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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
直观[zhí guān, ㄓˊ ㄍㄨㄢ,   /  ] direct observation; directly perceived through the senses; intuitive; audiovisual #11,050 [Add to Longdo]

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Most people could probably provide an intuitive answer to this question. [CN] [ 讲课 ] 大多数人都会给出 这个问题最直观的答案 The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (2013)
- They have been watching since you were a new child. [CN] - 他们在你还是小孩的时候一直观察着你 - 长老们从来不会有错 { \fnComic Sans MS\fscx50\fscy50 } - They have been watching since you were a new child. The Giver (2014)
And once again, this was not observable. [CN] 这个就没法直观地观察到了. 2012: Science or Superstition (2009)
Expensive and compatible only among themselves. [CN] 女人就像苹果电脑 直观 快捷 高雅 Perfect Strangers (2016)
The data I have been describing simply shows that intuition that people have had for hundreds of years, that inequality is divisive and socially corrosive. [CN] 这些现状已直观的表明 人们一直处在不平等的分裂 和社会腐败中 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
You have a v- very intuitive touch... kind of like my sister. [CN] 你有一个V形 非常直观的触摸... 有点像我妹妹。 Tiny Furniture (2010)
I thought that I was brave and intuitive like you, but... [CN] 我想 我很勇敢 I thought that I was brave 和直观喜欢你 但... and intuitive like you, but... Silent Night (2012)
Now that I've really looked at that man, as I did look at him, for a long time... [CN] 我一直观察那个人 The Long Absence (1961)
Seven years, you've been watching other people's lives, their plans, their relationships. [CN] 七年来 你一直观察着别人的生活 他们的计划 他们的人际交往 No Good Deed (2012)
- You're very intuitive for your age. [CN] - 你的年龄,你很直观。 Palmetto (1998)
Horses are very intuitive. [CN] 马是非常直观的。 One Starry Christmas (2014)
When you get used to the symbology, the Volm language is actually quite intuitive. [CN] 你熟悉符号学后 就会发现沃尔姆的语言其实很直观 Brazil (2013)
Actually, it's pretty intuitive. [CN] 其实,这是非常直观。 Fae Day (2010)
Become a very large, very large cloud so I can watch over you guys forever. [CN] 变成大片大片的积雨云 一直观望着你们 Naoko (2008)
It was pretty intuitive. [CN] 这样看起来比较直观 It was pretty intuitive. Pilot (2015)
It's counter-intuitive. [CN] - 这不是直观的。 Turks & Caicos (2014)
- One can only talk about one's instincts... [CN] 我只能说出自己的本能 和直观感觉 Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon (1998)
And I heard that you're intuitive. [CN] 我听说你是直观的。 Call in the Light (2014)
I'll keep checking back. [CN] 我会一直观察的 Hop a Freighter (2010)
You never did pay any attention during our French lessons, and sadly, physics is not my forte. [CN] 我在用孔脱管做实验时 德国科学家昆特的昆特管实验 用以测量气体或固体中的声速 本仪器利用煤油的振动演示声驻波 理解影响驻波的因素 仪器直观 实验现象生动 可见三个以上驻波的波峰 有震撼感 Einstein: Chapter Two (2017)
As many of you know, I've closely observed Charles' love life for years. [CN] 你们都知道 我一直观察查尔斯的恋爱生活 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
I've been watching you, McLain. You've been coming on too big. [CN] 麦克林,我一直观察你 你表现得很自大 The Lineup (1958)
What inevitably happens is that companies that are wrestling with that creative, intuitive, blended with science, they swing way too far to the lets-be-scientific-and-mathematical. [CN] 什么必然发生的 该公司 这是摔跤与 创意,直观, 融合了科学, Artifact (2012)
You could show us, it would be easier. [CN] 你可以做给我们看 这样更直观 Reality (2014)
I watched you throughout the meal. [CN] 我一直观察的 Damage (1992)
It paints a picture. [CN] 是个直观表达 Entanglement (2012)
I had the boys down at RD throw together this prototype so our discussion could have focus and to give you gentlemen of the board a firsthand look. [CN] 我让下面RD的孩子拼凑了这个原型... ...这样我们的讨论就可以有焦点... ...而且让各位先生对这个令人振奋的小发明 有一个直观的印象 The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
He watched the victim's family closely. And got closer. [CN] 犯人一直观察被害人家的情况 然后 慢靠近 Montage (2013)
I've been observing him. [CN] 我以前一直观察他 Fa fa ying king (2008)
Michael, can you get me hard proof? [CN] 迈克尔 你能提供直观的证据吗 True Believer (2012)
According to our common sense - we think that ideology is something blurring, confusing - our straight view. [CN] 根据我们的常识 我们以为意识形态是一些模糊 或者迷惑我们直观视角的东西 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
I had the boys at RD make this prototype so our discussion could have some focus and to give you gentleman a firsthand look at how exciting this gizmo is. [CN] 我让RD的孩子们做了这个原型... ...这样我们的讨论就可以有焦点... ...而且让各位先生对这个令人振奋的小发明 有一个直观的印象 The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
What we learned is that they're amazingly friendly and understanding and intuitively want to be your companion. [CN] 但我们了解到的是 他们友好得令人惊讶 善解人意并直观地想成为你的同伴 Blackfish (2013)
will stand still in the field. [CN] 这样你能一直观察到 Seeing in the Dark (2007)
For some reason, he wanted me to know that he'd been watching me ever since I was a kid. [CN] ...镜子里的影像 不晓得为什么他要我知道... ...打从我小时候 他便一直观察我 Dr. Linus (2010)
Your hunch, KITT, where's the bike headed? [CN] 直觉 就是发于直观的猜想 Knight Fever (2008)
Grasp the numbers intuitively, from your heart [CN] 从你的内心,直观地抓住数字 The Professor and His Beloved Equation (2006)
We are now getting a better picture of the scale of the devastation. [CN] 我们现在对灾害程度有了更直观的了解 We are now getting a better picture of the scale of the devastation. San Andreas (2015)
Intuitive. [CN] -直观。 Closed Circuit (2013)
But they're getting everything straight on. [CN] 但他们都在很直观的表现这些服装 展现正面最完美的样子 Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)
You've been watching me. [CN] 你一直观察我 Fright Night (2011)
I'm pretty intuitive. [CN] 我是非常直观的。 The Myth of the American Sleepover (2010)
...intuitive answer to this question. [CN] [ 讲课 ] ... 这个问题最直观的答案 The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them (2014)
Not in the slightest! I wouldn't have been able to imagine her laughing happily like she does now. [CN] 在从凉宫上高中前就一直观察她的我们看来 根本无法想像她如今这样每天开怀大笑的模样 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (2010)
Perhaps they see the impact on their lives more starkly than people do in the city. [CN] 许是他们比城里人有更直观的感受 49 Up (2005)
understandable piece of visual evidence-- something that grabs them in the gut. [CN] 可信 易懂 直观的证据 一些本能上吸引他们的东西 Chasing Ice (2012)
And the unique result of this preservation based approach which is intuitively counter to many is that this logical, ground up empirical process of preservation and efficiency which can only define true human sustainability on the planet would likely enable something never before seen in human history. [CN] 同时以最智能最有效率的方式 分配所有物品 这种独特的维护方式 直观反映出许多有逻辑的 最基本的 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
You have an intuitive grasp of child psychology. [CN] 你已经有了一个直观的把握 儿童心理学。 Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002)

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