔ, ㄍㄠ ㄐㄩˇ,   /  ] lift up; hold high #8,769 [Add to Longdo]
高涨[gāo zhǎng, ㄍㄠ ㄓㄤˇ,   /  ] upsurge; (tensions etc) run high #8,835 [Add to Longdo]
高尚[gāo shàng, ㄍㄠ ㄕㄤˋ,  ] nobly; lofty #9,018 [Add to Longdo]
崇高[chóng gāo, ㄔㄨㄥˊ ㄍㄠ,  ] majestic; sublime #9,179 [Add to Longdo]
高质量[gāo zhì liàng, ㄍㄠ ㄓˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ,    /   ] high quality #9,222 [Add to Longdo]
高产[gāo chǎn, ㄍㄠ ㄔㄢˇ,   /  ] high yielding #9,239 [Add to Longdo]
高高[gāo gāo, ㄍㄠ ㄍㄠ,  ] tall #9,601 [Add to Longdo]
高跟鞋[gāo gēn xié, ㄍㄠ ㄍㄣ ㄒㄧㄝˊ,   ] high-heeled shoes #9,885 [Add to Longdo]
高尔夫球[gāo ěr fū qiú, ㄍㄠ ㄦˇ ㄈㄨ ㄑㄧㄡˊ,     /    ] golf; golf ball #10,127 [Add to Longdo]
高山[gāo shān, ㄍㄠ ㄕㄢ,  ] alpine #10,474 [Add to Longdo]
高明[gāo míng, ㄍㄠ ㄇㄧㄥˊ,  ] smart; clever; wise; brilliant #10,590 [Add to Longdo]
高技术[gāo jì shù, ㄍㄠ ㄐㄧˋ ㄕㄨˋ,    /   ] high technology; high tech #11,128 [Add to Longdo]
高峰期[gāo fēng qī, ㄍㄠ ㄈㄥ ㄑㄧ,   ] a high point; the peak period; the rush hour #11,412 [Add to Longdo]
高雅[gāo yǎ, ㄍㄠ ㄧㄚˇ,  ] dainty; elegance; elegant #11,423 [Add to Longdo]
高空[gāo kōng, ㄍㄠ ㄎㄨㄥ,  ] high altitude #11,610 [Add to Longdo]
高龄[gāo líng, ㄍㄠ ㄌㄧㄥˊ,   /  ] elderly #12,066 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Approved JP-TH
円高[えんだか, endaka] (n) ค่าเงินเยนแข็งตัวขึ้น
最高[さいこう, saikou] (n) สูงที่สุด, มากที่สุด, ที่สุด, เยี่ยมยอด, ดีที่สุด
高々[たかだか, takadaka] (adv) อย่างมากสุด, อย่างดีสุด เช่น この仕事だったら高々四日もあればできる。 งานนี้เหรอ ถ้ามีเวลาสัก 4 วันก็ทำเสร็จ
高い[たかい, takai] (adj) สูง, แพง
高層ビル[こうそうびる, kousoubiru] (n) ตึกระฟ้า
高校[こうこう, koukou] (n, abbrev) โรงเรียนระดับมัธยมปลาย
高温[こうおん, kouon] (n) อุณหภูมิสูง
高速[こうそく, kousoku] (n) ความเร็วสูง
高音[こうおん, kouon] (n) เสียงความถี่สูง

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
最高裁判所[さいこうさいばんじょ, saikousaibanjo] ศาลฎีกา
furnace[高温炉, kouon ro] (n) เตาหลอม
高速道路[こうそくどうろ, kousokudouro] (n) ทางด่วน

Saikam JP-TH-EN Dictionary
高次[こうじ, kouji] TH: ระดับสูง  EN: higher-order-
高僧[こうそう, kousou] TH: พระที่มีสมณศักดิ์สูง  EN: virtuous priest
高僧[こうそう, kousou] TH: พระชั้นสูง  EN: high priest
高い[たかい, takai] TH: เหนือกว่าระดับปรกติ, ตรงขึ้นไปตามทางตั้งฉากกับพื้น, ใช้กับเสียง เช่น เสียงสูง , ใช้ก  EN: tall, high
出来高[できだか, dekidaka] TH: ผลที่ได้  EN: yield
出来高[できだか, dekidaka] TH: ยอดผลผลิต  EN: production
円高[えんだか, endaka] TH: ค่าเงินเยนที่ขึ้นสูง
高子[たかこ, takako] TH: ทาคาโกะ (ชื่อผู้หญิง)  EN: Takako (fem pn)
高まる[たかまる, takamaru] TH: เพิ่มมากขึ้น  EN: to rise
高まる[たかまる, takamaru] TH: พัฒนาสูงขึ้น  EN: to be promoted

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[たか(P);だか, taka (P); daka] (suf) (1) (abbr) (See 高等学校) High (abbreviation of "High School" following a school's name); (pref) (2) (See 高レベル) high- #331 [Add to Longdo]
[たか(P);だか, taka (P); daka] (n, n-suf) (usu. だか when n-suf) quantity; amount; volume; number; amount of money; (P) #331 [Add to Longdo]
高等[こうとう, koutou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) high class; high grade; (P) #228 [Add to Longdo]
高校[こうこう, koukou] (n) (abbr) (See 高等学校) senior high school; (P) #645 [Add to Longdo]
最高[さいこう, saikou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) highest; supreme; the most; (P) #757 [Add to Longdo]
高い(P);高価い(iK)[たかい, takai] (adj-i) (1) (高い only) (ant #942 [Add to Longdo]
高速[こうそく, kousoku] (adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) high speed; high gear; (2) (abbr) highway; freeway; expressway; motorway; (P) #963 [Add to Longdo]
標高[ひょうこう, hyoukou] (n) elevation; height above sea level; (P) #2,409 [Add to Longdo]
高度[こうど, koudo] (adj-na, n) (1) altitude; height; (2) advanced; high-grade; strong; (P) #3,314 [Add to Longdo]
高木[こうぼく, kouboku] (n) tall tree #3,767 [Add to Longdo]
高校生[こうこうせい, koukousei] (n) senior high school student; (P) #3,811 [Add to Longdo]
高山[こうざん, kouzan] (n, adj-no) high mountain; alpine; (P) #3,894 [Add to Longdo]
高級[こうきゅう, koukyuu] (adj-na, n, adj-no) high class; high grade; (P) #4,766 [Add to Longdo]
高原[こうげん, kougen] (n) tableland; plateau; (P) #5,106 [Add to Longdo]
高齢[こうれい, kourei] (n, adj-no) advanced (old) age; (P) #5,179 [Add to Longdo]
高架[こうか, kouka] (n, adj-no) overhead structure; (P) #6,347 [Add to Longdo]
高層[こうそう, kousou] (adj-no) multistory; multistoried; high-rise; high; tall; (P) #6,745 [Add to Longdo]
中高[なかだか, nakadaka] (n) (1) (abbr) middle and high school; (2) medium and high (level); (P) #7,929 [Add to Longdo]
中高[なかだか, nakadaka] (adj-no) convex #7,929 [Add to Longdo]
女子高[じょしこう, joshikou] (n) girls' high school #8,116 [Add to Longdo]
高麗(P);狛[こうらい(高麗)(P);こま, kourai ( kourai )(P); koma] (n) (1) (こうらい only) (abbr) Goryeo (dynasty of Korea; 918-1392 CE); (n, n-pref) (2) Korea (esp. the Goguryeo kingdom or the Goryeo dynasty); (n) (3) (狛 only) (See 狛犬) (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine; (P) #8,318 [Add to Longdo]
高砂[たかさご;タカサゴ, takasago ; takasago] (n) (uk) double-lined fusilier (Pterocaesio digramma) #8,953 [Add to Longdo]
最高裁[さいこうさい, saikousai] (n) (abbr) (See 最高裁判所) Supreme Court; (P) #9,118 [Add to Longdo]
高める[たかめる, takameru] (v1, vt) to raise; to lift; to boost; to enhance; (P) #9,200 [Add to Longdo]
高瀬[たかせ, takase] (n) shallows; (P) #9,496 [Add to Longdo]
全高[ぜんこう, zenkou] (n) overall height; distance from the ground to the highest point of an object #9,569 [Add to Longdo]
高句麗[こうくり, koukuri] (n) Goguryeo (ancient Korean kingdom) #11,127 [Add to Longdo]
高地[こうち, kouchi] (n, adj-no) high ground; plateau; heights; (P) #11,394 [Add to Longdo]
高額[こうがく, kougaku] (adj-na, n, adj-no) large sum (money); (P) #11,575 [Add to Longdo]
高温[こうおん, kouon] (n) high temperature; (P) #11,636 [Add to Longdo]
高圧[こうあつ, kouatsu] (n, adj-no) high voltage; high pressure; (P) #11,682 [Add to Longdo]
高性能[こうせいのう, kouseinou] (adj-na, n) high efficiency; high fidelity; high power; (P) #12,081 [Add to Longdo]
最高峰[さいこうほう, saikouhou] (n) highest peak; most prominent; highest authority; (P) #12,497 [Add to Longdo]
高まり[たかまり, takamari] (n) rise; swell; elevation; upsurge; (P) #12,515 [Add to Longdo]
高見[たかみ, takami] (n) watching with detachment; (P) #12,580 [Add to Longdo]
高見[たかみ, takami] (n) (your) opinion; excellent idea #12,580 [Add to Longdo]
高価[こうか, kouka] (adj-na, n) high price; (P) #12,781 [Add to Longdo]
高裁[こうさい, kousai] (n) (abbr) (See 高等裁判所) High Court; (P) #13,516 [Add to Longdo]
高まる[たかまる, takamaru] (v5r, vi) to rise; to swell; to be promoted; (P) #15,726 [Add to Longdo]
残高[ざんだか, zandaka] (n) (bank) balance; remainder; (P) #16,380 [Add to Longdo]
高値[たかね, takane] (n, adj-no) high price; (P) #16,611 [Add to Longdo]
東名高速道路[とうめいこうそくどうろ, toumeikousokudouro] (n) Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway #16,914 [Add to Longdo]
高官[こうかん, koukan] (n, adj-no) high official; (P) #17,159 [Add to Longdo]
高騰(P);昂騰[こうとう, koutou] (n, vs) sudden price jump; steep price rise; (P) #18,065 [Add to Longdo]
高角[こうかく, koukaku] (n, adj-no) high-angle #18,210 [Add to Longdo]
高専[こうせん, kousen] (n) (1) (abbr) (See 高等専門学校) technical college; (2) higher schools and colleges #18,247 [Add to Longdo]
高台[たかだい, takadai] (n, adj-no) elevation; high ground; (P) #18,720 [Add to Longdo]
高次[こうじ, kouji] (n, pref) higher-order-; meta- #18,726 [Add to Longdo]
高分子[こうぶんし, koubunshi] (n) macromolecule; high polymer #19,011 [Add to Longdo]
高低[こうてい(P);たかひく, koutei (P); takahiku] (n, vs) high and low; rise and fall; (P) #19,680 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
"Besides," she says, "it doesn't cost much when you think it's the other side of the world.「それに、地球の反対側だと考えればそんなに高くはないわよ」と言う。 [ F ]
"Why don't you wish a little harder?" asked the little white rabbit.「なぜあなたの願い事は小さくて高いの?」と小さい白いウサギが聞きました。
I am tall.私は背が高い。
"To tell you the truth I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!"「実を言うと、俺、高所恐怖症なんだ」「臆病者っ!」 [ M ]
You could see the elation in the president's face when he announced that our shares are going to be listed on the First Section of the TSE next year.「来年こそは一部上場だ」と、社長は意気軒高だ。
"Watch out for the trap!" she screamed.「罠に気をつけてっ!」と彼女は高い声で叫んだ。
Exports in January totalled $10 billion, a record for the month.1月の輸出は100億ドルと、同月としては最高記録になった。
John is the taller of the two.2人のうちでは、ジョンの方が背が高い。
All of a sudden the thirty-story skyscraper went up in flames.30階建の超高層ビルが突然爆発炎上した。
Sofas like that don't come cheap.ああいうソファーは高い。
The seals surface more frequently then, so a bear's chance of catching one at a breathing hole is greater after nightfall.アザラシは夜にいっそう頻繁に浮上してくるのだから、熊がアザラシを呼吸孔のところで捕まえる可能性は夕暮れ以降により高くなるのである。
You see a tall building over there.あそこに高いビルが見えますね。
Look at the tall pretty girl standing there.あそこに立っている背の高くて可愛い女の子を見てごらん。
I'm afraid that place is a little too expensive.あそこは少し高すぎると思います。
High-rises are going up all over the place.あたり一帯に超高層ビルが建っています。
I had hoped to got another 50, 000 miles out of my car, but it gave up the ghost on the expressway and it would cost too much to fix it.あと50000マイルほど走行距離を出してみたかったのだが、高速道路で故障してしまった。修理となるとえらく金がかかってとても無理だろう。
Several more companies are moving to enter the lucrative pet food market of the country.あと数社の企業が同国の利益の高いペットフード市場に参入をねらっている。
The shoes you are wearing look rather expensive.あなたが履いている靴はかなり高そうだ。
Who is taller, you or Ken?あなたと健とどちらが背が高いですか。
Your father is tall.あなたのお父さんは背が高い。
Your new car looks awfully expensive to me.あなたの新車はずいぶん高そうですね。
Are you a student of a private high school?あなたは、私立高校の生徒ですか。
How tall are you?あなたはどれくらいの背の高さですか。
How tall you are!あなたはなんて背が高いんでしょう。
Are you a high school student?あなたは高校生ですか。
You are the tallest of us all.あなたは私たちみんなの中で一番背が高い。
You are as tall as my sister.あなたは私の姉と同じ背の高さです。
You are taller than I.あなたは私よりも背が高い。
You are tall, but he is still taller.あなたは背が高いが彼はもっと高い。
You are taller than she.あなたは彼女より背が高い。
If that guitar were not so expensive, I could buy it.あのギターがあんなに高くなかったら、買えるのに。
That guitar is so expensive that I can't buy it.あのギターは高価で、私には買えない。
Do you know who that tall blonde girl in green is?あのグリーンの服を着た金髪の背の高い女の子は誰だか知っているかい。
That coat may have cost a lot of money but it's worth it.あのコートは高かったかもしれませんが、それだけの値うちはある。
That suit has an expensive look.あのスーツはいかにも高そうだ。
That sofa is less expensive than this table.あのソファーはこのテーブルほど高価ではない。
How high is that building?あのビルはどのくらい高いのですか。
That pen is more expensive than this one.あのペンはこのペンよりも高価だ。
That chimney is very high.あの煙突はとても高い。
I never hear that song without remembering my high school days.あの歌を聴くと必ず高校時代を思い出す。
I can not hear that song without thinking of my high school days.あの歌を聞くたびに、私の高校時代のことを思い出す。
There is a library at the back of that tall building.あの高いビルの後ろに図書館があります。
What's that tall building?あの高いビルは何でしょうか。
Look at that tall building.あの高い建物を見てご覧なさい。
Look at that tall building.あの高い建物を見なさい。
That high mountain is Mt. Tsukuba.あの高い山は筑波山です。
Look at that high mountain.あの高い山をご覧なさい。
How high is that mountain?あの山の高さはどれくらいですか。
That mountain is about three thousand meters high.あの山の約3、000メートルの高さです。
That mountain is five times as high as this one.あの山はこの山の5倍の高さである。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Happy to see you, George. [CN] 佐治,真高兴见到你,好兄弟 Blow (2001)
- And Mrs. Cortez. [CN] 高太,你好 Spy Kids (2001)
Very good. [JP] 解ってるよ確かに最高だ。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
I'm sure it beefed up morale a hell of a lot. [JP] 士気を高揚させた 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
The whole thing comes to six and a quarter miles just over half of this length being the road circuit with its fast corners and long straights. [JP] すべて合わせると 10. 125kmになります... 全長の約半分は 高速コーナーと... Grand Prix (1966)
We'd have to cut his higher brain functions without disturbing the purely automatic and regulatory systems. [JP] 高次中枢機能だけをカットして―― 純粋な自動制御と 一般システムを生かしておくんだ 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
] The mad Majah! [JP] ...高貴なるマジャ国に! What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
With the Italian Grand Prix at the Monza Autodrome they're using a combination of the banked oval high-speed track and the road circuit. [JP] イタリアGPは ここモンツァ・サーキットで行われます... ここはバンクのついた 高速なオーバルトラックと... ロード・サーキットの 組み合わせです Grand Prix (1966)
I needed to get as far away as possible. [CN] 我要远走高飞 Blow (2001)
He's great, isn't he? [JP] こいつは最高だったろ? What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
How do you know? You haven't seen her since high school. [JP] 高校以来 会ってないだろ The Graduate (1967)
You make a generous percentage. You're lucky to get that. [CN] 能赚这么高的分红,你很幸运 Blow (2001)
It is written that he who makes the best egg salad shall rule over heaven and earth. [JP] 最高のエッグサラダを作る者が、天と地を支配すると書かれている。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Let us move over to the high school! [JP] 高校にはまだ余裕がある The Crazies (1973)
Do you know what it is? - Brookmyre just said it was highly contagious. [JP] 医者の話では 感染力が高く危険だと The Crazies (1973)
- Well, does that high school have a chem lab? [JP] 高校の化学実験みたいなもんだ The Crazies (1973)
Just feel it beating. [JP] この胸の高鳴り War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostova (1966)
An hour ago you seemed happy to be back in the game. [CN] 一小时前你还挺高兴 Spy Kids (2001)
- Beautiful.! [JP] 最高ね! Straw Dogs (1971)
Agents Ingrid and Gregorio Cortez en route. [CN] 特工英纪香和高柏飞启程 Spy Kids (2001)
Isn't that right, Mr. Corteth? [CN] 是吗,高先生? Spy Kids (2001)
How about her. She was great. I am not surprised. [JP] 彼女は最高です La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
Righteous. [JP] 崇高さを― Coquilles (2013)
We got it. [JP] 最高! The Magic Hour (2008)
My neck hurts, my leg. My hand is bleeding. And I feel wonderful. [JP] 首や足が痛いね 手は血が出てるし、でも最高の気分だよ Grand Prix (1966)
I am glad that we're both aliv e. [CN] 我我们现在都活着我真高兴 Intacto (2001)
I was about three and a half feet tall... weighing all of sixty pounds, but every inch your son. [CN] 我大约三尺半高... 重60磅,是你百份百的儿子 Blow (2001)
Nice to see you. Sorry things didn't work out. [CN] 真高兴和你重逢 很遗憾你的计划没能成功 The Glass House (2001)
Very glad. [CN] 很高兴 Intacto (2001)
Maybe we could set something up at the high school. [JP] 高校を使うのはどうかと The Crazies (1973)
Good to see you. You're a man of your word. [CN] 真高兴见到你,你一言九鼎 Blow (2001)
I'm glad you like the game. [CN] 我真高兴你喜欢赢钱 Intacto (2001)
Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Costa-Brava Cortez. [CN] 高咏琪千嬅慧琳秀文祖儿麦当娜 Spy Kids (2001)
Good afternoon, I am the Grand Exalted High Majah of Raspur a non-existent, but real-sounding country. [JP] 称えよ高貴なるマジャ=ラスプァーを... ...そんな国ないけどさ。 響きは良いでしょ? What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
We're trying to get everyone into the high school. [JP] 住民全員を高校に集めている The Crazies (1973)
It's a little bit complicated, but this is a very doable job. [CN] 难度很高 但是很有可行性 The Score (2001)
Tell her not to drink too much. [CN] 叫她不要喝太多酒 很高兴见到你彼此彼此 Blow (2001)
-Are you happy, Terry? [CN] -高兴了吗,泰瑞? The Glass House (2001)
Make it 50 and you've got a deal. [JP] 最高のシルクです 特別販売を発表 Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
Wait a minute. We gotta get them into that high school. [JP] 高校に集めなければ The Crazies (1973)
I don't care who is he. Don't expose me like that. You know better. [CN] 就算他很高竿 你也不能让我曝光 The Score (2001)
Carmen Cortez. [CN] 高琪琪 请说全名 Spy Kids (2001)
Nice house, nice club. You must be really good. [CN] 好房子 好酒吧 你一定很高竿 The Score (2001)
It's something else. George has exquisite taste. [CN] 佐治的品味很高 Blow (2001)
I used to go to Shady Lane. That's in the Valley. [CN] 我以前念的是谷区的林荫高中 The Glass House (2001)
Round up everybody. Take 'em to the high school. [JP] 市民を高校に集める The Crazies (1973)
Hope you feel better. Lovely to meet you. [CN] 希望你快痊愈,很高兴认识你 Blow (2001)
Better pleased with themselves than what they see, I think. [JP] でも 自尊心が高そうね Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Good to see you, Derek. [CN] 戴力,很高兴见到你 Blow (2001)
I got you the best room. [JP] 最高のご部屋です。 Live for Life (1967)

ヘッド高[ヘッドこう, heddo kou] flying height, head gap [Add to Longdo]
逆高速フーリエ変換[ぎゃくこうそくフーリエへんかん, gyakukousoku fu-rie henkan] inverse fast Fourier transform [Add to Longdo]
行の高さ[ぎょうのたかさ, gyounotakasa] line height [Add to Longdo]
高いレベル[たかいレベル, takai reberu] high level [Add to Longdo]
高める[たかめる, takameru] to enhance [Add to Longdo]
高レベル[こうレベル, kou reberu] high level [Add to Longdo]
高位[こうい, koui] high-order [Add to Longdo]
高位レベル[こういレベル, koui reberu] higher level [Add to Longdo]
高画質[こうがしつ, kougashitsu] high resolution (of an image) [Add to Longdo]
高解像度[こうかいぞうど, koukaizoudo] high resolution (a-no) [Add to Longdo]
高級言語[こうきゅうげんご, koukyuugengo] high-level language [Add to Longdo]
高周波[こうしゅうは, koushuuha] high frequency waves [Add to Longdo]
高水準言語[こうすいじゅんげんご, kousuijungengo] high-level language [Add to Longdo]
高精細度テレビ[こうせいさいどテレビ, kouseisaido terebi] High Definition Television, HDTV [Add to Longdo]
高速けた上げ[こうそくけたあげ, kousokuketaage] high-speed carry [Add to Longdo]
高速アクセス[こうそくアクセス, kousoku akusesu] high speed access [Add to Longdo]
高速シリアルインターフェース[こうそくシリアルインターフェース, kousoku shiriaruinta-fe-su] High-Speed Serial Interface, HSSI [Add to Longdo]
高速スイッチング[こうそくスイッチング, kousoku suicchingu] high speed switching [Add to Longdo]
高速セレクト[こうそくせれくと, kousokuserekuto] fast select [Add to Longdo]
高速データ通信[こうそくデータつうしん, kousoku de-ta tsuushin] high speed data communication [Add to Longdo]
高速ネットワーク[こうそくねっとわあく, kousokunettowaaku] high speed network [Add to Longdo]
高速フーリエ変換[こうそくフーリエへんかん, kousoku fu-rie henkan] Fast Fourier Transform, FFT [Add to Longdo]
高速モデム[こうそくモデム, kousoku modemu] high speed modem [Add to Longdo]
高速演算機構[こうそくえんざんきこう, kousokuenzankikou] high-speed arithmetic unit [Add to Longdo]
高速化[こうそくか, kousokuka] increase in speed, acceleration [Add to Longdo]
高速回線[こうそくかいせん, kousokukaisen] high speed line [Add to Longdo]
高速処理[こうしょくしょり, koushokushori] high speed processing [Add to Longdo]
高速接続[こうそくせつぞく, kousokusetsuzoku] high speed connection [Add to Longdo]
高速多重集配信装置[こうそくたじゅうしゅうはいしんそうち, kousokutajuushuuhaishinsouchi] High-Speed TDM, HTDM [Add to Longdo]
高速直列インターフェイス[こうそくちょくれつインターフェイス, kousokuchokuretsu inta-feisu] high speed serial interface [Add to Longdo]
高速通信[こうそくつうしん, kousokutsuushin] high speed communication [Add to Longdo]
高速通信網[こうそくつうしんもう, kousokutsuushinmou] high speed network [Add to Longdo]
高速伝送[こうそくてんそう, kousokutensou] high speed transmission [Add to Longdo]
高帯域[こうたいいき, koutaiiki] wide area [Add to Longdo]
高帯域ネットワーク[こうたいきねっとわあく, koutaikinettowaaku] wide area network, WAN [Add to Longdo]
高度サービス[こうどサービス, koudo sa-bisu] enhanced service [Add to Longdo]
高度化[ぽうどか, poudoka] to increase speed (vs) [Add to Longdo]
高度技術[こうどぎじゅつ, koudogijutsu] high-tech (a-no), high-technology [Add to Longdo]
高度通信システム相互接続[こうそくつうしんシステムそうごせつぞく, kousokutsuushin shisutemu sougosetsuzoku] HATS, Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunication Systems [Add to Longdo]
高品位テレビ[こうひんテレビ, kouhin terebi] high definition television (HDTV) [Add to Longdo]
高品位テレビジョン[こうひんいテレビジョン, kouhin'i terebijon] high definition television (HDTV) [Add to Longdo]
高密度[こうみつど, koumitsudo] high-density [Add to Longdo]
高密度ディスケット[こうみつどディスケット, koumitsudo deisuketto] high-density diskette [Add to Longdo]
高優先[こうゆうせん, kouyuusen] high priority [Add to Longdo]
超高速[ちょうこうそく, choukousoku] ultra high speed [Add to Longdo]
超高速並列インターフェース[ちょうこうそくへいれつインターフェース, choukousokuheiretsu inta-fe-su] HIPPI, High Performance Parallel Interface [Add to Longdo]
等高線[とうこうせん, toukousen] contour line [Add to Longdo]
等高線グラフ[とうこうせんグラフ, toukousen gurafu] contour graph [Add to Longdo]
等高線図[とうこうせんず, toukousenzu] contour map [Add to Longdo]
二次元高速フーリエ変換[にじげんこうそくフーリエへんかん, nijigenkousoku fu-rie henkan] two dimensional fast Fourier transform [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
上高地[かみこうち, kamikouchi] (Ausflugsort i.d.jap.Alpen) [Add to Longdo]
収穫高[しゅうかくだか, shuukakudaka] -Ernte, Ernteertrag [Add to Longdo]
名高い[なだかい, nadakai] namhaft, beruehmt [Add to Longdo]
崇高[すうこう, suukou] erhaben [Add to Longdo]
志賀高原[しがこうげん, shigakougen] bekanntes_Ski-und_Wandergebiet [Add to Longdo]
最高[さいこう, saikou] Maximum, hoechste, oberste, beste [Add to Longdo]
残高[ざんだか, zandaka] Saldo, Restbetrag, Bilanz [Add to Longdo]
甲高い[かんだかい, kandakai] gellend, schrill [Add to Longdo]
走り高跳び[はしりたかとび, hashiritakatobi] Hochsprung [Add to Longdo]
高い[たかい, takai] hoch, teuer [Add to Longdo]
高まる[たかまる, takamaru] steigen, zunehmen [Add to Longdo]
高める[たかめる, takameru] erhoehen [Add to Longdo]
高僧[こうそう, kousou] hoher_Priester, vorbildlicher_Priester [Add to Longdo]
高原[こうげん, kougen] Hochebene [Add to Longdo]
高台[たかだい, takadai] Erhoehung, Anhoehe [Add to Longdo]
高官[こうかん, koukan] hoher_Beamter, hohes_Amt [Add to Longdo]
高尚[こうしょう, koushou] -edel, vornehm, verfeinert [Add to Longdo]
高峰[こうほう, kouhou] hoher_Berg, hoher_Gipfel [Add to Longdo]
高度成長[こうどせいちょう, koudoseichou] rasches_Wachstum [Add to Longdo]
高所恐怖症[こうしょきょうふしょう, koushokyoufushou] Hoehenangst [Add to Longdo]
高揚[こうよう, kouyou] Aufschwung [Add to Longdo]
高校[こうこう, koukou] Oberschule (Abk.f.koutougakkou) [Add to Longdo]
高潔[こうけつ, kouketsu] -edel, vornehm [Add to Longdo]
高熱[こうねつ, kounetsu] hohes_Fieber [Add to Longdo]
高等学校[こうとうがっこう, koutougakkou] Oberschule, Gymnasium [Add to Longdo]
高級[こうきゅう, koukyuu] hoher_Rang, erstklassig, hochgradig [Add to Longdo]
高速道路[こうそくどうろ, kousokudouro] Schnellstrasse [Add to Longdo]
高騰[こうとう, koutou] ploetzliche_Steigerung, heftige_Steigerung [Add to Longdo]
高齢[こうれい, kourei] hohes_Alter, fortgeschrittenes_Alter [Add to Longdo]

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