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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
导入[dǎo rù, ㄉㄠˇ ㄖㄨˋ,   /  ] to introduce into; to channel; to lead; to guide into #15,426 [Add to Longdo]

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Then, UC San Francisco would splice that gene into bacteria... to produce the hormone in significant amounts. [CN] 然后加州大学旧金山分校 愿意把这种基因导入细菌 制造出大量的激素 Something Ventured (2011)
You were... [CN] 你不过是... 把能量引导入自身体内 You were... One of Us (2015)
The Echelon access terminal that you retrieved in Paris was rigged with a boot-sector fail-safe. [CN] 你在巴黎追踪的梯层访问终端 有一个导入自动防故障装置 The Abduction (2002)
Patch it through. [CN] 导入信息。 Hunter Prey (2010)
No, we just import it. [CN] 那么,你瓶 酒自己,还是? 不,我们只是将其导入。 Imagine I'm Beautiful (2014)
Conducts electricity to the brain fast like a bullet. You don't ever throw the switch on a man without that. [CN] 这样就能直接将电流导入脑子 没有放海绵绝对不可以行刑 The Green Mile (1999)
Shingotenba transformer, valve open! Shinsusouno transformer, valve open! Shingotenba transformer, valve open! [CN] 新御殿场变电站 导入开始 Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (2007)
So I blasted PAX6 at the database, but nothing came up. [CN] { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }我把PAX6基因列导入数据库检索 { \fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }So I blasted PAX6 at the database, { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }什么都没有发现 { \fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }but nothing came up. I Origins (2014)
Why are you telling me this? [CN] 将它导入外星人的培育系统 就"有可能"破坏掉 The X Files (1998)
The steep Rocky Mountains funnel the rainwater into the rivers and levels quickly rise. [CN] 陡峭的落基山就如大漏斗似的 将雨水导入河流 于是水位快速上升 The Great Salmon Run (2009)
Directing them inward. [CN] 把能量引导入自身体内 You were... directing them inward. Love in the Time of Hydra (2015)
Following that, the Shinyugawara extra transformer will open its valve. [CN] 继续 新汤河原预备变电站 导入开始 Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (2007)
I insisted that he go into therapy with my... [CN] 我坚持要他去 导入疗法与我... The Unsaid (2001)
Shinsusouno transformer, valve open! [CN] 新裾野变电站 导入开始 Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (2007)
- Import, export. [CN] - 导入,导出。 Falcon Rising (2014)
'There'll be another two million people here in Wuhan 'within ten years, maybe more.' [CN] 他们预测会有2百万人口继续导入这个城市 未来十年 或许更久? How China Fooled the World: With Robert Peston (2014)
Maybe she's using you to channel some dead, lesbian lover. [CN] 也许她在利用你 导入某个死掉的同志恋人 Being John Malkovich (1999)
If I get a connection, put the SSR leads in the water over there. [CN] 把固体继电器导入那边的液体中 降低错误检校级别 A Measure of Salvation (2006)
I can't say really... but I am grateful that the defect was found... before we actually got the Type O. [CN] 该怎么说呢 在零式导入前就先发现了问题 这点我很感谢你 Patlabor: The Movie (1989)
And from that, you can create a digital version of someone that is, informationally, the same as they are. [CN] 扫描实验体的大脑 导入上百小时的访谈内容 You scan the subject's brain, you conduct hundreds of hours 根据这些内容 of interviews. Fundamentals of Naked Portraiture (2016)
Systems critical. Lead in Christmas. [CN] 系统故障,导入圣诞节 Arthur Christmas (2011)
Oh, space balls! [CN] 电脑 将量子能导入舰桥 Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
- Systemic artery to the pulmonary artery. - Through the lungs. [CN] 把主血液循环中的动脉导入肺动脉 穿过肺部 Something the Lord Made (2004)
Is the data registered? [CN] 数据导入完成了吗 Platinum Data (2013)
It streams HD video straight to your phone while it's flying. [CN] 它飞起来的时候 可以把高清视频直接导入你的手机 It streams HD video straight to your phone while it's flying. The Graduation Transmission (2015)
Thanks for using our subtitles! :) [CN] { \fnSTKaiti\fs12\1cH0051F9 }另外也是《神曲》里将但丁引导入天堂的女人的名字 Chapter 1: The Old Grist Mill (2014)
Quantonium has been successfully diverted to the bridge. [CN] 量子能已经成功导入舰桥 Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
I can input all the information and get us an attack scenario. [CN] 我可以将信息导入系统 模拟出攻击场景 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
Now, let's hope we see a star escape from a hole in the cliff. [CN] 现在让我们祈祷 岩壁里会有星星引导入口 Tales of the Night (2011)
He invented that adapter thing that converts vinyl albums into MP3s. [CN] 他发明了把黑胶唱片导入MP3的转换器 It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
Routing all power to Futagoyama transformer. [CN] 收到 全部电力导入二子山增设变电站 Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (2007)
To activate Golden Wheel, you need to insert Linga... and recite the secret mantra. [CN] 要启动金球,必须以LINGA导入 配合密传口诀 Iceman (2014)
Their leaves, which are very broad, channel the rain water into a central reservoir. [CN] 它们的叶片非常宽大 能把雨水导入一个中心水池 Life in the Wet Zone (2012)
Import the video to your laptop, cut the video... upload to the FTP site and notify the stations you have something for sale. [CN] 将视频导入到你的计算机,剪辑视频 上传到FTP网站并标明你有东西要卖 Nightcrawler (2014)
Booting audio journal. [CN] (导入音频数据 ) The Lawnmower Man (1992)
Yeah, I wish I could import that to the fabulous students of Phoenix. [CN] 是的,我希望我能导入寿': 到凤凰神话般的学生。 Molly Maxwell (2013)
I'll put things back right. [CN] 我把会把一切导入正轨 R100 (2013)
We're right in the middle of something really import... [CN] 我们正好在中间 对一些真正导入. The Brittany Murphy Story (2014)
Down here. It leads the oil into the lubricant channels. [CN] 那下面,它把油导入润滑剂管道 Folk flest bor i Kina (2002)
Here at Elysium we believe that open sexual boundaries lead to a deeper honesty. [CN] 在极乐世界里 我们相信 开放性行为可以导入深度的忠诚 Wanderlust (2012)
If we could somehow harness this lightning, channel it into the flux capacitor,  [CN] 如果我们可以利用闪电 将它导入动态电容器 Back to the Future (1985)

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