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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
緊急配備[きんきゅうはいび, kinkyuuhaibi] (n) emergency deployment (police, etc.); emergency posting [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We got a BOLO out. We alerted the media.[JP] 緊急配備をしき メディアに警報も 出したが White as the Driven Snow (2014)
Cho just got a hit on the BOLO.[JP] チョーが緊急配備で見つけました Grey Water (2014)
Run his credit card and phone records, and have Rigsby put out a bolo.[JP] 調べさせて リグスビーは緊急配備 Where in the World is Carmine O'Brien? (2011)
Put a B.O.L.O. out on his car.[JP] 彼の車を緊急配備 Red Sails in the Sunset (2012)
I'll call in a BOLO.[JP] 緊急配備をかける Grey Water (2014)
So far, I've kept my end of the deal.[JP] 緊急配備の網は 破れないわ Code Name: The Cleaner (2007)
Okay, put out an APB.[JP] わかった、緊急配備をして。 Morton's Fork (2014)
Reports of rioting continue to flow in, and we've now received word that officials in Washington are scrambling to mobilize the military in case of all-out war.[JP] 暴動発生のニュースも 途絶える事がありません 政府高官筋からの最新情報によると 軍が緊急配備を進め Red Rain (2011)
Get us a bird in the air.[JP] 緊急配備しろ Ring Around the Rosie (2011)
Nothing on Julia and Angie McAlister, but we got an APB out.[JP] ジュリアとアンジーについては 何も でも緊急配備を敷いたわ Exigent Circumstances (2013)
Deploy more units![JP] クッソー (木島) 緊急配備だ バカ野郎 畜生! Negotiator: Mashita Masayoshi (2005)
- Emergency evasives.[JP] 緊急配備 Star Trek (2009)


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