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หรือค้นหา: 插入, -插入-

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
插入[chā rù, ㄔㄚ ㄖㄨˋ,  ] insert; stick; thrust #10,029 [Add to Longdo]
插入因子[chā rù yīn zǐ, ㄔㄚ ㄖㄨˋ ㄧㄣ ㄗˇ,    ] insertion element [Add to Longdo]

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And when I come back, we're going to achieve full penetration. [CN] 等我回来了 我们就要来实现完全插入 The Sessions (2012)
And if I got one, it couldn't not be marble. [CN] 如果我将其插入, 它必须是大理石。 The End of Love (2012)
Which all could be avoided with a meticulous delivery technique. [CN] 用小心翼翼的插入方法都可以避免 Song Beneath the Song (2011)
Eight hours a day with this... [CN] 每天8个小时。 插入这台机器每天工作八小时。 Hell and Back Again (2011)
Suddenly, he sank his teeth into my shoulder. [CN] 突然,他把牙齿插入我的肩膀。 Between Us (2012)
(Man) although it gets low scores for intimacy and clitoral contact, doggie style sex usually receives high marks from guys because it allows for aggressive thrusting and it has a kind of raw animaIistic feel to it. [CN] 尽管对于阴蒂亲密的接触这是不怎受欢迎的 但老汉推车式在同性恋之间却很受欢迎 因为这种体位带有侵略性的插入 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
Yeah, Joel inserted some of his old grad school shots, so his clients still think he's cutting edge. [CN] 是啊,乔尔插入他的一些老研究生的镜头, 所以他的客户仍然认为他的最前沿。 Between Us (2012)
If he thrusts too hard or at the wrong moment, it can set off the gag reflex. [CN] 要是他插入的太猛或是时机不对 就会立马做出反呕的反应 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
Ports and trocars inserted. [CN] 内植式输入管和套针已经插入 Critical (2012)
In fact, I actually think we've been inside some of the same people, if you know what I'm saying. [CN] 其实我想我们有些共同插入的人 要是你知道我在说什么 The Way of the Fist (2012)
UH, WE'RE IN THE MINE, AND I JUST INSERTED MY SECOND TAPE,  [CN] 呃,我们在煤矿,和i 只是我的第二个磁带插入, The Mine (2012)
I saw you sucking your wife's nipples and rubbing your fingers into her cunt. [CN] 我看见你在吸吮你妻子的乳头 摩擦你的手指插入她的阴道 Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
The helpless fetus is growing a tiny, tiny penis a penis he may someday insert into this female's vagina should he survive his first encounter without her eating him. [CN] 当年那个婴儿无助的小小的老二已逐渐长大 直到有一天,它会插入某位女性体内 他会幸运的度过他的初次经历——除非她吃了它 Project X (2012)
This needle was struck through the vital pressure point. [CN] 把这么长的针插入风府穴 不死才怪 Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow (2011)
Be sure to check out our insert in Sassy Lass magazine... for killer deals on the Dr. Cole family of products. [CN] 一定要查看我们在时髦少女杂志中插入... 并获得折扣上线的科尔博士系列产品 Movie 43 (2013)
I empty the Chamber Of Deputies and fill it again with men of my choosing, with nothing more than words on a page. [CN] 我仅凭一篇文章 就重新洗牌内阁 插入了我的人手 Bel Ami (2012)
Pleaseinsert25 cents. [CN] -0 ... 请插入25美分。 The Philadelphia Experiment (2012)
Pleaseinsert25 cents. [CN] 请插入25美分。 The Philadelphia Experiment (2012)
I'd see your cock disappear into her ass. [CN] 我看着你的阴茎插入她屁股 Q (2011)
"I can't wait to see how you get strucked at heart" [CN] "等欣赏你被某君 一刀插入你心" Love Actually... Sucks! (2011)
(Man) It allows the man to enjoy sex a more relaxed way, all that thrusting can be hell on the thigh muscles, though it still allows him enough freedom to thrust upwards should he crave deeper penetration. [CN] 这是让男人更轻松的享受性爱的方式 这些插入的力都来自大腿的肌肉 这允许他有足够的自由来向上插入 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
Roughly shoved his prick into his codpiece as though it was a serviceable sword into a scabbard. [CN] 粗暴地把他的阳具挤进遮阴布 (遮阴布: 15、16世纪欧洲男子 加贴在紧身裤中,常带装饰) 仿佛它是一把利剑插入剑鞘 Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
Now, of course I can reinsert the catheter should you wish to recommence your treatment. [CN] 当然,现在我可以重新插入导管了 你确定要重新开始你的治疗吗? Now Is Good (2012)
- Uh, rapid infuser. - She needs a central line. [CN] - 需要插入中央靜脈置管 Song Beneath the Song (2011)
Now, I wiggle up and down to break the tissue around the insertion point. [CN] 现在,我要把它晃动几下 管子会穿透插入点的皮下组织 Now Is Good (2012)
(Man) Not so long ago, the idea of a woman using a strap-on dildo to penetrate her male partner would have been shocking. [CN] 不久前一个女人使用一捆绑式的假阳具 插入她的男性伴侣 这是让人震惊的 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
By placing an extra-stiff wire deep into the pulmonary artery, we avoided that complication. [CN] 用一根比較硬的金屬絲插入肺動脈深處 我們就避免了併發症 Song Beneath the Song (2011)
This position allows the woman to be more in control of the pace and power of thrusting and the depth of penetration. [CN] 这个姿势可以让女性更自如的掌控 控制插入的频率 强度 深度 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
Penetration isn't required for sex to occur. [CN] 不插入也可以做爱的 { \3cH202020 }Penetration isn't required for sex to occur. Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (2011)
- How does full-on penetrative sex sound? [CN] - 如何上插入式性行为的声音 Love Bite (2012)
It's okay. it's just a question of depth of penetration for most people, like my partner, for instance. [CN] 还好啦 对大多数人来说只是插入深度的问题 比如我的伴侣就很在乎 但我无所谓 The Sessions (2012)
After you get your delivery boy, plug the damn leak. [CN] 在你争取你的递送男孩之后,插入非常的漏洞。 Bending the Rules (2012)
and how hard she is going to take it. [CN] 决定插入的力度 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
This needle, in the vital pressure point... [CN] 这个大针呢 是插入穴道 Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow (2011)
(Man) Sex from behind, or doggie style, allows for the deepest penetration and G-spot stimulation. [CN] 后入式或者老汉推车式 可以插入的更深 对G点刺激更大 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)
He once thrust his blade so deep into his opponent's breast, that tears turned to blood. [CN] 他曾将利剑深深插入对手的胸口 竟让那人的眼泪变成了鲜血 Missio (2011)
Oh, if you touch my Adaela, you'll end up with a stake in your heart. [CN] 如果你敢碰我的阿德拉一根毫毛 我就把柱子插入你心脏弄死你 Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2012)
Instead of taking a saw to your skull, the probe is simply inserted through the nose. [CN] 不用切开头骨 探针直接从鼻孔插入 Fair Trade (2011)
She just took my cock and stuck it in her pussy. [CN] 拿着我的老二插入阴道 Q (2011)
Well, you definitely achieved penetration. [CN] 嗯 你确实实现了插入 The Sessions (2012)
I think I might even include a little tidbit of this desperate conversation. [CN] 我想可以插入些本次對話作為花邊 Portrait of a Lady Alexander (2012)
- Pop that in your ear. - What's that? [CN] 将它插入耳朵。 Movie 43 (2013)
So the pressure of your punch ejects the stakes. [CN] 出拳的力度助你順勢插入木釘 Smells Like Teen Spirit (2011)
- I'm about to put a needle in your face. [CN] 我要把一根針插入你的臉 Not Responsible (2011)
All right. What's the status on the blade? [CN] - 刀子插入情況如何 Golden Hour (2011)
And stick the straw in my mouth, please? [CN] 请把吸管插入我口中 The Sessions (2012)
Well, today, after some appropriate foreplay, they're gonna try to achieve full penetration. [CN] 嗯 今天 在适当的前戏之后... 他们将要尝试实现完全插入 The Sessions (2012)
UH, WE'RE IN THE MINE, AND I JUST INSERTED MY SECOND TAPE, AND I GOT ABOUT 60 SECONDS TO [CN] 呃,我们在煤矿,和i 只是我的第二个磁带插入, 我得到了60秒左右 The Mine (2012)
(Woman) Many woman enjoy doggie style because it makes even the smallest man feel larger, and the woman can deepen penetration even further by pressing backwards onto the man's penis. [CN] 许多女性都喜欢老汉推车式 因为这种体位也适用于阴茎短小者 便于深入 可以插入的更深 The Lovers' Guide: Igniting Desire (2011)

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