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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
直射[ちょくしゃ, chokusha] (n, vs, adj-no) direct fire; frontal fire; direct rays (of sunlight) [Add to Longdo]
直射日光[ちょくしゃにっこう, chokushanikkou] (n) direct sunlight; direct rays of the sun [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I can remember... when nothing frightened me as much as the idea of... a bullet coming straight for my nose.[CN] 我还记得我最怕的是枪弹直直射向我的鼻子 Patton (1970)
Point-blank.[JP] 直射 Welcome to Westfield (2012)
I don't know why, but the image of a bullet coming right for my nose... was more horrible than any other possibility.[CN] 我不知道为什么 但是枪弹直直射向鼻子的念头是最可怕的 Patton (1970)
It doesn't show, but I fixed the barrel, so it doesn't shoot straight.[CN] 枪管被我改装过,外表看不出来 所以子弹不会直射 Tokyo Eyes (1998)
Pelvic wounds are from a 12-gauge at point-blank range.[JP] 直射の12番の散弾銃で 骨盤が撃たれた Night Finds You (2015)
Took two shots to the chest, point blank.[JP] 胸に2発 直射 Wolf and Cub (2012)
The sun striking the comet will cause the temperature to rise 350 degrees in just a few minutes and activate the high-speed gas jets.[CN] 太阳直射彗星,仅仅几分钟内 就会使彗星的温度上升350度, 并引起高速气体喷射。 Deep Impact (1998)
Point-blank, Briney.[CN] 近距直射、勃拉尼 Part VII (1988)
You always were, straight shooter.[CN] 你永远是, 直射手。 Bad Turn Worse (2013)
They're shining right into our upstairs.[CN] 強光直射到我們樓上 Lakeview Terrace (2008)
You see? I don't think that they can handle the sunlight either.[JP] 彼らも直射日光を 処理出来ないのだと思います Battleship (2012)
All fish running hot, straight and normal.[CN] 1040)\fs90\bord1\shad1\1cHF0F0F0 }四枚鱼雷都直直射向敌舰 U-571 (2000)


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