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หรือค้นหา: , -共-

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ] all, total; together; to share
Radical: , Decomposition:   廾 [gǒng, ㄍㄨㄥˇ]  一 [, ]  八 [, ㄅㄚ]
Etymology: [ideographic] Two hands 八 holding one object 廾
Rank: 330
[, gōng, ㄍㄨㄥ] to supply, to provide for; to offer in worship
Radical: , Decomposition:   亻 [rén, ㄖㄣˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [ideographic] A person 亻 making an offering with both hands 共; 共 also provides the pronunciation
Rank: 550
[, yì, ㄧˋ] different, strange, unusual; foreign; surprising
Radical: , Decomposition:   田 [tián, ㄊㄧㄢˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictographic] A person with a scary face 田
[, bào, ㄅㄠˋ] violent, brutal, tyrannical
Radical: , Decomposition:   日 [, ㄖˋ]    共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]  水 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]
Etymology: [ideographic] A man with head 日 and hands 共 tormenting a deer 水
Rank: 1028
[, hóng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ] deluge, flood; immense, vast
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [ideographic] All 共 the water 氵; 共 also provides the pronunciation
Rank: 1350
殿[殿, diàn, ㄉㄧㄢˋ] hall; palace; temple
Radical: , Decomposition:     尸 [shī, ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]  殳 [shū, ㄕㄨ]
Etymology: -
Rank: 1555
[, gōng, ㄍㄨㄥ] polite, respectful, reverent
Radical: , Decomposition:   共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]  
Etymology: [pictophonetic] heart
Rank: 1742
[, xiàng, ㄒㄧㄤˋ] alley, lane
Radical: , Decomposition:   共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]  巳 [, ㄙˋ]
Etymology: -
Rank: 2399
[, hōng, ㄏㄨㄥ] to coax; to beguile, to cheat, to deceive; tumult, uproar
Radical: , Decomposition:   口 [kǒu, ㄎㄡˇ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] mouth
Variants: , Rank: 2513
[, hòng, ㄏㄨㄥˋ] boisterous; clamor, noise
Radical: , Decomposition:   鬥 [dòu, ㄉㄡˋ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] struggle
[, gǒng, ㄍㄨㄥˇ] to salute, to bow; arched; arch
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 2573
[, fèn, ㄈㄣˋ] manure, dung; shit, excrement
Radical: , Decomposition:   米 [, ㄇㄧˇ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] grain
Variants: , Rank: 2884
[, gōng, ㄍㄨㄥ] to give, to present; reverential
Radical: , Decomposition:   龙 [lóng, ㄌㄨㄥˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] dragon
Variants: , Rank: 3184
[, gōng, ㄍㄨㄥ] to give, to present; reverential
Radical: , Decomposition:   龍 [lóng, ㄌㄨㄥˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] dragon
Variants: , Rank: 9018
[, hōng, ㄏㄨㄥ] to bake, to roast; to dry by the fire
Radical: , Decomposition:   火 [huǒ, ㄏㄨㄛˇ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] fire
Rank: 3266
[, xùn, ㄒㄩㄣˋ] mild, modest, obedient; southeast; 5th of the 8 trigrams
Radical: , Decomposition:     巳 [, ㄙˋ]  巳 [, ㄙˋ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: -
Rank: 5255
[, xiàng, ㄒㄧㄤˋ] alley, lane
Radical: , Decomposition:   行 [xíng, ㄒㄧㄥˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] step
Rank: 6468
[, gǒng, ㄍㄨㄥˇ] precious stone; a county in Sichuan
Radical: , Decomposition:   王 [wáng, ㄨㄤˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] jade
Rank: 6469
[, hóng, ㄏㄨㄥˊ] budding, flourishing
Radical: , Decomposition:   艹 [cǎo, ㄘㄠˇ]    镸 [cháng, ㄔㄤˊ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] grass
Rank: 6519
[, jú, ㄐㄩˊ] horse-drawn carriage
Radical: , Decomposition:   共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]  車 [chē, ㄔㄜ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] cart
Rank: 9727
[, gǒng, ㄍㄨㄥˇ] stake, post; pillar; peg
Radical: , Decomposition:   木 [, ㄇㄨˋ]  共 [gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] wood

[] Meaning: together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with
On-yomi: キョウ, kyou
Kun-yomi: とも, とも.に, -ども, tomo, tomo.ni, -domo
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , Rank: 174
[] Meaning: submit; offer; present; serve (meal); accompany
On-yomi: キョウ, ク, クウ, グ, kyou, ku, kuu, gu
Kun-yomi: そな.える, とも, -ども, sona.eru, tomo, -domo
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 313
[] Meaning: uncommon; different; queerness; strangeness; wonderful; curious; unusual
On-yomi: イ, i
Kun-yomi: こと, こと.なる, け, koto, koto.naru, ke
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 631
[] Meaning: respect; reverent
On-yomi: キョウ, kyou
Kun-yomi: うやうや.しい, uyauya.shii
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1737
[] Meaning: deluge; flood; vast
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1778
[] Meaning: that
On-yomi: キ, ギ, ゴ, ki, gi, go
Kun-yomi: それ, その, sore, sono
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , Rank: 1930
[] Meaning: southeast
On-yomi: ソン, son
Kun-yomi: たつみ, tatsumi
Radical: , Decomposition:         
Rank: 2061
[] Meaning: fork in road; scene; arena; theater
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Kun-yomi: ちまた, chimata
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , Rank: 2415
[] Meaning: bake; roast; grill; dry by fire
On-yomi: コウ, キョウ, ク, kou, kyou, ku
Kun-yomi: かがりび, あぶ.る, kagaribi, abu.ru
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: precious stone; Xian in Sichuan
On-yomi: キョウ, コウ, kyou, kou
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning:
On-yomi: コウ, ク, kou, ku
Kun-yomi: しげ.る, shige.ru
Radical: , Decomposition:         
[] Meaning: arch; fold arms
On-yomi: キョウ, コウ, kyou, kou
Kun-yomi: こまぬ.く, こまね.く, komanu.ku, komane.ku
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: resound; reverberate
On-yomi: コウ, kou
Radical: , Decomposition:     

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[gòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ, ] common; general; to share; together; total; altogether #656 [Add to Longdo]
共同[gòng tóng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄊㄨㄥˊ,  ] common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative #739 [Add to Longdo]
公共[gōng gòng, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ,  ] public; common (use) #1,863 [Add to Longdo]
共有[gòng yǒu, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄧㄡˇ,  ] to have altogether; in all #2,428 [Add to Longdo]
中华人民共和国[Zhōng huá Rén mín Gòng hé guó, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄏㄨㄚˊ ㄖㄣˊ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄜˊ ㄍㄨㄛˊ,        /       ] The People's Republic of China #3,907 [Add to Longdo]
共和国[gòng hé guó, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄜˊ ㄍㄨㄛˊ,    /   ] republic #4,612 [Add to Longdo]
中国共产党[Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄉㄤˇ,      /     ] Communist Party of China #4,797 [Add to Longdo]
共享[gòng xiǎng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄒㄧㄤˇ,  ] to share #4,833 [Add to Longdo]
共产党[gòng chǎn dǎng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄉㄤˇ,    /   ] Communist party #5,344 [Add to Longdo]
一共[yī gòng, ㄧ ㄍㄨㄥˋ,  ] altogether #5,511 [Add to Longdo]
共识[gòng shí, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄕˊ,   /  ] consensus #5,519 [Add to Longdo]
中共[Zhōng gòng, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ,  ] abbr. for Chinese Communist (party, regime etc) #5,618 [Add to Longdo]
共计[gòng jì, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄐㄧˋ,   /  ] to sum up to; to total #5,866 [Add to Longdo]
中共中央[Zhōng gòng zhōng yāng, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄧㄤ,    ] Chinese Communist Party Central Committee #6,150 [Add to Longdo]
共产党员[gòng chǎn dǎng yuán, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄉㄤˇ ㄩㄢˊ,     /    ] communist party member #6,619 [Add to Longdo]
总共[zǒng gòng, ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄍㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] altogether; in sum; in all; in total #6,676 [Add to Longdo]
共产主义[gòng chǎn zhǔ yì, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ,     /    ] communism #6,974 [Add to Longdo]
共鸣[gòng míng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄇㄧㄥˊ,   /  ] physical resonance; sympathetic response to sth #11,995 [Add to Longdo]
公共卫生[gōng gòng wèi shēng, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄨㄟˋ ㄕㄥ,     /    ] public health #12,477 [Add to Longdo]
公共汽车[gōng gòng qì chē, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄑㄧˋ ㄔㄜ,     /    ] bus #13,605 [Add to Longdo]
共青团[gòng qīng tuán, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄑㄧㄥ ㄊㄨㄢˊ,    /   ] the Communist Youth League #13,609 [Add to Longdo]
共和党[Gòng hé dǎng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄜˊ ㄉㄤˇ,    /   ] Republican Party #13,826 [Add to Longdo]
共同点[gòng tóng diǎn, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄉㄧㄢˇ,    /   ] common ground #14,958 [Add to Longdo]
共和[gòng hé, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄜˊ,  ] republic #15,334 [Add to Longdo]
共用[gòng yòng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄩㄥˋ,  ] commons; public use #16,274 [Add to Longdo]
共性[gòng xìng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,  ] overall character #17,276 [Add to Longdo]
共产党人[gòng chǎn dǎng rén, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄉㄤˇ ㄖㄣˊ,     /    ] Communist party members #18,198 [Add to Longdo]
有目共睹[yǒu mù gòng dǔ, ㄧㄡˇ ㄇㄨˋ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄉㄨˇ,    ] anyone with eyes can see it (成语 saw); obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see #20,245 [Add to Longdo]
共存[gòng cún, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄘㄨㄣˊ,  ] to coexist #20,276 [Add to Longdo]
共同社[Gòng tóng shè, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄜˋ,   ] Kyōdō, Japanese news agency #22,401 [Add to Longdo]
公共设施[gōng gòng shè shī, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄕㄜˋ ㄕ,     /    ] public facilities; services #22,789 [Add to Longdo]
和平共处[hé píng gòng chǔ, ㄏㄜˊ ㄆㄧㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄨˇ,     /    ] peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc #23,760 [Add to Longdo]
共生[gòng shēng, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄕㄥ,  ] symbiosis #24,557 [Add to Longdo]
国共[guó gòng, ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] the Guomintang and the Chinese communist party #26,223 [Add to Longdo]
公共关系[gōng gòng guān xì, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ,     /    ] public relations #27,892 [Add to Longdo]
反共[fǎn gòng, ㄈㄢˇ ㄍㄨㄥˋ,  ] anti-communist (often considered criminal) #27,902 [Add to Longdo]
共谋[gòng móu, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄇㄡˊ,   /  ] conspire #28,168 [Add to Longdo]
共振[gòng zhèn, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄓㄣˋ,  ] resonance #29,518 [Add to Longdo]
公共事业[gōng gòng shì yè, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄕˋ ㄧㄝˋ,     /    ] public utility; state-run enterprise; public foundation or enterprise, often charitable #33,459 [Add to Longdo]
同甘共苦[tóng gān gòng kǔ, ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄍㄢ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄎㄨˇ,    ] shared delights and common hardships (成语 saw); to share life's joys and sorrows; for better or for worse #34,993 [Add to Longdo]
磁共振[cí gòng zhèn, ㄘˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄓㄣˋ,   ] magnetic resonance #35,463 [Add to Longdo]
欧共体[Ōu gòng tǐ, ㄡ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄊㄧˇ,    /   ] abbr. for 歐洲共同體|欧洲共同体, European Community (old term for the EU, European Union) #35,837 [Add to Longdo]
共处[gòng chǔ, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄨˇ,   /  ] coexist; get along (with others) #35,859 [Add to Longdo]
中国共产党中央委员会[Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄉㄤˇ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄧㄤ ㄨㄟˇ ㄩㄢˊ ㄏㄨㄟˋ,           /          ] Central Committee of the Communist Party of China #35,890 [Add to Longdo]
公共厕所[gōng gòng cè suǒ, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄘㄜˋ ㄙㄨㄛˇ,     /    ] public toilet #36,307 [Add to Longdo]
核磁共振[hé cí gòng zhèn, ㄏㄜˊ ㄘˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄓㄣˋ,    ] nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) #38,912 [Add to Longdo]
共产国际[Gòng chǎn guó jì, ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄔㄢˇ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧˋ,     /    ] Communist international (Comintern) #40,448 [Add to Longdo]
同舟共济[tóng zhōu gòng jì, ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄓㄡ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄐㄧˋ,     /    ] in the same boat; fig. to collaborate towards a common goal #45,297 [Add to Longdo]
国共合作[guó gòng hé zuò, ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄜˊ ㄗㄨㄛˋ,     /    ] First United Front between Guomindang and Communist party, 1923-1927 #47,680 [Add to Longdo]
公共财产[gōng gòng cái chǎn, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄍㄨㄥˋ ㄘㄞˊ ㄔㄢˇ,     /    ] public property #47,737 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Approved JP-TH
共感[きょうかん, kyoukan] (n) ความรู้สึกร่วม
朝鮮人民共和国[ちょうせんじんみんきょうわこく, chousenjinminkyouwakoku] (n, name) สาธารณรัฐประชาชนเกาหลี (หมายถึง เกาหลีเหนือ)

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
欧州共同体[おうしゅうきょうどうたい, oushuukyoudoutai] (org) คณะกรรมมาธิการยุโรป (EC)
人間界を作った神の一人アイリスは、堕落した他の神々の陰謀で、人間界(ガイア)へ8人のガーディアンたちと共に追放されてしまいます。彼女は8人のガーディアンたちとともに人間[おうしゅうきょうどうたい] (n, vi, vt, modal, ver) 人間界を作った神の一人アイリスは、堕落した他の神々の陰謀で、人間界(ガイア)へ8人のガーディアンたちと共に追放されてしまいます。彼女は8人のガーディアンたちとともに人間たちの手の届かない所にファンタランドを建国し、平和な日々を送っていました。しかし何十万年の時間が経ち, 平和だったファンタランドのエターナルポイントに原因不明の割れ目(クレック)が突如発生。他のガイアの異邦人たちを引き寄せるきっかけとなってしまいました。ファンタランドに暮す多くの種族たちは、異邦世界の存在に対する不安と疑問が膨らんでいくばかり。結局アイリスはその不安を取り払うために、ファンタテニス大会を開催して、優勝者にはどんな願いでも一つだけ叶えることを約束するのでした。
共産党[きょうさんとう, kyousantou] (n) พรรคคอมมิวนิสต์
共犯者[きょうはんしゃ, kyouhansha] (n) ผู้สมรู้ร่วมคิด

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[ども, domo] (suf) (uk) including...; inclusive of; ...and all #1,831 [Add to Longdo]
[ども, domo] (n, n-pref) (1) together with; (2) same; (suf) (3) (uk) both; all; neither; none; (4) (uk) including ...; (P) #1,831 [Add to Longdo]
[ども, domo] (suf) (1) (hum) first-person plural (or singular); (2) second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to); (P) #1,831 [Add to Longdo]
協力(P);共力(iK)[きょうりょく, kyouryoku] (n, vs, adj-no) (See ご協力) cooperation; collaboration; (P) #691 [Add to Longdo]
と共に[とともに, totomoni] (exp) together with #837 [Add to Longdo]
共同(P);協同(P)[きょうどう, kyoudou] (n, vs, adj-no) (esp. 共同) doing together (as equals); sharing; common (land, etc.); joint (statement, etc.); cooperation; co-operation; collaboration; association; (P) #1,000 [Add to Longdo]
共和[きょうわ, kyouwa] (adj-f) republican; cooperative; (P) #1,015 [Add to Longdo]
共通[きょうつう, kyoutsuu] (adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) commonness; community; (vs) (2) to be common; to be shared; (n-suf) (3) -wide; (P) #1,967 [Add to Longdo]
共演[きょうえん, kyouen] (n, vs) appearing together; co-acting; co-starring; (P) #2,193 [Add to Longdo]
公共[こうきょう, koukyou] (n, adj-no) public; community; public service; society; communal; (P) #2,235 [Add to Longdo]
中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく, chuukajinminkyouwakoku] (n) People's Republic of China; Communist China; (P) #2,262 [Add to Longdo]
共著[きょうちょ, kyoucho] (n) collaboration; co-authorship; (P) #2,857 [Add to Longdo]
共産党[きょうさんとう, kyousantou] (n) Communist Party; (P) #2,946 [Add to Longdo]
共に(P);倶に;供に(iK)[ともに, tomoni] (adv) (1) (uk) together; jointly; (2) (uk) (often as ...とともに) at the same time; with; as ...; including; along with; (3) (uk) both; (P) #2,981 [Add to Longdo]
共学[きょうがく, kyougaku] (n, vs) coeducation; (P) #3,379 [Add to Longdo]
共有[きょうゆう, kyouyuu] (n, vs, adj-no) share; joint ownership; co-ownership; (P) #4,086 [Add to Longdo]
共和党[きょうわとう, kyouwatou] (n) Republican Party; (P) #5,378 [Add to Longdo]
共産[きょうさん, kyousan] (n) (1) communism; (2) (abbr) (See 共産党) Communist Party; (P) #5,666 [Add to Longdo]
共編[きょうへん, kyouhen] (n, vs) joint editorship #6,237 [Add to Longdo]
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく, chousenminshushugijinminkyouwakoku] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea); DPRK; (P) #6,686 [Add to Longdo]
与;共[むた;みた(共), muta ; mita ( tomo )] (n) (arch) (after noun+が, pronoun+の, etc.) together with ... #7,314 [Add to Longdo]
中国共産党[ちゅうごくきょうさんとう, chuugokukyousantou] (n) Chinese Communist Party #9,305 [Add to Longdo]
共用[きょうよう, kyouyou] (n, vs, adj-no) common use; communal use; sharing; (P) #11,390 [Add to Longdo]
共鳴[きょうめい, kyoumei] (n, vs) resonance; sympathetic (sound); (being in) sympathy; (P) #12,112 [Add to Longdo]
共同通信[きょうどうつうしん, kyoudoutsuushin] (n) joint communications #12,318 [Add to Longdo]
共生(P);共棲[きょうせい(P);ともいき(共生), kyousei (P); tomoiki ( kyousei )] (n, vs, adj-no) symbiosis; paragenesis; union; (P) #12,346 [Add to Longdo]
是非とも(P);是非共[ぜひとも, zehitomo] (adv) by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer); (P) #12,576 [Add to Longdo]
共闘[きょうとう, kyoutou] (n, vs) joint struggle; common (united) front; (P) #12,723 [Add to Longdo]
共済[きょうさい, kyousai] (n) mutual aid; (P) #12,814 [Add to Longdo]
共立[きょうりつ, kyouritsu] (n, vs) joint; common; (P) #13,961 [Add to Longdo]
共感[きょうかん, kyoukan] (n, vs, adj-no) sympathy; empathy; response; (P) #14,051 [Add to Longdo]
共同通信社[きょうどうつうしんしゃ, kyoudoutsuushinsha] (n) Kyodo News Service #14,211 [Add to Longdo]
共存[きょうぞん(P);きょうそん, kyouzon (P); kyouson] (n, vs) coexistence; (P) #14,762 [Add to Longdo]
共催[きょうさい, kyousai] (n, vs) joint sponsorship; (P) #17,257 [Add to Longdo]
反共[はんきょう, hankyou] (n) anticommunist; (P) #18,625 [Add to Longdo]
共謀[きょうぼう, kyoubou] (n, vs, adj-no) conspiracy; complicity; (P) #19,121 [Add to Longdo]
どちら共[どちらとも, dochiratomo] (n) (uk) (See 共・とも・3) both [Add to Longdo]
アンゴラ共和国[アンゴラきょうわこく, angora kyouwakoku] (n) (See アンゴラ・1) Republic of Angola [Add to Longdo]
インターネット接続共有[インターネットせつぞくきょうゆう, inta-netto setsuzokukyouyuu] (n) { comp } Internet Connection Sharing; ICS [Add to Longdo]
ガーナ共和国[ガーナきょうわこく, ga-na kyouwakoku] (n) Republic of Ghana [Add to Longdo]
ガイアナ協同共和国[ガイアナきょうどうきょうわこく, gaiana kyoudoukyouwakoku] (n) Co-operative Republic of Guyana [Add to Longdo]
ガボン共和国[ガボンきょうわこく, gabon kyouwakoku] (n) Gabonese Republic [Add to Longdo]
ガンビア共和国[ガンビアきょうわこく, ganbia kyouwakoku] (n) Republic of the Gambia [Add to Longdo]
ギニアビサウ共和国[ギニアビサウきょうわこく, giniabisau kyouwakoku] (n) Republic of Guinea-Bissau [Add to Longdo]
ギニア共和国[ギニアきょうわこく, ginia kyouwakoku] (n) Republic of Guinea [Add to Longdo]
ギリシャ共和国;ギリシア共和国[ギリシャきょうわこく(ギリシャ共和国);ギリシアきょうわこく(ギリシア共和国), girisha kyouwakoku ( girisha kyouwakoku ); girishia kyouwakoku ( girishia kyouwakok] (n) Republic of Greece; Hellenic Republic [Add to Longdo]
グアテマラ共和国[グアテマラきょうわこく, guatemara kyouwakoku] (n) Republic of Guatemala; (P) [Add to Longdo]
グルジアソビエト社会主義共和国[グルジアソビエトしゃかいしゅぎきょうわこく, gurujiasobieto shakaishugikyouwakoku] (n) (former) Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic; Georgian SSR; GSSR [Add to Longdo]
ケニア共和国[ケニアきょうわこく, kenia kyouwakoku] (n) (See ケニア) Republic of Kenya [Add to Longdo]
コンゴ共和国[コンゴきょうわこく, kongo kyouwakoku] (n) Republic of the Congo [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
Both are alive.2人共生きている。
Public utility charges will go up next April.4月から公共料金が値上げになる。
With regard to your letter of July 22nd, I enclose our most recent catalogue.7月22日付けのお手紙につきまして私共の最新の目録を同封します。
U.S.S.R. stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.USSRはソビエト社会主義共和国連邦を表しています。
I really agree with what you're saying.あなたの考え方には共感できます。
Those two boys share the same dormitory room.あの二人の少年は寮の同じ部屋を共有している。
He and his wife are working together for a living, and his salary is lower than hers, No wonder he is a hen-pecked husband.あの夫婦は共かせぎしている。だが亭主の給料のほうが女房の給料よりも低い。亭主が女房の尻にしかれるのも当然だ。
Many couples in America both work to make ends meet.アメリカでは多くの夫婦が収支をあわせるため共稼ぎをしている。
The United States is a republic.アメリカ合衆国は共和国である。
The Americans don't accept Fascism any more than they do Communism.アメリカ人がファシズムを受け入れないのは、共産主義を受け入れないのと同じだ。
When I first visit a country, I always try to share a meal with the people there.ある国を初めて訪れると、私はいつも決まってそこの人たちと食事を共にするように心がけています。
The political systems of Britain and Japan have a great deal in common.イギリスと日本とは、政治の仕組みにかなり共通点がある。
Soviet and Western observers have warned that if the Muslim republics do not join the commonwealth, they may form a separate group, setting up a volatile ethnic and religious split.イスラム系共和国が独立国家共同体に参加しない場合、それらの国々は独自の勢力を形成し、一触即発の民族的、宗教的な亀裂を生じかねない、とソ連、西側の消息筋は警告しています。
Mischief is common to most children.いたずらはたいていの子供に共通のものだ。
Ken shared the room with his elder brother.ケンは兄と部屋を共有している。
This place isn't convenient to public transportation.ここは公共の乗り物が不便だ。
This does not mean that they have nothing in common with other peoples.このことは彼等が他の諸国民と何も共通点がないことを意味するものではない。
This hotel is conveniently located in terms of public transportation.このホテルは公共交通機関の点から見ると便利な所に位置している。
Note that the impetus for change has undergone a series of transformations in this community.この共同体においても変化への刺激が一連の変化を示していた点に注目してみよう。
This is what they have in common with other peoples.これは彼らが他の諸国民と共通してもっているものである。
In the past I used to vote the Democratic ticket, but from now on I'll climb on the Republican's bandwagon.これまでに民主党に投票したものだが、これからは共和党に乗り換えるつもりだ。
In the past I used to vote for the Democratic ticket, but from now on I'll climb on the Republican bandwagon.これまでは民主党に投票したものだが、これからは共和党に乗りかえるつもりだ。
But today smoking in public places is forbidden or strictly restricted.しかし今日では、公共の場での喫煙は禁止されたり、きびしく制限されている。
Some common threads run through all cultures.すべての文化には何本かの共通する糸が通っている。
Please forward this message along with the seminar information to the appropriate managers in your firm.セミナーのご案内と共に、この情報を貴社内の担当の管理職にご転送ください。
The two languages have a lot in common.その2つの言語には共通点が多い。
Everyone in the apartment house shares the kitchen.そのアパートのみんなが台所を共有している。
Make that a shared folder.そのフォルダ、共有にしておいて。
The president of the republic is chosen by the people.その共和党の大統領は人民によって選出される。
The park is common property.その公園は公共の財産だ。
The colony declared independence and become a republic.その植民地は独立を宣言し、共和国となった。
The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the neighborhood.その水泳プールは近所の子供達みんなが共同で使っている。
The town is an industrial community.その町は産業共同体である。
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples.その翌日。またヨハネは、二人の弟子と共に立っていた。
The communist gave in to his tough opponent at last.ついに、その共産主義者は手強い相手に屈した。
But we don't have much in common.でもね、わたしたち全然共通点がないんですもの。
Television could be an important source of culture, and its educational broadcasts are valued in many schools.テレビは重要な共用の源になることも出来、その教育放送は多くの学校で高く評価されている。
Tom and I have nothing in common.トムと私は共通したところが何もない。
The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; the one can fly and the other cannot.ハトもダチョウも共に鳥だが、前者は飛べるし、後者は飛べない。
Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings.ブタはある特性を人間と共有している。
What is the common language in Peru?ペルーの共通語は何ですか。
Ben and I don't get along. we have nothing in common.ベンと私は仲良くやれない。共通点がないのです。
Marina Giles left England with her husband in just this frame of mind.マリナ・ジャイルズはまさしくこうした思いで夫と共にイギリスを離れた。
What is indispensable to our lives, along with food and clothes, is housing.衣食と共に我々の生活に欠かせない物は住居である。
English has now become the common language of several nations in the world.英語は今や世界のいくつかの国の共通語になっています。
The EC's Twelve are working out a compromise on farm-price.欧州共同体の12ヶ国は農産物価格についての妥協案を作成しています。
Music is a common speech for humanity.音楽は人類共通の言葉である。
Let no one appropriate a common benefit.何人たりとも公共の利益を独占すべきではない。
We own a few hundred acres between the three of us.我々3人で数百エーカーの土地を共有している。
We have a lot of sympathies in common.我々は共鳴する点がおおい。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And that would be.... [CN] 共是 Valentine (2001)
-We sleep in one room. [CN] -我们两个共用一个房间。 The Glass House (2001)
So I'm coming to you, not as your buddy, and not as a co-counselor, but for the first time as a man. [CN] 所以,我来给你, 不是你的好友, 而不是作为一个共同的辅导员, 但第一次作为一个男人。 Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
It's funny, we really have nothing in common. [CN] 真好笑, 我们真的 毫无共同之处。 Fat Girl (2001)
What is it that resonates in us in response to noise brought to harmony, making it the source of the greatest delight which stuns us and brings us together? [JP] 人の魂に 直接響くのです 体内の 何が 共鳴するのでしょう? 何が 単なる音のつながりを 喜びに変えて- Stalker (1979)
We've been overrun by the fucking "comunistas", but that is another story. [CN] 共产党打败我们,我们不要谈这个 Blow (2001)
No. Dolan knowsl share nothing with nobody. [JP] いや ドーランとは 共通点がない Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Your destiny lies with me, Skywalker. [JP] おまえの運命はわしと共にある スカイウォーカーよ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
We both have a friend in common. [CN] 我们都有一个共同的朋友 Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)
Together with my colleagues, Aaronson and Rutherford,  [JP] 腹心の同僚と共謀して 1984 (1984)
I used him, to be with you. [JP] 君との共犯に彼を使ってね。 Live for Life (1967)
We'll touch down in Nairobi, our next stopover in 8 hours, we're at 12.000 meter above sea level. [JP] 私共はナイロビに向かっております。 この8時間滞在の間ー ー海抜12. Live for Life (1967)
We are all coauthors of this dancing exuberance where even our inabilities are having a roast. [CN] 我們們共同製造了這種歡快的情節 我們甚至無力妄加評論 Waking Life (2001)
Not on your life. That little droid and I have been through a lot together. [JP] 気にしないで 共に苦労したんだ Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Remember, the Force will be with you always. [JP] 忘れるな フォースは いつも君と共にある Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
You truly belong here with us among the clouds. [JP] 雲の中で共に過ごすのに ふさわしい方だ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
What a bunch of garbage. Liberal Democrat, conservative Republican. [CN] 什麼自由的民主黨, 保守的共和黨都是一堆垃圾 Waking Life (2001)
Okay, dude. Hey! Maybe we'll do lunch. [CN] 没问题找一天共进午餐吧? Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001)
Three dead! [JP] 三人共 The 4th Man (1983)
I was hoping that you would want to be a part of it. [CN] 我本希望你愿和我共渡此生 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)
And on romantic evenings of self I go salsa dancing with my confusion. [CN] 那就是困擾我的矛盾 在一個自己的浪漫的黃昏 我與我的疑惑共舞 Waking Life (2001)
There are three kinds of balls. [CN] 一共有三种球 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
I knew then that I wanted to spend my life with you. I can't explain it. [CN] 我也无法解释,但从那以后我就希望和你共度余生。 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
But that man's the President of the country. [JP] 共和国大統領閣下だぞ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
All the way down the line. What do you think? [CN] 我们共体时艰 你的看法如何 James Dean (2001)
Luke, the Force will be with you. [JP] ルーク フォースは君と共にある Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
The Force will be with you always. [JP] フォースが共にあらんことを... いつもな Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Join me... and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son. [JP] わしと組め 父と息子として 共に銀河に君臨するのだ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Tell me, these tents? [JP] それに共産主義に対して。 こんなテント? Live for Life (1967)
Dr. Poole, what's it like living for the better part of a year in such close proximity with Hal? [JP] プール博士 一年近くをハルと共に過ごした心境は? 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Two. I have one. The operations officer has the other one. [CN] 共有两把,我有一把,操作员管另一把 Bandits (2001)
Winton, you shouldn't be fighting with him out here in public. [CN] 温顿 - 公共场合不要这样 James Dean (2001)
Small printed material is pretty tough too. [CN] 是的, 那真的有共同性 微小的印料也相當堅硬 Waking Life (2001)
You, you and you. 3 million. That is all. [CN] 共三百万元,没多没少 Blow (2001)
So that's three million dollars. [CN] 总共300万元 Blow (2001)
Actually, it was done with "Gone with the Wind", and not many people know that. [JP] その通り! 「風と共に去りぬ」だって同じ事。 あまり知られてないけど。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
- It was a very nice time. [CN] 跟你共度时光真愉快 Serendipity (2001)
We have nothing in common. [CN] 我们根本无共同点 The Glass House (2001)
What do you mean? [JP] なに言ってんだよ あんなクソ共や... Taxi Driver (1976)
And what if we traveled all over the world while you performed with great orchestras in foreign lands? [JP] 2人でー緒に 世界中を旅するの 名地のオーケストラと 共演するためにね You're in Love, Charlie Brown (1967)
The Soviets intruded in Budapest because they felt guilty about the Hungarian communist party. [JP] ソビエトによるブタペストへの押し付けです。 何故ならー ー彼らはハンガリー共産党に 罪の意識を感じさせました。 Live for Life (1967)
The Force is with him. [JP] フォースが彼と共にあります Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
And the manifestations of this neo-human evolution could be dramatically counterintuitive. [CN] 和共同存在體與個體 現在不會受到時空的限制 這種新新人類進化的表現 將大大出乎意料 Waking Life (2001)
Uh, here comes Stan and Harry. [CN] 他们将和我们共进晚餐 Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001)
May the Force be with you. [JP] フォースが共にあらんことを Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
May the Force be with you. [JP] フォースが共にあらんことを Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Tonight they were coming over for dinner. [CN] 今晚将来访共进晚餐 The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
How blithely he grazes where he slept so long! [JP] 私と共に眠っていた馬が 何と幸せそうに草を食んでいること Siegfried (1980)
Secondary load-sharing unit is out. [JP] - 負荷共有機破損 Alien (1979)
Hollis felt that the water should belong to the public, and I don't think my father felt that way. [JP] 水は公共のものだと言い それに父は反対でした Chinatown (1974)

システム共通領域[システムきょうつうりょういき, shisutemu kyoutsuuryouiki] system common area [Add to Longdo]
データ共用[データきょうよう, de-ta kyouyou] data sharing [Add to Longdo]
ドキュメント共有[ドキュメントきょうゆう, dokyumento kyouyuu] document sharing [Add to Longdo]
ファイル共有[ファイルきょうゆう, fairu kyouyuu] file sharing [Add to Longdo]
ファイル共用[ファイルきょうよう, fairu kyouyou] file sharing [Add to Longdo]
共振[きょうしん, kyoushin] resonance (vs) [Add to Longdo]
共存するサービス要素[きょうぞんするサービスようそ, kyouzonsuru sa-bisu youso] symbiotic service element [Add to Longdo]
共存セグメント[きょうぞんセグメント, kyouzon segumento] coexisting segment [Add to Longdo]
共通アプリケーション環境[きょうつうアプリケーションかんきょう, kyoutsuu apurike-shon kankyou] CAE, Common Application Environment [Add to Longdo]
共通システム領域[きょうつうシステムりょういき, kyoutsuu shisutemu ryouiki] CSA, Common Service Area, Common System Area [Add to Longdo]
共通セグメント[きょうつうセグメント, kyoutsuu segumento] common segment [Add to Longdo]
共通デスクトップ環境[きょうつうデスクトップかんきょう, kyoutsuu desukutoppu kankyou] CDE, Common Desktop Environment [Add to Longdo]
共通バッファ[きょうつうバッファ, kyoutsuu baffa] common buffer [Add to Longdo]
共通ブロック[きょうつうブロック, kyoutsuu burokku] common block [Add to Longdo]
共通プログラム[きょうつうプログラム, kyoutsuu puroguramu] common program [Add to Longdo]
共通モデル[きょうつモデル, kyoutsu moderu] common model [Add to Longdo]
共通化[きゅうつうか, kyuutsuuka] collaboration [Add to Longdo]
共通割付け構造[きょうつうわりつけこうぞう, kyoutsuuwaritsukekouzou] generic layout structure [Add to Longdo]
共通管理情報サービス[きょうつうかんりじょうほうサービス, kyoutsuukanrijouhou sa-bisu] Common Management Information Services, CMIS [Add to Longdo]
共通管理情報サービス要素[きょうつうかんりじょうほうサービスようそ, kyoutsuukanrijouhou sa-bisu youso] Common Management Information Service Element, CMISE [Add to Longdo]
共通業務[きょうつぎょうむ, kyoutsugyoumu] common task [Add to Longdo]
共通細目[きょうつうさいもく, kyoutsuusaimoku] common subdivision [Add to Longdo]
共通識別子[きょうつうしきべつし, kyoutsuushikibetsushi] generic identifier [Add to Longdo]
共通線[きゅうつうせん, kyuutsuusen] common channel [Add to Longdo]
共通線信号[きゅうつせんしんごう, kyuutsusenshingou] common channel signalling [Add to Longdo]
共通線信号網[きゅうつせんしんごうもう, kyuutsusenshingoumou] common channel signalling network [Add to Longdo]
共通内容部[きょうつうないようぶ, kyoutsuunaiyoubu] generic content portion [Add to Longdo]
共通内容部記述部[きょうつうないようぶきじゅつぶ, kyoutsuunaiyoubukijutsubu] generic content portion description [Add to Longdo]
共通文書[きょうつうぶんしょ, kyoutsuubunsho] generic-document [Add to Longdo]
共通領域[きょうつうりょういき, kyoutsuuryouiki] common area [Add to Longdo]
共通論理構造[きょうつうろんりこうぞう, kyoutsuuronrikouzou] generic logical structure [Add to Longdo]
共同開発[きょうどうかいはつ, kyoudoukaihatsu] joint development [Add to Longdo]
共同実験[きょうどうじっけん, kyoudoujikken] joint test [Add to Longdo]
共同利用型音声照会通知システム[きょうどうりようけいおんせいしょうかいつうちシステム, kyoudouriyoukeionseishoukaitsuuchi shisutemu] ANSER, Automatic Answer Network System for Electrical Request [Add to Longdo]
共役直径対[きょうえきちょっけいたい, kyouekichokkeitai] conjugate diameter pair [Add to Longdo]
共役転置[きょうやくてんち, kyouyakutenchi] complex conjugate transpose (of a matrix) [Add to Longdo]
共有[きょうゆう, kyouyuu] share (vs), joint ownership, co-ownership [Add to Longdo]
共有メディア[きょうゆうメディア, kyouyuu medeia] shared (communication) medium [Add to Longdo]
共有メモリ[きゅうゆうメモリ, kyuuyuu memori] shared memory [Add to Longdo]
共有資源[きょうゆうしげん, kyouyuushigen] shared resources [Add to Longdo]
共有資産[きゅうゆうしさん, kyuuyuushisan] joint resource, shared resource [Add to Longdo]
共用[きょうよう, kyouyou] share (vs), common use [Add to Longdo]
共用プログラム[きょうようプログラム, kyouyou puroguramu] utility program, service program [Add to Longdo]
共用ルーチン[きょうようルーチン, kyouyou ru-chin] utility routine, service routine [Add to Longdo]
共用仮想領域[きょうようかそうりょういき, kyouyoukasouryouiki] SVA, Shared Virtual Area [Add to Longdo]
共用分散[きょうようぶんさん, kyouyoubunsan] covariance [Add to Longdo]
共用変数[きょうようへんすう, kyouyouhensuu] shared variable [Add to Longdo]
公共図書館[こうきょうとしょかん, koukyoutoshokan] public library [Add to Longdo]
資源共有[しげんきょうゆう, shigenkyouyuu] resource sharing [Add to Longdo]
磁気共鳴画像[じききょうめいがぞう, jikikyoumeigazou] magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
ドイツ連邦共和国[どいつれんぽうきょうわこく, doitsurenpoukyouwakoku] BRD, Bundesrepublik_Deutschland [Add to Longdo]
中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく, chuukajinminkyouwakoku] VR China, Volksrepublik_China [Add to Longdo]
公共[こうきょう, koukyou] Allgemeinheit, oeffentlich [Add to Longdo]
[とも, tomo] zusammen, beide, -alle [Add to Longdo]
共倒れ[ともだおれ, tomodaore] gleichzeitiger_Ruin, gemeinsamer_Ruin [Add to Longdo]
共同[きょうどう, kyoudou] Gemeinsamkeit, Zusammenarbeit, Partnerschaft [Add to Longdo]
共和国[きょうわこく, kyouwakoku] Republik [Add to Longdo]
共存[きょうそん, kyouson] Koexistenz [Add to Longdo]
共学[きょうがく, kyougaku] Koedukation [Add to Longdo]
共犯[きょうはん, kyouhan] Mitschuld [Add to Longdo]
共産圏[きょうさんけん, kyousanken] die_kommunistischen_Laender [Add to Longdo]
共謀[きょうぼう, kyoubou] Verschwoerung, heimliches_Einverstaendnis [Add to Longdo]
共通[きょうつう, kyoutsuu] gemeinsam [Add to Longdo]
共鳴[きょうめい, kyoumei] Resonanz;, Mitgefuehl, , Sympathie [Add to Longdo]
欧州共同体[おうしゅうきょうどうたい, oushuukyoudoutai] Europaeische_Gemeinschaft, -EG [Add to Longdo]

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