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壮举[zhuàng jǔ, ㄓㄨㄤˋ ㄐㄩˇ,  ] magnificent feat; impressive feat; heroic undertaking; heroic attempt #22,839 [Add to Longdo]

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Until now, I was very proud of myself that I have done great work. That I've developed this village from nothing. [CN] 直到现在我对这些壮举都倍感自豪 Veer-Zaara (2004)
Your getting from Sienna to Marseilles was a daring feat. [CN] 你们从锡耶纳一路来到马赛 称得上是勇敢的壮举 Part VII (1988)
Perhaps more so. [CN] 皆因有您的帮助才能完成此壮举 Beneath the Mask (2011)
Before they haul you away? [CN] 你还做出几次破门而入的壮举 Before they haul you away? Ball & Chain (2008)
What if you went out and did something heroic, like you do on the show, but in the real world? [CN] 如果你出去现实世界来点壮举 会有什么结果呢 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002)
Certainly it was. [CN] 是壮举. The Desert Rats (1953)
I thought Mr Hughes was flying around the world. [CN] 他不是刚完成环游世界壮举吗? The Aviator (2004)
What if I went out and did something heroic in the real world? [CN] 如果我来点壮举 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002)
- But a bit boring for you, though? [CN] - 你会不会觉得这很无聊? - 瑞斯觉得它们代表了一种壮举 - But a bit boring for you, though? Patagonia (2010)
For such a little frog it is a marathon ascent, like a human mother climbing the Empire State Building with a child on her back. [CN] 对这种袖珍青蛙来说 这是惊人的壮举 相当于人类妈妈背着孩子 爬上帝国大厦 Challenges of Life (2009)
A feat unsurpassed in the history of Smithville. [CN] 一个无与伦比的壮举 在史密斯维尔的历史。 Hope Floats (1998)
"to the North Pole as a feat of pure daring and imagination. [CN] 实乃大胆而富有创造力的壮举 The Playbook (2009)
The press is always around when I do something. [CN] 我作出壮举时 新闻界的人常不离身 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002)
You making the pussy into this great big Greek goddess named Pussalia... and what you're doing is... you're psyching yourself into thinking it's some impossible feat. [CN] 你要让这个女人像希腊神话中 伟大的Pussalia女神那样... 你要做的就是... 你要让你自己相信 这是一个不可能的壮举 The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
A completely pointless and futile venture. [CN] 这种壮举全无意义,白费工夫 John Rabe (2009)
By the strike of noon, after I, Phileas Fogg, have traveled around the world in 80 days! [CN] 这个时刻终将到来 在80天以后正午钟声敲响以前 当我菲利亚斯・福格完成环游世界壮举的时刻! Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
Those are acts of resistance [CN] 乃真抗日之壮举 Devils on the Doorstep (2000)
You know, I never knew it would be so much fun out here doing this real hero stuff. [CN] 是的 我从没想到作出壮举 如此好玩 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002)
It will be remembered as an heroic act. [CN] 这一个壮举将会被宣传成为 共和国战士的英雄事蹟 Airiseu: Deo mubi (2010)
I'll just go get a little press for doing some easy hero stuff and they'll be begging to keep me on the show! [CN] 我要用壮举来打动新闻界 到时他们会求我上节目 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002)
We are at the doorstep of our martyrdom. [CN] 我们即将完成殉难的壮举 Postal (2007)
You know, when we're through rescuing the princess. [CN] 你明白的 当我们完成救公主的壮举之后 Shrek (2001)
Ultimately this question comes down to this. [CN] 我们,作为美国人是否能做壮举 即使有很大的困难? An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Hurry, come around, craftsmen, the ball must be finished today. [CN] 工匠们齐加油,今天完成这壮举 As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (2001)
The attraction of the century. [CN] 最伟大的壮举 Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Ooh, look at my big words! [CN] 噢,看看我的豪言壮举 What's with Robert? (2000)
It's a magnificent achievement for Brian Clough's team. [CN] 对布莱恩・克拉夫的队伍来说是一项壮举 The Damned United (2009)
murderers or kidnappers or something no nothing that spectacular, just a teenage runaway somewhere along the line I must've slipped on a piece of shit and landed in here with you why don't you call the police? [CN] 没有壮举 只是找个少女 我一定走错路了 到了你这里 为什么你不报警? Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988)
some colonies can eat as much as 1, 000 pounds of wood per year. [CN] 有些种类的白蚁一年内吃掉1000磅的木材(约454公斤) 要实现这样的"壮举" Life After People (2008)
Craftsmen, hurry, come around, the bell must be finished today. [CN] 工匠们齐加油,今天完成这壮举 As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (2001)
And some acts demand that we bow. [CN] 有些壮举值得我们鞠躬 The Granddaughter's Model (1971)
It's a logistical feat, requiring thousands of centrifuges working for months or years. [CN] 这是一项壮举 需要数千台离心机 工作几个月甚至数年 Countdown to Zero (2010)
But the Doolittle raiders' heroic deeds and their soldiers' deaths will not have been in vain. [CN] 但杜立德空袭的英雄壮举 和勇士们付出的生命 并非毫无意义 Part II (1988)
And you're lucky to be a part of it, Pierre. [CN] 而你 将有幸成为这壮举的见证 皮埃尔 Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
I'm planning on doing some more big hero stuff today. [CN] 今天我打算作出点壮举 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002)
It was a natural and courageous thing to do. [CN] 他那样做, 不是很有勇气的壮举吗. The Desert Rats (1953)
I do not think that you are so in his own person interested because you do not know? [CN] 我不认为别人会有这样的壮举... ... 他没有救我 Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (2007)
So Hannibal began his trek across the Alps. [CN] 汉尼拔展开 横跨阿尔卑斯山的壮举 The Woods (2006)
It was a project that was heroic, quixotic even, and it would cost him his life and his crown. [CN] 「书名就叫《两个大洋的会面》」 这是个壮举,甚至有点不切实接 The Meeting of Two Oceans (2007)
Der Junge hat Erstaunliches_BAR_für uns geleistet. [CN] 这孩子为我们奉献了无比的壮举 Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Catholic church thanks Camerlengo for his selfless act and demands his immediate canonization. [CN] 天主教廷感谢教皇内侍无私的壮举 并立即追封了他 Angels & Demons (2009)
He said that Warren turned in a brilliant, heroic performance. [CN] 他说,华伦的表现绝对称得上 是英雄壮举 Part III (1988)
'My Best Friend's Spreading'? [CN] 我最好朋友之壮举 The Truth About Love (2005)
This, Hancock's latest act of so-called heroics took a hefty financial toll. [CN] 这就是汉考克最新的所谓壮举 造成的巨额经济损失 Hancock (2008)
Sometimes I smile and laugh... when I think about all the great things that you're gonna do. [CN] 有时想到你将来会做出的 伟大壮举,我会微笑,大笑 George Washington (2000)
Screwing the boss's wife. That'd be another fine career move. [CN] 搞老板的老婆 这真是演艺生涯的又一壮举 Killing Bono (2011)
Heroic? [CN] 壮举? Heroic? Patagonia (2010)
She will split a bullet with the axe hitting both targets simultaneously. [CN] 用子弹将黑桃A一分为二 就在此处 请观赏这绝妙的壮举 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
Voyager--2 offers the best Photos of the eighth planet are looking for rings were seen. [CN] 它拍摄到了星环猎手们所见到的 太阳第八行星的最佳图像 堪称惊人的技术壮举 The Hunt for Ringed Planets (2009)
Have you heard of my feat? [CN] 你听说我的壮举吗? Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)

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