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门诊[mén zhěn, ㄇㄣˊ ㄓㄣˇ,   /  ] outpatient service #6,539 [Add to Longdo]
门诊室[mén zhěn shì, ㄇㄣˊ ㄓㄣˇ ㄕˋ,    /   ] clinic; outpatient department (or consulting room) [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm gonna have to ask you to close up shop... and come with us as quickly as possible. [CN] 女士 我需要你关掉门诊... 尽快跟我们过来 Blindness (2008)
Come on, sit down while the Doctor put on the clinic. [CN] 来吧,坐下 医生会去门诊的 Marci X (2003)
I'll do the lecture for four hours off clinic. [CN] 在结束门诊部的工作后, 我会做4个小时的讲演 Three Stories (2005)
Take a seat first. How is the out-patient ward faring today? [CN] 先坐下再说, 今天外来的门诊如何? The Great White Tower (1966)
It would be best if we presented at least a semblance of professionalism while the board is here. [CN] 黑尔正在检查所有部门 你们部门诊断进度落后了 Trompe L'Oeil (2016)
- I'll give you two hours off clinic duty. [CN] - 我给你2个小时的时间来结束门诊部的工作 Three Stories (2005)
His evidence is we charge hospitals and clinics less for those very drugs and supplies. [CN] 其证据是 我们收取医院及门诊 的费用低于标价 An Eye for an Eye (2004)
It's right over the clinic. [CN] 正好在门诊部的楼上. DNR (2005)
But, as some of you know, six years ago, while we were opening a free clinic in Johannesburg, she was tragically killed by a savage South African leopard. [CN] 但是,正如你们一些人知道的 6年前,当我们在约翰内斯堡开办一个免费门诊时 她悲剧般地被凶残的南非美洲豹杀害了 Marci X (2003)
Wait, wait. He's canceling on me so that he can have the surgery done by Ed Ritter? [CN] 等一下 他取消我的门诊 Darling Companion (2012)
I just got a call from the director of the clinic. [CN] 我刚接到门诊主任的电话 他渴望知道你是否取得了进展 Dear Doctor (2002)
Most of them are referrals? [CN] 你的门诊都是 别人介绍的比较多吧 The Great White Tower (1966)
And will you be handling the outpatient care, nurse? [CN] 你会负责门诊吗,护士? The Net (1995)
I gotta do six more clinic hours a month. So do two of them. [CN] 每个月多做6小时的门诊 还有他们两个 Mob Rules (2005)
Since you're too sick to work in the clinic-- [CN] 既然你生病了 不能在门诊工作 Histories (2005)
If you find yourself in need of further analysis, phone my office. [CN] 如果你需要进一步的分析... 博士,我很绝望 打电话到我办公室来 护士会安排门诊时间 The Seven Year Itch (1955)
And I'm recommending that you be evaluated... at the psychiatric clinic... before our next underway period. [CN] 还有我劝告你... 去精神病门诊部做个评估... Antwone Fisher (2002)
There is a medical center in the district, neat and efficient. [CN] 区中有个门诊, 干净和讲究效率 Chung Kuo - Cina (1972)
In fact, since hospitals and clinics with E.R.'s... regularly treat those who cannot pay... an argument could be made that we're extending these discounts to those most in need. [CN] 事实上 医院门诊及急诊室 经常治疗一些无支付能力的病人 所以我们认为 An Eye for an Eye (2004)
All you have to do is ask for a doctor and we can admit you right here. [CN] 你所要做的就是约一个门诊 我们在这儿就可以为您登记. 当然. The Rainmaker (1997)
I'm pretty sure it's 50 feet in any direction. [CN] 我很确定, 无论我在门诊部的哪个部位,我们之间都小于50英尺 DNR (2005)
When they arrived at the clinic, it was very hard, psychologically speaking. [CN] 他们前来门诊时 就心理上来说 真的很让人难受 The Battle of Chernobyl (2006)
Look Mial, when we are old and tired of traveling, we should come back and set a clinic on this lake [CN] 看,等到我们老了,不再喜欢旅行了, 我们就在这个湖边设个门诊部 The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
Here's a bribe. Your sandwich has extra olives. [CN] 不是在一般门诊见不到的 特诊病房姜暮烟教授吗 Episode #1.2 (2016)
The clinic can wait. [CN] 门诊可以等一等 The Socratic Method (2004)
It's okay. Maria drove me to emergency. It's just a bad sprain. [CN] 没事了 玛丽亚送我到急救门诊部去看了 扭伤而已 Crash (2004)
Good news. You're covered with a $10 co-pay. [CN] 好消息 你只要付十元门诊费 Muppets from Space (1999)
Working in this clinic obviously instills a deep sense of compassion. [CN] 在门诊工作显然会慢慢培养变得更有同情心 Occam's Razor (2004)
What? [CN] -什么 -你在门诊的绰号 The Thing with Feathers (2016)
- But away from the track? - Go on. [CN] 我以前在他们下班后去他的门诊打针 The Mystery of the Fertility Fatality (2014)
I've got to do four hours a week in this clinic until I make up the time I've missed. [CN] 我得一个礼拜在门诊干四个小时直到补全我欠下的 Pilot (2004)
OBSTETRICIAN CLINIC [CN] 妇产门诊 Jealousy Is My Middle Name (2002)
Just because you got out of clinic duty doesn't mean everybody did. To his father. [CN] 你摆脱了门诊工作不等于 每个人都摆脱了 面对他的父亲 Cursed (2005)
You are so right. I guess I was that kind of doctor after all. [CN] 为了接你们回来才派的专机 没有你电视台都乱套了特需门诊那边也一团糟 Episode #1.8 (2016)
Works at clinic number 17. [CN] 在17号门诊工作 Night Watch (2004)
Actually, I was just gonna remind you, you owe me six clinic hours this week. [CN] 实际上 我要提醒你 这周你还欠我6个小时的门诊 The Socratic Method (2004)
Roland and I saw you sneaking out of the clinic. [CN] 罗兰德和我看到你偷偷摸摸的从门诊部出来 Saved! (2004)
Yes, I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Keyes, please. [CN] 我想预约凯伊丝医生的门诊 Little Black Book (2004)
-Posters for the free clinic. [CN] -你知道那些城市免费门诊的招贴画吗? The One Where Underdog Gets Away (1994)
Tomorrow. [CN] 有门诊方案 There's an outpatient program. Fair Game (2016)
Dr. Kim to the Outpatients Clinic, please. [CN] 金医生,请到门诊部 Christmas in August (1998)
This is a breeze. We got one week before the clinic closes for good. [CN] 门诊关门前 我们还有一星期 The Fairy Godparents Job (2009)
For general cases please line up outside [CN] 普通门诊外面排 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
The clinic criticized me for working a pregnant woman at night. [CN] 门诊部写抗议信问我 为什么我让怀孕四个月的妇女上夜班 Spur der Steine (1966)
PSYCHOANALYST'S SURGERY [CN] 心理门诊 Casanova 70 (1965)
It's right above the clinic. [CN] 那正好在门诊部楼上. DNR (2005)
A guy brought his son into the clinic. [CN] - 有个家伙带他的儿子到门诊部 Control (2005)
We had an overdose eight months ago. [CN] 八个月之前 有一起服药过量死亡 门诊的激烈反应简直是噩梦 Road to Recovery (2014)
An in-clinic procedure costs about $500. [CN] 一个在门诊 手续费用500元左右。 Obvious Child (2014)

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